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Discussion - Favorite Snacks while Playing? (1 Viewer)

What ever I can get my fat fingers on, and my wife does not see. :)
Hungry Will Ferrell GIF
Graham crackers, peanut butter crackers, gummie worms, monsters, and occasionally just crackers.

If you're not a big fan of crackers, you can always just bite into them and pretend it's the bones of your enemies cracking under the weight of your blows.
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Peanut m&m preferably a party size bag, regular m&m will do, snickers bite size, again party size bag. Cheese Nips, Funyuns, Munchos, Ritz, and a lot times wash it down with a big bowl of Cocoa Pebbles with Hershey's Syrup or Fruity Pebbles.
Peanut m&m preferably a party size bag, regular m&m will do, snickers bite size, again party size bag. Cheese Nips, Funyuns, Munchos, Ritz, and a lot times wash it down with a big bowl of Cocoa Pebbles with Hershey's Syrup or Fruity Pebbles.
my last D&D crew kept "emergency peanut m&ms" for when stuff got extra spicy
I'm pretty boring. I usually don't snack while I game, since I game during work hours, so my food is typically a late breakfast (3 eggs, maybe some bacon, and toast) and a crappy lunch (tuna and some ritz crackers most often).
What I'd be eating if I ate whatever I wanted instead of what's good for me is totally different. Back in my early EQ days (mid 2000s), I'd go through a 12-pack of Dr Pepper or Barqs Root Beer a day plus a package or two of ling ling potstickers and some bagel bites.
Reign energy drinks my favorite is rainbow sherbet, almonds, mixed nuts, dried blueberries, cheeze it crackers, coffee, and just about any baked good that my wife happens to make.
It depends, for my sweet tooth I have a stash of Boom Chika kettle Korn, otherwise Pistachios
Discussion - Favorite Snacks while Playing?

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