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ench kei+ cast macro (1 Viewer)


Jul 26, 2005
Is there a macro that..

accepts trade
invites target
casts when group is full

over and over.. or somthing that can be used to cast kei+ for plat
This has been asked for so many times... and it still remains a *really* bad idea. Everyone knows the quickest and surest way to be banned is to be /reported, and to write a macro for this and not look like a bot you'd have to anticipate every single type of interaction you'd ever have with people, which just isn't possible in my experience; it'll look obviously scripted no matter what. With that said there is probably one floating around there somewhere... I haven't seen it though
Pugs said:
i agree i have even seen this busted in the guild hall.

yep another friend regardless of how many times i told him not to set a virt bot in the guild hall in that little pool thing. took soe less then 36 hours to ban him. just little tidbits just not a good idea lol
When you get reported, don't say you weren't warned.

Never tested so I have no idea if it even works, was just bored :p

Rich (BB code):
| Originally written by jdelpheki
| Banmeplz.mac
| AFK KeI bot, may or may not work 
| WILL get you banned, or at least make you look like a tool

#include Spell_Routines.inc 

#event NewGroup "You have formed the group." 
#event addplayer "#*#has joined the group." 
#event groupgone "Your group has been disbanded" 
#event TryToCheat "#*#cancelled the trade." 
#event trytotrade "#*#is interested in making a trade." 
#event ToDumb "#*#is already in another group." 
#event thankaftercast "#*#Your mind expands#*#" 
#event toopowerful "Your spell is too powerful for your intended target." 
#event NoHold "Your spell did not take hold." 
#event NoOverWrite "Your spell would not have taken hold on your target." 
#event GotKei "Your mind expands beyond the bounds of space and time." 
#event cast "#*#we ready?#*#" 
#event NoOverWrite "Your spell would not have taken hold on your target." 

Sub Main 

   /declare groupcount int outer 0 
   /declare watchdog timer outer 80s 
   /declare GroupTimer timer outer 45s 
   /declare pickcast int outer 
   /declare DoAgain bool outer FALSE 
   /declare StartCast bool outer FALSE 
   /declare SpellSlot int outer 
   /declare CastTime int outer 
   /declare LastSn string outer NA  
   /declare SpellFail bool outer FALSE 
   /declare Remem bool outer FALSE 
   /declare BuffList[50,2] string outer 
   /declare BuffListTimes[50,2] int outer 0 
   /declare BuffListCount int outer 0 
   /declare SpellGem int outer 
   /declare CTimer timer outer 
   /declare OOMtimer timer outer 
   /declare DelayTimer timer outer 
   /declare SitTimer timer outer 
   /declare MyTimer timer Outer 

   /declare playernum string outer 

   /echo Kei helper in progress 
   /echo More than likely you will be banned for using this, so don't say you weren't warned

/ooc Generic Spam Message for Kei 
   /varset pickcast 5 
   /delay 5
   /if (${MyTimer}<=0) /call Lastcall  

    /if (!${Window[TradeWnd].Open}) { 
      /goto :wait      
    } else /if (${Window[TradeWnd].Open}) { 
    /call invite 
  /goto :wait 


sub invite 
  /varset MyTimer 40s 
  /if (${Target.Level}>44) /varset pickcast 2 
  /if (${Target.Level}<45) /call sort 
  /if (${pickcast}==4) {
     /tt did you cancel on purpose? 
     /goto :exit 
  /if (${pickcast}==3) { 
   |was using this to not charge guildies but it crshed the macro some times 
     /notify TradeWnd TRDW_Cancel_Button LeftMouseUp 
        /if (!${Window[TradeWnd].Open}) { 
        /delay 2s 
        /goto :exit 
    /goto :3holding 
  /if (${pickcast}==2) { 
    |puts them in your group 
      /notify TradeWnd TRDW_Trade_Button LeftMouseUp 
        /if (!${Window[TradeWnd].Open}) { 
        /delay 2s 
        /goto :exit 
    /goto :2holding 
  /if (${pickcast}==1) { 
   |for C2 Junkies 
      /notify TradeWnd TRDW_Trade_Button LeftMouseUp 
        /if (!${Window[TradeWnd].Open}) { 
        /call Cast "clarity II" gem1 5s
        /delay 5 
        /call Cast "gift of magic" gem2 5s
        /goto :exit 
    /goto :1holding 
  /if (${pickcast}==0) { 
     |C1 Junkies 
      /notify TradeWnd TRDW_Trade_Button LeftMouseUp 
      /if (!${Window[TradeWnd].Open}) { 
      /call Cast "Clarity" gem3 5s
      /delay 5 
      /call Cast "Gift of magic" gem2 5s
      /goto :exit 
    /goto :0holding 
  /goto :hold 


Sub Sort 
      /if (${Target.Level}>40) /varset pickcast 0 
      /if (${Target.Level}<39) /varset pickcast 1 

Sub Event_Timer(Timer, Original) 
    /if ( ${Timer.Equal[watchdog]} ) { 
       /varset watchdog 80s 
       /delay ${Math.Rand[15]} 
       /echo Spamming 
       /ooc More generic Kei spam

sub Lastcall 
   |was tring to put a timer to call this function 2 minutes after first player joined or on full group 
   |But it kept getting confused about who first player to join was 
   /keypress F1 
   /g If you have old KEI Please remove 
   /delay 5s 
   /cast "Koadic's Endless Intellect" gem4 5s
   /g thanks for your donations. please disband soon so that other junkies may get thier fix. happy hunting! 

|---------------------------------------Group Stuff------------------------------------- 

sub event_ToDumb 
   /DECLARE ncount LOCAL INT 0 
   /varset playernum ${Me.Target} 
   /VARCALC (${ncount}+1) 
   /echo Wrong group 
   /delay 5s 
   /invite ${playernum} 
   /if (${ncount}==2) /goto :exitloop 
   /goto :holding 

sub event_TryToTrade 
   /echo waiting on %T to hit trade 
|-----------------------------------------Recast issues------------------------| 
sub event_TooPowerful 
   /g ahhh someones to LOW 

sub event_NoHold 
   /echo NO HOLD 
  /g some one failed to remove there old KeI! 

sub event_NoOverWrite 
   /echo OVER WRITE 
  /g some one failed to remove there old KeI! 

|----------------------------------------other issues 

sub event_TryToCheat 
   /echo CHEATING 
   /varset pickcast 4 
   /say hrm %T 

sub event_Thankaftercast 
  /varset groupcount 0 
  /g thanks for your donations. 

Sub Delay(DelayTime) 
| Time Critical /call's that do simple calculations go in the for loop.  
| Do not put things in here that might interfere with other functions. 
/varset DelayTimer ${DelayTime} 
/delay 1 

/if (${DelayTimer}>0) /goto :DlyLoop 
ench kei+ cast macro

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