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Question - Evolve Neck (1 Viewer)

Aug 24, 2019
I'm working on the Evolve necks for my toons and I am curious what everybody else is using or what the best augs are? I run a sk, shm, bard, monk, zerk, and beast. As of now I have the 2 defense augs (ac softcap and mitigate .8% damage) in my sk, but am wondering what the consensus is for those?
We use the front percent for tanks and then plus stats augs. The AC soft cap can't really be parsed with a difference. Just my 2 cents. The extra heroics stars boost you accuracy, str etc.
From my personal parsing, that Ruby of Offense is not worth equipping if you are raid geared. And only helps very little if your group geared.
First one belongs to one of my tank and second one belongs to one of my dps.

At this point the stats are so over inflated I just slap whatever I have with % modifier on my stuff. Doubt it make a noticeable difference.

Question - Evolve Neck

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