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Examinable quest items and how to keep them from "poofing" after you use them. (1 Viewer)


Dec 27, 2004
Examinable quest items and how to keep them from "poofing" after you use them.

SOE thought they nerfed this, but here's a similar workaround. This works well with things like a Giant Idol, or any other Language Item.

1) Place the item into a Bank Box, inside of your bank
2) You can examine them, get the quest update and the items remains in your bank.
3) You can sell it afterwards.

This also works with those examinable items from the various Legend and Lore quests.

Check it out, enjoy it while it lasts, and let me know what you think.
Re: Examinable quest items and how to keep them from "poofing" after you use them.

I put item in Bank box, examine and it disappears after update. I'm not sure if there is a extra trick your using but this doesnt' work.

Examinable quest items and how to keep them from "poofing" after you use them.

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