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Macro - Fellowship Clicky [Deleted] (1 Viewer)

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Apr 5, 2019
kraqur1 submitted a new resource:

Fellowship Clicky - Auto use Fellowship and Auto Mount if toggled on (NOT A CWTN PLUGIN!)

Auto use Fellowship and Auto Mount if toggled on

First off this is not made by CWTN Plugins or Sic. Please do not msg them for help on this. Its just something I made for my toons and I decided to share.

This will not try and fellowship you if you gate to bind. It is not using any kind of zone change conditions. This drives me crazy with some other plugins that try to active anytime I gate to bind.
The plugin will continue to work after being used, zoning exc. If you don't want to use...

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This already exists (the fellowship part)

 /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Find[CLR]}) /clr pause 1
                /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Find[ENC]}) /enc pause 1 
                /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Find[SHD]}) /shd pause 1 
                /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Find[MAG]}) /mag pause 1
                /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Find[BST]}) /bst pause 1
                /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Find[SHM]}) /shm pause 1
                /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Find[MNK]}) /monk pause 1
                /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Find[NEC]}) /nec pause 1
                /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Find[DRU]}) /dru pause 1
                /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Find[BER]}) /zerk pause 1
                /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Find[WAR]}) /war pause 1
                /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Find[ROG]}) /rog pause 1
                /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Find[WIZ]}) /wiz pause 0
                /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Find[PAL]}) /pal pause 1
                /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Find[BRD]}) /brd pause 1
                /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Find[RNG]}) /rng pause 1
you could standardize this a bit more easily - and your wiz pause is turning off instead of on.

you need to use quotes around useitem with more than 1 word (mounts are most often going to /useitem "${Mount[#]}"
/useitem ${Mount[${mountSlot}]}
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You have a stray bracket at the end of your main sub.
Why do monk and berserker have special uses for their command to pause/unpause?
You have a /doevents, but no events have been declared.
You can replace /goto with /while (1) {

    /while (1) {
        /call CheckDeath
        /if (!${Me.Mount.ID} && !${Me.CanMount} && ${mountCHK} && (${Me.Buff[Resurrection Sickness].ID} || ${Me.Buff[Revival Sickness].ID})) /useitem "${Mount[${mountSlot}]}"
        /delay 5

!${${Me.CanMount}} I feel like there is too many brackets here.
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You can move the declaration of /declare classShortName local "${Me.Class.ShortName}" inside the check for the RespawnWnd to be open. No need to declare it locally every time you checkdeath if you may not use it.

Maybe you already noticed this?
OK done.. I killed my character again to test and make sure it works.
I had the /declare classShortName local "${Me.Class.ShortName}" in the wrong section. Its now pauses and unpauses correctly and is a much much smaller script

I hope this is good enough because I don't have any clue how to make this any better than what I have right now with my limited knowledge.

I'll update the bracket.. missed that.
They have there own pause because the Monk and Berserker don't use the same 3 letter short name that the game does. Least it doesn't look that way in the commands section. I don't own the plugin to try.
Example instead of /MNK it uses /Monk so I needed to use there own command to make it work
All the plugins have whatever is in the commands but also use the class 3 letter code. It's safe to just use 3 letter code for all the cwtn plugins.

Please see my original post, I was editing to update it as I saw things, didn't expect you were sitting at the keyboard :-)
All the plugins have whatever is in the commands but also use the class 3 letter code. It's safe to just use 3 letter code for all the cwtn plugins.

Please see my original post, I was editing to update it as I saw things, didn't expect you were sitting at the keyboard :-)
Ahh I did not realize that.. I was just trying to make sure it worked. I am so new to doing this stuff that it takes me some time to redo stuff and test to make sure it works. I will change everything you recommended when I have more time. I work 12 to 14hrs a day and need to get to bed for work tomorrow. Im off this weekend and will work on the script some more. Thanks again for all the advise and help
kraqur1 updated Fellowship Clicky with a new update entry:

Bunch more fixes and cleanup thanks to all the suggestions

Ok things should be looking nice now. Thank you to all the suggestions and willingness to help out this newbie scripter :)

Had some If not true's in there when it should me if true causing extra if not trues and brackets to brute force it to work lol. Anyways its all fixed up now.

Tested the script and it all seems to be working as it should. If you find any issues or see anything else I should fix please let me know.

Thanks again for all the help guys.

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kraqur1 updated Fellowship Clicky with a new update entry:

Complete Rework!

Guys this took a long time to do. If you like what you see please leave me some feedback, rate the post, something so I know your enjoying it. This is my first plugin and I'm learning as I go. I hope you find some use of this and if you have any advice or want anything added please let me know and ill do what I can when I have time.

-Added FellowshipClicky.ini file to easily change your setting.
-Added new camp to desktop feature incase you died after fellowship and dont want to get stuck...

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/notify RespawnWnd RW_OptionsList listselect 1

This line is great for almost everything. Until you die in plane of torment, then the options are swapped. It's meant to torment you I believe.

Having at one point worked on MQ2Rez and rewrote it once upon a time I can confirm you'll want to verify the options available and pick the correct one. This is an edge case that isn't typical.
You want to check ${Window[RespawnWnd].Child[RW_OptionsList].List[#,#]} where numbers are the column and rows (not sure what order) to find out which one is the correct one to select. then listselect that one.

CanRez() in MQ2Rez:
if (CSidlScreenWnd *pWnd = (CSidlScreenWnd *)pRespawnWnd) {
    if (pWnd->IsVisible()) {
        if (CListWnd* clist = (CListWnd*)pWnd->GetChildItem("OptionsList")) {
            if (CButtonWnd* cButton = (CButtonWnd*)pWnd->GetChildItem("SelectButton")) {
                for (int index = 0; index < clist->ItemsArray.Count; index++) {
                    if (!ReleaseToBind) {
                        if (!clist->GetItemText(index, 1).CompareN("Resurrect", 9)) {
                            if (clist->GetCurSel() != index)
                    else {
                        if (!clist->GetItemText(index, 1).CompareN("Bind Location", 13)) {
                            if (clist->GetCurSel() != index)
                if (cButton->IsEnabled()) {
                    return true;
/notify RespawnWnd RW_OptionsList listselect 1

This line is great for almost everything. Until you die in plane of torment, then the options are swapped. It's meant to torment you I believe.

Having at one point worked on MQ2Rez and rewrote it once upon a time I can confirm you'll want to verify the options available and pick the correct one. This is an edge case that isn't typical.
You want to check ${Window[RespawnWnd].Child[RW_OptionsList].List[#,#]} where numbers are the column and rows (not sure what order) to find out which one is the correct one to select. then listselect that one.

CanRez() in MQ2Rez:
if (CSidlScreenWnd *pWnd = (CSidlScreenWnd *)pRespawnWnd) {
    if (pWnd->IsVisible()) {
        if (CListWnd* clist = (CListWnd*)pWnd->GetChildItem("OptionsList")) {
            if (CButtonWnd* cButton = (CButtonWnd*)pWnd->GetChildItem("SelectButton")) {
                for (int index = 0; index < clist->ItemsArray.Count; index++) {
                    if (!ReleaseToBind) {
                        if (!clist->GetItemText(index, 1).CompareN("Resurrect", 9)) {
                            if (clist->GetCurSel() != index)
                    else {
                        if (!clist->GetItemText(index, 1).CompareN("Bind Location", 13)) {
                            if (clist->GetCurSel() != index)
                if (cButton->IsEnabled()) {
                    return true;
Every time I think I'm figuring things out and my coding has come a long way you blow my mind out of the water and I am completely lost lol. I really thought my new script looked 100x better than the old one and my code was finally starting to look decent haha. Please don't get me wrong, I really appreciate all you do to help. I just got a taste on how much more I still need to learn :)
That update may be a while. I need to learn a bit more before I attempt to tackle that one.

Thanks for all you do sir. Your are an amazing coder and teacher!
Every time I think I'm figuring things out and my coding has come a long way you blow my mind out of the water and I am completely lost lol. I really thought my new script looked 100x better than the old one and my code was finally starting to look decent haha. Please don't get me wrong, I really appreciate all you do to help. I just got a taste on how much more I still need to learn :)
That update may be a while. I need to learn a bit more before I attempt to tackle that one.

Thanks for all you do sir. Your are an amazing coder and teacher!
Just something you learn with experience.
kraqur1 updated Fellowship Clicky with a new update entry:

PoWar Clicky Fix

Ok, I did this the super easy way. Since PoWars Window has backwards options we don't want to select option 1. But since the UI default highlights the return to bind option we don't actually need to select an option. So rather than Selecting the option to return to bind and click accept, we now just click accept.

This would be an issue with a rez script since you need to select to opposite option, but for a return to bind script this should work well for what we need.
I did also add a 20s...

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kraqur1 updated Fellowship Clicky with a new update entry:

Camp if no campfire

I forgot to add an exception to camp to desktop if no campfire is up.
Now script will try and use "Fellowship Registration Insignia" if after use its still not on cooldown than for whatever reason it didn't work. More than likely due to campfire not being up. In this case it will camp to desktop after a 30 second warning if you have the option to camp turned on.

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Macro - Fellowship Clicky [Deleted]
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