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Problem - EQBC and 3 diff router.... (1 Viewer)


New member
May 24, 2015

I have 3 diff router in my house, my main which is a Netgear r6400 host my main computer, any others computer on this router connect fine to my EQBC , the problem is when i try to connect it from a pc from a different router, i went Inside my router netgears and made a rule that EQBC app can use the port 2112 and still when i try to connect from any others router adding the port 2112 it still wont connect.

Do i have to do anything with my others router for it to work ? or i do something wrong on my Netgear router ?

if you Wonder why i am using 3 diff router its due to the truebox code, i have 3 ip from being a very very old Customer on my ISP provider so i splitted a lots of computers across these 3 router, so when i press hotkey it doesnt disconnect me all the time.

Thx for your help
check the ip address of each main computer connected to each router and use /bccmd connect XXX.XXX.X.XX where the X's are the ip address of that main comp on that router and check no conflicts with other routers/comps.

- - - Updated - - -

am assuming your in USA? otherwise would love to know how you manage to connect 3 routers to one broadband/telephone line.
I am in canada actualy on a optic 65 mps connection, there doesnt seem to be any Ip conflict from what i can see, i fixed the IP on my main pc to remain the same IP as it changed each time i rebooted the Netgear router. The only thing i didnt try yet is reboot all routers if it can matter ( shouldnt as i unlocked only the port on the Netgear router) off to bed for now, any hint would be appreciated. I will look at it when i Wake up. I unlocked the port 2112, so i am using 192.xxx.x.x 2112 to connect, it still fail on those being on my asus router and dlink router. Only the computer on the netgears working perfectly.
A couple things to check, first can you see all computers between all three routers when going to my network or do they only see the other computers within the router they are connected to? Second is do you have each router running it's own DNS assignments or is the Netgear the master and the rest connecting more or less as a switch instead of a router?

It is possible from how you describe the way you have your connection made that you will need to the computers on the "other" routers to use the internet IP address to the EQBC server and connect through the web rather than locally.
Ok i opened the Nat filtering , itsnt the best thing to do but while testing it allow about anything. It still didnt work, i am guessing my problem is all three routers doesnt see each others local network. My connection go like this: my ISP provider Modem going into a switch so the modem assign me 3 different IP source. 3 cable going out of the switch , 1 to a netgears ( my main computer is on that one with 4 more computers ** they see eachothers on the local network **) , 1 going out to a asus router with 4 more computer plugged into, last ethernet cable going out to a dlink routers with 4 more computers on it. Each router see his own local network but doesnt see others 2 local network....Each router split his own IP into multiple going to the others 4 pc, this is the only ways i wasnt kicked out of the game by the truebox code. I have multiple keyboards and mixed the order of them i pressed my hotkey , exemple: 7 mages , mage 1 on Netgear, mage 2 on asus, mage 3 on dlink etc... it gave me enough delay between smashing hotkey for me to NOT be kicked out of the game. If i place 3 keyboard which i will be smashing the hotkey right after each others coming from the same router = BOOM auto disconnect. I guess i will need to connect through the web insteand of localy ? if so how i do this? if anyone can help.

Thx for the help
Ok i opened the Nat filtering , itsnt the best thing to do but while testing it allow about anything. It still didnt work, i am guessing my problem is all three routers doesnt see each others local network. My connection go like this: my ISP provider Modem going into a switch so the modem assign me 3 different IP source. 3 cable going out of the switch , 1 to a netgears ( my main computer is on that one with 4 more computers ** they see eachothers on the local network **) , 1 going out to a asus router with 4 more computer plugged into, last ethernet cable going out to a dlink routers with 4 more computers on it. Each router see his own local network but doesnt see others 2 local network....Each router split his own IP into multiple going to the others 4 pc, this is the only ways i wasnt kicked out of the game by the truebox code. I have multiple keyboards and mixed the order of them i pressed my hotkey , exemple: 7 mages , mage 1 on Netgear, mage 2 on asus, mage 3 on dlink etc... it gave me enough delay between smashing hotkey for me to NOT be kicked out of the game. If i place 3 keyboard which i will be smashing the hotkey right after each others coming from the same router = BOOM auto disconnect. I guess i will need to connect through the web insteand of localy ? if so how i do this? if anyone can help.

Thx for the help

That would be the avenue to keep your set up the way it is. Work the EQBC IP address from the web side for the other routers and it's computers to talk to the server rather than trying to use the local IP settings. That should make it all happen for you with your set up.
I need to find a host to set it up i guess ? you know a kind of guide or something to help me out?.

I be back in few hours launch is over , going back work

- - - Updated - - -

Solved my probem so i will explain to everyone in case someone got my problem someday.

You need to go Inside your main router and do a port forwarding ( add a service name and use your main computer as IP ) in my case it was 192.168.x.x *** internal port and external must be set to 2112 or whatever you prefer ***, if you doesnt want to remake the rule everytime you get a blackout or you unplug your router have your computer with a static ip and use Google dns or something , restart your router from here, so you get back your internet on that comp.

Once your forwarding is done, go on what is my ip, you will get your router IP from it, exemple 205.xxx.xx.xxx use this to connect your computer OUTSIDE your local network, so /bccmd connect 205.xxx.xx.xxx 2112 and it will connect, your main router will forward to the port 2112 and allow the connection.

Hope it help someone someday.
Problem - EQBC and 3 diff router....

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