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Patch - EQMac kickstarter: Donate if you want to play on PC. (2 Viewers)


Oct 15, 2004
Due to the recent patch on Al'Kabor (EQMac) PC players are no longer able to play on EQ Mac. The patch broke the hack by Secrets. EQMule is working on a patch to fix this.

If you'd like to support his endeavors, please donate via paypal by clicking here.

This is not required, but appreciated if you leave a note you're donating from Redguides.

Please also post here if you've donated.
Re: EQMac players: Donate if you want to play on PC.

Just so you guys know, this patch will be broken continually until people stop fixing it, or until Sony decides it's not worth their resources to keep fixing it every day and decide to shut down the server entirely.

Unfortunate, but true.
Re: EQMac players: Donate if you want to play on PC.

They haven't patched alkabor in forever I don't see them patching eqmac every month which is the only thing that can break the hack.
Re: EQMac players: Donate if you want to play on PC.

Just so you guys know, this patch will be broken continually until people stop fixing it, or until Sony decides it's not worth their resources to keep fixing it every day and decide to shut down the server entirely.

Unfortunate, but true.

I doubt they intended to break it, they just finally pushed the updates on test to the normal launcher.
Re: EQMac players: Donate if you want to play on PC.

I doubt they intended to break it, they just finally pushed the updates on test to the normal launcher.

Some people... if you have to tell 'em, they can't be told.

That said, they are intentionally breaking the PC client whether you believe it or not. Why? Because as of late Hobart learned that MacroQuest was coming and he knows that MacroQuest runs only on PC.

If what's happening isn't obvious by now, you guys need to go back to school or at least get your heads out of the clouds.

- - - Updated - - -

I want this server to live. I want it to thrive. But in order for it to do so, they need to reinstate subscriptions, allow the PC client and provide for GMs/Guides to help regulate the bullshit that's going to occur on a daily basis.
I agree that Hobart did this to break the pc-client/macroquest2, just by looking at the changes he implemented, but really, they couldn't break it on live servers for 15 years I don't expect him to be able to break it on this server. It is futile..., there is nothing he can do that I cant patch clientside... change opcodes fine, ill proxy them, move structmembers around, ill move mine around... mess with the packets, ill unmess them (im at charselect already) its cat and mouse, he can patch his client as much as he likes, ill patch mine... All it accomplishes is some downtime for pc users and some challenging fun for me, to tell u the truth I was excited to dig into the new client as soon as it was pushed... If push comes to shove, and I for some unfathomable reason cant fix this, I swear I will port MQ2 to mac... That client is so much easier to work with than the pcclient anyway since all the functions are plaintext...

UPDATE Aug 27 2013: I am in game now. Expect a new eqgame.exe within a day or two.
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I agree that Hobart did this to break the pc-client/macroquest2, just by looking at the changes he implemented, but really, they couldn't break it on live servers for 15 years I don't expect him to be able to break it on this server. It is futile..., there is nothing he can do that I cant patch clientside... change opcodes fine, ill proxy them, move structmembers around, ill move mine around... mess with the packets, ill unmess them (im at charselect already) its cat and mouse, he can patch his client as much as he likes, ill patch mine... All it accomplishes is some downtime for pc users and some challenging fun for me, to tell u the truth I was excited to dig into the new client as soon as it was pushed... If push comes to shove, and I for some unfathomable reason cant fix this, I swear I will port MQ2 to mac... That client is so much easier to work with than the pcclient anyway since all the functions are plaintext...

Right now the server gets hammered with lots of login requests from pc users who are understandably upset that they cant play anymore.
I wish they would stop since it delays my development, so if u read this, and are a pc user, give up ok, its not going to work until I get my patch released. One of the changes was the login packet which is now 200 bytes instead of 196 so no matter how much you try server is not going to let u connect.

Hey Eqmule,

Also be aware that the server is being a huge piece of shit right now - going down left and right. Not sure if this affects you, and you're probably aware - but figured I'd throw it out there.
I'm just curious... who is eqmule? Assuming this is an anon account for someone else here? If not, how do people know him/her?
I agree that Hobart did this to break the pc-client/macroquest2, just by looking at the changes he implemented, but really, they couldn't break it on live servers for 15 years I don't expect him to be able to break it on this server. It is futile..., there is nothing he can do that I cant patch clientside... change opcodes fine, ill proxy them, move structmembers around, ill move mine around... mess with the packets, ill unmess them (im at charselect already) its cat and mouse, he can patch his client as much as he likes, ill patch mine... All it accomplishes is some downtime for pc users and some challenging fun for me, to tell u the truth I was excited to dig into the new client as soon as it was pushed... If push comes to shove, and I for some unfathomable reason cant fix this, I swear I will port MQ2 to mac... That client is so much easier to work with than the pcclient anyway since all the functions are plaintext...

Right now the server gets hammered with lots of login requests from pc users who are understandably upset that they cant play anymore.
I wish they would stop since it delays my development, so if u read this, and are a pc user, give up ok, its not going to work until I get my patch released. One of the changes was the login packet which is now 200 bytes instead of 196 so no matter how much you try server is not going to let u connect.

I like this guy. He has fire. :P
Probobly best to stop this here - This is not where this "discussion" should be. This is a topic to bring in donations to help the return of EQMac for PC.

Please keep ON topic - That is donating/donations TO eqmule for being so amazing.


I only wanna see donation posts from here out... If you want to continue the discussion, feel free to make a new topic in the flame area to duke it out or via PM (preferred.)
OK some news, I am in game, everything works fine, I will try to release a standalone client in a day or so, just need to polish it alittle so we don't need to add dlls and stuff, Im pretty sure I can fit everything into the exe itself. (codecaves)
I donated even tho I don't play on EQmac. Thanks for keeping this going for folks who don't/can't use Macs.

mods, feel free to create a new post with relevant notes on how to use this, you might want to include the techinfo text which is in the zip, excluding any references to MQ2 and stuff. This version is absolutely free, and I want it to be available to any access level.

Something to note, is that with this version you can have your eqmac directory anywhere...

If you are just updating an old installation you can keep current keybinds and stuff, and just replace these:

The zip is really for those who do a clean installation...
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Thank you so much Eqmule, Pm with with your alkabor's char's name. i wish to donate PP since i don't have the funds to donate irl.

Edit: question: Do we need to overwrite eqclient.ini or could we keep our existing settings and keybindings ect
Massive thanks to eqmule, just copied the files over to my EQMac folder, straight copy/paste. overwriting the old files, works like a charm.
If you are just updating an old installation you can keep current keybinds and stuff, and just replace these:

The zip is really for those who do a clean installation...
having a read through your .txt file, it says you no longer need wsock32.dll in your directory, that's great
you also talk about sending the correct checksum to be able to loot corpses

so does this mean eqgame.exe and eqgame.dll are now interacting and matching correctly, thus no longer sending the wrong checksum to the server every 2 seconds like the Secrets client did?
you also talk about sending the correct checksum to be able to loot corpses

Id like to address this first.
the checksum has nothing to do with looting corpses, what I do, is just intercept the opcode for looting and then call the correct function for it.

so does this mean eqgame.exe and eqgame.dll are now interacting and matching correctly, thus no longer sending the wrong checksum to the server every 2 seconds like the Secrets client did?
From what I can tell by looking at his eqgame.dll it does two things, 1. same thing as I explained above regarding to loot.
2. detour getmodulefilename.

now I do the EXACT same thing in my eqgame.dll, with only one minor difference, his dll needs a static c:\eqmac path, mine doesn't.

There is NO WAY his version of eqgame.dll (or mine) have anything to do with the wrong checksum being sent.
Let me explain:

So the client (eqgame.exe) wants to tell the server a few "checksums" during the course of you playing.
One of those is its own, another is the one for spells_en.txt and there is one for guilds as well, and a couple others, I don't want to go into all of them here, but those are the main ones.

Ok, so lets talk about the eqgame.exe one first:
eqgame.exe calls getmodulefilename to get its own path (this is where we return the path to "eqmac.exe" instead)
then it does a crc32 on the whole file and the result is a hash which is sent to the server.
Same thing goes for spells_en.txt and so on, but since we never make any changes to those files, there is no reason to circumvent those checks in any way.
IF a user edits his spells file for example, THEN the checksum will be wrong, BUT THAT... that is not my (or secrets) fault.
If the user replaces the eqmac.exe with another version, well then the wrong checksum will obviously be sent, again, that's not our problem either.

IF there was a scenario where the wrong checksum was sent, it just meant the user has the wrong eqmac.exe or wrong spells_en.txt or some other file that's checked which does not match the latest mac patch. Im pretty sure one of the secret zips out there like the 1.0 one had an old version of eqmac.exe and if people used that one, yes absolutely they would be playing with a client that sent wrong checksums... Im not so sure about the 1.1 zip, but I think that too had an outdated eqmac.exe in it, I see that as a userproblem though, they could have just updated their version by taking the everquest file in the macos directory and renamed it eqmac.exe and they should have been fine. (Of course this is not easy for ordinary users to keep track of, let alone understand, so I don't blame anyone for not knowing that, in any case, use my zips from now on and I will update them when needed if there is another patch)

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Not saying I don't appreciate your efforts and achievements eqmule, but the point I was trying to make is that as much fun as it is for you, it's as equally unfun for Hobart. Despite his passion for EQMac and the special place reserved for it in his heart, he doesn't patch it frequently because he does it for no charge, Sony doesn't spend a dime on this (again, Hobart donates any and all hours to Al`Kabor), the legitimate members who fought tooth and nail to keep this server running when SOE budget cuts were forcing its closure are becoming more and more rare, and while I'm totally for MQ and EQ, some things just weren't meant to be. And the marriage of EQMac and MQ is one of them, sadly.

MQ will end this server, whether anyone believes it or not. And whether you enjoy coding it on PC or Mac is irrelevant, unless you're the one footing the bill.
I think we are just gonna have to disagree on this one, mq2 has been out since June and I don't see any players leaving the server, if anything I have seen quite a few players actually come join us on it now that they have an incentive to do so in mq. I don't know what kind of experience you have had with mq2 for eqmac, but I can tell you it only adds value, doesn't contain any detrimental active hacks and was created to bring some features in that exist on live servers. Map, spell menu, save spell sets, loot all button, bazaar search and so on to name a few, I will never release any warp plugins for it (or the likes) and no one else will either since I control this particular release. Also it fixes a few bugs, the FPS problem comes to mind... I have a lot of respect for Hobart , and I actually believe that some if not all of the stuff I added, would have been added by him eventually if given enough resources/time. 90% of what we added for live servers with mq2, soe added years later, I just stepped in and gave some added features a bit earlier...
Patch - EQMac kickstarter: Donate if you want to play on PC.

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