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Discussion - Fastest Internet Possible.... (1 Viewer)


Single-handedly keeping Daybreak in business
Mar 27, 2014
I have a pretty fast internet connection, but today I used a little app that made it so freakin fast I am giddy!

I ran SG TCP Optimizer and all ya gotta do is set the slider bar to your reported internet speed, mine is 100mb and let it do the rest.... reboot and FLY!

I was pulling 110mb but after the tweaks from this app this is my new speed!


so if you have not checked your speed lately and you want to maximize speed and improve latency, RUN THAT APP!

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oh and what I find quite hilarious is that I am currently running 48 eq clients and torrenting at the same time I ran that speed test.... wonder what it would be if I had only 1 pc testing.....
Eh, it might help with short downloads but larger downloads it probably won't help since throttling will kick in. ISPs tend to boost speeds at the start to make small files download quickly then level off the speed the longer the download progresses.

At least that's how mine does it anyways.

Im on my shitty laptop running 6 EQs and lagging like fuck. My ping is the least of my concerns.
<a href="http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/4860556156"><img src="http://www.speedtest.net/result/4860556156.png" /></a>

Will run the program in a bit and see if there's any changes. Pretty sure Comcast quotes me 150 mb/s. Don't recall though, they bump me up now and then.

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<a href="http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/4860624054"><img src="http://www.speedtest.net/result/4860624054.png" /></a>

Ran tool, rebooted to apply settings and ran test. Lost 100 mb/s.

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Ran another test directly after and it was back up to close to where it was before.

<a href="http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/4860626263"><img src="http://www.speedtest.net/result/4860626263.png" /></a>
wow, pretty sure the tool tops out at 100mb so not gonna help you, 150 is insane! I love it!
One of the settings changed by the program completely fucked EQBC for me, so watch out for that. No idea which, I just reverted to original settings and it was resolved.
weird, I live and die by eqbc, mine is working fine, but thanks for the heads up! Please people be careful when making changes, ya never know what will poke ya in the ass! Sorry HiHi was not my intention to cause anyone any harm....

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One of the settings changed by the program completely fucked EQBC for me, so watch out for that. No idea which, I just reverted to original settings and it was resolved.

sent ya 3months level 2 on me, sorry bud...
I wasn't complaining too much Raz, I got it figured out. Just wanted to send a heads up for people to keep an eye out for it. I didn't think you would have posted it if you did think it would mess with people's boxability. :)
Not all places in the world can get quality internet....some places are stuck with Satellite. Some of us are even stuck in the abysmal internet known as Australia. I pay for the best connection I can get where I live (ADSL2) and seriously considered moving housing locations to somewhere with fibre (NBN) because they move at a snail crawls pace to get it out and running. Max i've ever had off my system was 20 down and 10 up, the previous 5 months until the last week I was maxing at 1.5-2 (really good day) average 0.5 for my download rates.
Not all places in the world can get quality internet....some places are stuck with Satellite. Some of us are even stuck in the abysmal internet known as Australia. I pay for the best connection I can get where I live (ADSL2) and seriously considered moving housing locations to somewhere with fibre (NBN) because they move at a snail crawls pace to get it out and running. Max i've ever had off my system was 20 down and 10 up, the previous 5 months until the last week I was maxing at 1.5-2 (really good day) average 0.5 for my download rates.

I have moved 3 times in the last 8 years and before I even consider moving to any new place I verify the local internet speeds, no way in fucking hell I would live with shitty internet, I am too old for slow shit....

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at the place I am in now I ran my own coax out to the pole no breaks and had the line ready for the installer to just plug in and verify, he was a bit mystified but hooked it up anyway... Every break in a wire or kink or chip causes issues, I ran it myself to make sure I get the best speed possible. MY entire house is gigabit. hmmmm I wonder just how many eq clients I can actually log on.... I bet over 100.... I should do it just to see... I have 48 on now
I hate slow shit as well, the problem is where I have to live for work, options are limited here in Australia and the only places with faster are a 20-30 min further commute....doesn't help that I have to share the connection with 1-4 other people either. So cannot wait for my 2 years of purgatory before moving to the city where there is fibre everywhere just about.
Thanks for sharing Raz, love your style.

1everdude - wow... I feel your pain, I've been there.

For what I can afford, this is still descent for my needs and am able to have up to 10 boxes on (limitation of my main computer).

Paying for 50, getting 66. Lines inside were run by me but can't speak for anything outside of my apt.

Last Result:
Download Speed: 180038 kbps (22504.8 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 10851 kbps (1356.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
Latency: 21 ms
11/25/2015, 4:57:33 AM[/B][/B]

thats from speedtest.wowway but speedtest.net is averaging around 130-140, not bad for wifi and only paying for the 50 mb connection lol also router is 2 rooms over lol.. i cant complain

Discussion - Fastest Internet Possible....

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