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News - Everquest on mobile - Daybreak Press Release (1 Viewer)

Mar 9, 2017
NantWorks, a diversified holding company, today announced that it has made a strategic investment in Daybreak Game Company, a leading developer and publisher of multiplayer online games. In connection with the investment, NantWorks has obtained a controlling interest in a new joint venture with Daybreak, NantG Mobile, LLC, which has been formed to develop and publish mobile versions of Daybreak’s current games – H1Z1 and EverQuest – and to build and publish video games across all platforms. In addition, the JV will now assume control and management of the current PC H1Z1 Battle Royale game. Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, CEO and Chairman of NantWorks and Owner and Executive Chairman of the Los Angeles Times, will join Daybreak’s board of directors. - Full Daybreak press release

Hope this doesn't kill the PC version of EQ. On the flip side I should see if they are hiring for android devs =)
To be honest: I am not soooo sure that EQ will benefit from that looking at the new investor's field of play which appears to be esports.

But read for yourself (https://gamedaily.biz/article/231/d...es-new-investment-sets-up-mobile-based-studio)
As a result of the new joint venture between Daybreak and NantWorks, as well as the significant investment, NantWorks CEO Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong will join Daybreak’s board of directors.

“Daybreak Games is pleased to have NantWorks as our investment partner to support and accelerate the growth of our company,” said Daybreak chairman Jason Epstein in a prepared statement. “Working with NantWorks, NantStudio and Dr. Soon-Shiong will allow us to maintain our cutting-edge development in the video game industry and to benefit from Nant’s technological expertise and reach as a resource.”

John Wiacek, head of NantG Mobile’s game engine development, added: “Daybreak’s well tested game engine currently running Everquest and H1Z1, combined with the proprietary next generation mobile game engine which we will develop and launch in the joint venture, are platforms which will enable unprecedented scale and provide enjoyment to millions of simultaneous players.”

“I am delighted that our software capabilities at NantWorks, together with the creative expertise and infrastructure at NantStudio – which includes our low latency fiber network, will help accelerate the development of the platform at Daybreak, a company with history dating back to its origins as Sony Online Entertainment,” Dr. Soon-Shiong continued. “Their achievements in the development of gaming technology have contributed greatly to this emerging field of virtual sports and we view this medium as an important media engagement engine.”

Dr. Soon-Shiong is also the Executive Chairman of the Los Angeles Times, which will see it begin coverage of esports in its sports section, per the release. NantWorks is also in the process of beginning construction for a new esports-centic arena, fittingly named the Los Angeles Times Center, opposite the new HQ of the LA Times in El Segundo. The venue will include an event space, a production space for the Times and esport arenas.

“The growth of virtual sports has been explosive,” noted Norman Pearlstine, Executive Editor at the LA Times. “We look forward to covering all the major games companies, including Daybreak.”

Nantworks’ significant investment in both the LA Times and Daybreak is decidedly non-traditional. Dr. Soon-Shiong’s commitment to bringing esports coverage to the LA Times, seemingly as a result of investing in Daybreak, has the potential to elevate the mainstream impression of esports beyond a niche “gamer culture” corner of the internet.
Its an influx of money into the Daybreak company not EQ1. I guess most of you keep drinking their Koolaid still, and keep hoping its going to bring in money into EQ1 when the record has shown they've continuously spent the money EQ1 made them on other projects, quite a few which failed.

Also, don't forget just because they changed their name to Daybreak doesn't mean that the majority of the people working there aren't the same people that were working for SOE either. They'll keep doing the same stupid shit they've always done and invest in failed projects instead of actually investing in the games that are making them money currently.
Its an influx of money into the Daybreak company not EQ1. I guess most of you keep drinking their Koolaid still, and keep hoping its going to bring in money into EQ1 when the record has shown they've continuously spent the money EQ1 made them on other projects, quite a few which failed.

Also, don't forget just because they changed their name to Daybreak doesn't mean that the majority of the people working there aren't the same people that were working for SOE either. They'll keep doing the same stupid shit they've always done and invest in failed projects instead of actually investing in the games that are making them money currently.

I'm not ready to be hurt again, but I hope you're wrong. I hope the investors take note of the PC version's success, and for every 100 kobolds you collect in EQ: Go! you get a new plushie figurine on PC.
Christ-- money went in and y'all are whining. When the Russians are coming, the Russians are coming everyone was worried EQ would be shut down because of investigations. Conspiracy minded, anyone? :)
Not conspiracy minded.... simply trying to politely point out that a bunch of DBG money being spent on a mobile version of EQ has almost no impact on actual EQ, other than there's money being spent on something OTHER than the actual EQ. Saying this is going to be a shot in the arm of regular EQ seems a bit overly optimistic.
Saying this is going to be a shot in the arm of regular EQ seems a bit overly optimistic.

I agree. My one hope is that people exposed to EQ on the mobile version might be tempted to explore the original. I know, naive and unlikely, but I'd love a little new blood in this game I hope to play for many years to come.
If the strategy is to make EQ mobile, they'll look to tie in what makes $ on EQ. I would bet they'll consult a shady swashbuckler or two and find LoN cards to be an easy money maker. I doubt they'll start making any cuts on EQ desktop, they're going to want to use that data to find out what makes EQ so deliciously addicting (hint: endless search) and combine that with the best dopamine seeking reward loop there is (mobile scrolling :f5:).

If they're really on it, they'll find a way to tie krono in.
I think the worse thing that ever happened to Everquest was Everquest II. The games are too similar. Haven't played EQ in maybe 8 months now, even cancelled all accounts. Tried WoW, bought their new expansion and just ran around doing quest as an SK or deathknight, which starts you at lvl55. Only played up to lvl72, all solo, but it's all been the same sht over and over in a different area. I imagine they do have epic style quest in there, but I didn't see any. Just always the same. Cancelled WoW today, installing EQ and EQ2 on my laptop. Going to rethink how I want to multi account EQ. EQ2 already released info for the next expansion, EQ supposedly will do that tomorrow after the patch. I still haven't even gotten through 10% of last years expansion lol
Its an influx of money into the Daybreak company not EQ1. I guess most of you keep drinking their Koolaid still, and keep hoping its going to bring in money into EQ1 when the record has shown they've continuously spent the money EQ1 made them on other projects, quite a few which failed.

Also, don't forget just because they changed their name to Daybreak doesn't mean that the majority of the people working there aren't the same people that were working for SOE either. They'll keep doing the same stupid shit they've always done and invest in failed projects instead of actually investing in the games that are making them money currently.

I agree that it's very doubtful Daybreak will invest in EQ1. Though I wouldn't be surprised if they somehow tie in the mobile game with Eq1, like LoN was or something similar.

Logically speaking though, from a company perspective - it's not worth it for them to invest more money into EQ1. What exactly would they get out of it? Say they spent the next 5 years making every expansion double in size; would that attract any new players? Would it keep current players entertained longer? Both of these questions are very difficult to answer. I don't know people that quit EQ cause they run out of stuff to do, I have met plenty that get burned out and stop for a few months and then come back though. You can't really "buy" an end to players burnout in the same way you could make a new game and try to attract a new crowd.

Defending Daybreak aside, I can't wait to see them make another "pre order" campaign like they did with Everquest Next; where they promised you things like your name in the credits and all this cool stuff in a game that never even seen the light of day. Then they didn't publicly apologize for stealing people's money and made no effort to reimburse any of their players with like an Everquest Next ornament memorabilia or something in game.

My guess is that this mobile game they want to design probably won't even see the light of day, they'll promote the hell out of it, ask for preorder donations then a few years will go by and they'll just cancel it and, of course, it'll be the other companies fault that the project never got off the ground. Cause it's never Daybreak's fault. *sarcasm*
News - Everquest on mobile - Daybreak Press Release

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