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Question - Farming Plat (1 Viewer)


Mar 7, 2014
I have 6 accounts that are fully upgraded to the expansions and are all paid/gold membership, and I'd like to learn how to farm plat easily instead of buying plat from people..

What zone (or zones, if you suggest multiple) would be best place to start farming for plat? How much plat can you genrate per how long? Im assuming most responders will have an idea and do this regularly? :)

Please let me know, I really appreciate it..

Also, I had a quick tank question - using a J5 mercenary even with AC gear, they dont last long in the new expansion zones like Dread hills, or even Charterhouse, the mercenary is basically useless if you try to use a j5 tank even with AC merc gear in the newest expansion zones like Dreadhills and even chapterhouse like zones, 1 add that isn't mezzed in 4 seconds or so, your tanks dead

Tank Mercenaries have a good way of ensuring every single agro'd mob isnt hitting other players in the group, they hit and taunt and then moveon to the next, my question is if its possible for a player tank using Kissassist to actually do just as good if not better then a mercenary when it comes to holding agro and immidiately switching to new mobs that happen to agro or fall out of mezz, so other group mates arent dieing trying to mes or heal while the tank using MQ2/KA is focusing only on the mob it's osn?
I figure I can easilyl gear my characters up with decent gear and may do better without the mercenaries, please let me know becuase its so ridiculous that my mercenary with J5/Merc AC gear & every single Mercenary AA maxed out dies so easily and quickly during fights in chapterhouse or dreadhills, makes no sense to me

Thanks for your help guys
Heroics can get you decent plat over time. (10 hrs a day) is 400k + just bartering the gear for 20k each after buying it. Not counting the diamonds and trash loot you sell. In case you were wondering on the math there.

6 chars is 200 marks per so 1200 per mission or just over 1 Tier 1 Visible each mission. The afk into the heals does about 2 an hr if you do it yourself you can do 4-5 an hr if your're good. So AFK thats 400k over 10 hrs or 1m non afk.
Isn't that requiring you to talk to NPCs and pick up quests, and then get ported in by typing text, how do you use KissAssist to manage your 5-6 players and get them into the instance, and rerun them on and on again? Is that even possible? If so, how do I do that?
I want a fully AFK way to do this
Isn't that requiring you to talk to NPCs and pick up quests, and then get ported in by typing text, how do you use KissAssist to manage your 5-6 players and get them into the instance, and rerun them on and on again? Is that even possible? If so, how do I do that?
I want a fully AFK way to do this

the bard uses a different macro and the rest use whatever you want the bard will start and turn the macros on for them toons it will zone them all hail the NPCs etc. look at the macro section for into the hills. Should be a bard and chanter version posted (bard or chanter puller ) I just posted modifications to the bard version on the campfire thread that makes it close to 100% afk.
You did not mention levels of all your accounts, but if you are doing level 100 missions then I assume they are all 100. In that case, KissAssist in a full 6 char group should easily net you 100k+ a day pretty much in any zone that gives experience. My single 100 gets 50k/day alone in a light blue zone.

If you need more plat than that, then you have to get more creative.
There are a few zone guides, grelleth, shards landing, beasts domain. They all give decent plat per day once you get things set up. If you read some of the into the hills posts and get a VIP membership at the mq2 site you can earn some good cash and decent gear for your toons as well.
my 3 man / 3 merc team gets me 200k-250k a day on auto as well, think the VIP section is certainly the way to go for where but 250k to 400k a day is easy with the right setup and a little patients, I have 3 teams going now so.....
I just started my tank for my second team. He's essentially gonna be a clone of my main. Should work out rather well. Will just have to pick a different camp to set him up in lol
Question - Farming Plat

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