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Software EQEmu Project Retribution Q (1 Viewer)


Jul 4, 2017
Hello all! It's been quite awhile since I've logged on, although I came across a new Emu server called Project Retribution that sounds like a lot of fun! I'm not meaning to promote anything, I'm just curious if VeryVanilla will work on this server? It appears to be running the RoF2 client.

Thank you in advance!
this is from their FAQ.

I’ve seen people talking about MQ, is Macroquest allowed? #
MQ/E3 is fine for most basic functionality. We even have some MQ developers that player here.
However, it is to be understood that warping and unattended play are forbidden. 
Just don’t be a fool and follow the rules outlined in Discord. 
An excellent place to start, is the E3 Discord.
this is from their FAQ.

I’ve seen people talking about MQ, is Macroquest allowed? #
MQ/E3 is fine for most basic functionality. We even have some MQ developers that player here.
However, it is to be understood that warping and unattended play are forbidden.
Just don’t be a fool and follow the rules outlined in Discord.
An excellent place to start, is the E3 Discord.
Thank you! I must apologize as I barely know my way around VeryVanilla (learning! :dance:), and I didn't use MQ when it first came out so I assume when they mention MQ they mean RedGuides VeryVanilla which is what it is now yes?
Thank you! I must apologize as I barely know my way around VeryVanilla (learning! :dance:), and I didn't use MQ when it first came out so I assume when they mention MQ they mean RedGuides VeryVanilla which is what it is now yes?
RedGuides is a flavor of MQ, it uses MQ as the base and builds off of that. there is also the emu specific version that uses E3 and mono for a macro system which is referenced in the FAQ for the server.

both from my testing work find on emu servers.
I'm more familiar with Redguides and the scripts/macros here so i tend to use this over E3
Now you have level 2 access your first month is on me. Go use RGMERCS Lua on your EMU
I just saw this thank you! I am sorry for your loss! It's clear from your story you learned to become the protector of your family, and along the way learned to be generous as well, and for that I thank you!
Software EQEmu Project Retribution Q

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