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Faction ? (1 Viewer)


May 23, 2005
Is there a way to display the faction values we have?

Aside from going and conning the npc's I mean.
A way for MQ to display it? Or to display the value for a faction?
I hear it's between -2600 and 2600....

A plugin, maybe??
thats the problem .. there is lots of speculation on what the actual faction scale is....

how it is affected..

and how much it is affected

would be a neat thing if someone could figure this out
Can it be ALL server side?

Something in the character record triggers something on the server to send us
"warmly" or "ally" or kos or "You faction with xxx has gone up"
i agree since you can CON mobs... there has to be some quantitative variable so that you can get the CON.

The big thing would be cracking its value so that we can display the value

Didn't SEQ show some sort of faction level numerically? Or was that exact exp? I forget......My friend used ShowEQ back in the day when MQ...not even MQ2 was around.. not sure which it displayed though..
there are so many different factions, litterally thousands since almost every different mob has its own faction. im not sure how we would go about displaying it even if we could crack such a code.
OK, I am basically a moron to this and admit it freely LOL, but what if we set our OWN value? I mean strictly for mq2 users. What I mean is, what if a plugin was developed based off our own numeric scale? Let's say you base it at 0 and go both ways in - / +.
An npc such as a vendor that cons indiff no matter what at all time, could be used as a starting point at 0. It would take some work and that is IF you can find the right mobs / npc's to formulate this scale off of. You'd have to maybe go both ways to the extreme faction to create the scale. I know it will not be completely accurate in no means, but it might at least give you that numeric value you wish to get.
shadowman33 said:
OK, I am basically a moron to this and admit it freely LOL, but what if we set our OWN value? I mean strictly for mq2 users. What I mean is, what if a plugin was developed based off our own numeric scale? Let's say you base it at 0 and go both ways in - / +.
An npc such as a vendor that cons indiff no matter what at all time, could be used as a starting point at 0. It would take some work and that is IF you can find the right mobs / npc's to formulate this scale off of. You'd have to maybe go both ways to the extreme faction to create the scale. I know it will not be completely accurate in no means, but it might at least give you that numeric value you wish to get.

if we made our own scale.. then it would be no diff than simple cons fo them mob

the purpose of knowing the value the server is sending to your client (cpu) is so you know .. 3 more muffins to the muffin man

it is a quantitative value.. and yes it is thousands of mobs.. but the server IS sending this data to your cpu.. it is simply finding what the variable is.. and then displaying it ..
Druid said:
Suppose we dont crack the variable; suppose we just DISPLAY it. Probably it would be useful. I think, maybe, kinda sorta
we have to crack it to be able to have access to it, everything in MQ2 is from cracking the files in EQ
The faction values are all kept server-side, they're never shipped to the client. All you can do is /con something and get a broad category description ("amiable", "scowls", etc.)
Approximate values are however:
scowls -750 or lower
threat -500 -749
dubious -100 -499
apprehensive -1 -99
indifferent 0-99
amiable 100-499
kindly 500-749
warmly 750-1149
ally 1150+
faction tables have always been a matter of discussion

Rich (BB code):
     - 2000 to - 751       scowls at you, ready to attack 
     - 750 to - 501        glares at you threateningly 
     - 500 to -101         glowers at you dubiously 
     - 100 to -1           looks your way apprehensively 
       0 to 99             regards you indifferently 
       100 to 499          judges you amiably 
       500 to 749          kindly considers you 
       750 to 1099         looks upon you warmly 
       1100 to ~2000       Ally faction

is another such table

Rich (BB code):
     -4 -1100 to -2500        scowls at you, ready to attack 
     -3 -750 to -1100         glares at you threateningly 
     -2 -150 to -750          glowers at you dubiously 
     -1 0 to -150             looks your way apprehensively 
      0 0 to 150              regards you indifferently 
     +1 150 to 750            judges you amiably 
     +2 750 to 1100           kindly considers you 
     +3 1100 to 1450          looks upon you warmly 
     +4 1450 to 2500          Ally faction

and to say

they're never shipped to the client
how do you come up with that?

it has to be a quantitative value sent to the client... otherwise doing small faction quests you would not see differences...
Ya, I did say approximate values. There's been lengthy discussions on it, I know. The point about it being server side only was mentioned by a guy on Alla who seems to know his stuff, but could be wrong of course <shrug>.
armysoldier said:
it has to be a quantitative value sent to the client... otherwise doing small faction quests you would not see differences...

Perhaps the server just returns a value between 1 and 9 to dictate which message to display when you con something. I'm sure there's something to be seen in the packet about this...

Faction ?

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