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Guide - For the c++ programmers: 6 ways to sequentialy read a file and their performance (1 Viewer)

Mar 23, 2017
I was a bit bored and compared various ways to read a file in c++ under Windows. The test was to read kissassist.mac (552k) 100 times, count the number of bytes, spaces and lines and take the time.

Rich (BB code):
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <chrono>
#include <filesystem>
#include <windows.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace std::experimental::filesystem::v1;

class Timer
    chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point start_time;
    Timer() noexcept : start_time{chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()} {}
    void reset() noexcept {start_time = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();}
    auto duration_ns() const noexcept {return (chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start_time);}
    auto duration_s() const noexcept {return  chrono::duration<double>(duration_ns()).count();}

struct Counters
    long bytes{ 0 };
    long lines{ 0 };
    long spaces{ 0 };
    Counters& operator+=(const Counters &other) noexcept
        bytes += other.bytes;
        lines += other.lines;
        spaces += other.spaces;
        return *this;
    void count(const int c) noexcept
        switch (c)
        case '\n':
        case ' ':
        case '\t':

ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const Counters& counter)
    os << "Bytes:" << counter.bytes << " Spaces:" << counter.spaces << " Lines:" << counter.lines;
    return os;

static auto read_file1(const char *filename) // c-style
    Counters counters;
    FILE *fp = nullptr;
    fopen_s(&fp, filename, "r");
    int c;
    while((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF)
    return counters;

static auto read_file2(const char *filename) // extractor-style
    Counters counters;
    auto is = ifstream(filename, ifstream::binary);
    is >> noskipws;
    while (is.good())
        char c;
        is >> c;
    return counters;

static auto read_file3(const char *filename) // get()-style
    Counters counters;
    auto is = ifstream(filename, ifstream::binary);
    int c;
    while ((c = is.get()) != EOF)
    return counters;

static auto read_file4(const char *filename) // iterator-style
    Counters counters;
    auto is = ifstream(filename, ifstream::binary);
    constexpr istreambuf_iterator<char> eof;
    istreambuf_iterator<char> it(is);
    while (it != eof)
        const auto c = *it++;
    return counters;

static auto read_file5(const char *filename) // lambda-style
    Counters counters;
    auto is = ifstream(filename, ifstream::binary);
    constexpr istreambuf_iterator<char> eof;
    istreambuf_iterator<char> it(is);
    for_each(it,eof,[&counters](const auto c)
    return counters;

static auto read_file6(const char *filename) // memory mapped-style
    Counters counters;
    auto fm = CreateFileMapping(fh, nullptr, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, nullptr);
    const char* const base = (const char* const)MapViewOfFile(fm, FILE_MAP_READ, 0,0,0);
    LARGE_INTEGER li{ 0 };
    GetFileSizeEx(fh, &li);
    for (decltype(li.QuadPart) i = 0; i < li.QuadPart; i++)
        const auto c = base;
    return counters;

static auto read_file7(const char *filename) // win api-style
    Counters counters;
    SetFilePointer(fh, 0, nullptr, FILE_BEGIN);
    char c = '\0';
    DWORD bytes_read = 0;
    while (ReadFile(fh, &c, 1, &bytes_read, nullptr) && bytes_read)
    return counters;

static void time_it(const char *drive_type, const char* filename, decltype(read_file1)*read_function)
    constexpr auto loop_count = 100;
    Counters counters;
    Timer t;
    for (auto i = 0; i < loop_count; i++)
        counters += read_function(filename);
    auto duration = t.duration_s();
    cout << drive_type << counters << " s:" << duration << '\n';

static void time_it(const char* title, decltype(read_file1)*read_function)
    const path ssd_file{ "C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\MQ2\\Release\\Macros\\kissassist.mac" };
    if (!is_regular_file(ssd_file))
        cerr << ssd_file << ": isn't a regular file\n";
    const path hdd_file{ "K:\\kissassist.mac" };
    if (!is_regular_file(hdd_file))
        cerr << hdd_file << ": isn't a regular file\n";
    cout << title << '\n';
    time_it("SSD: ", ssd_file.string().c_str(), read_function);
    time_it("HDD: ", hdd_file.string().c_str(), read_function);

int main()
    time_it("C-style", read_file1);
    time_it("C++ extractor-style", read_file2);
    time_it("C++ get()-style", read_file3);
    time_it("C++ iterator-style", read_file4);
    time_it("C++ lambda-style", read_file5);
    time_it("win api-style", read_file7);
    time_it("memory mapped-style", read_file6);
    return (0);

Rich (BB code):
SSD: Bytes:55200000 Spaces:15815200 Lines:918800 s:1.52117
HDD: Bytes:55200000 Spaces:15815200 Lines:918800 s:1.51888
C++ extractor-style
SSD: Bytes:55200100 Spaces:15815200 Lines:918800 s:1.76182
HDD: Bytes:55200100 Spaces:15815200 Lines:918800 s:1.75876
C++ get()-style
SSD: Bytes:55200000 Spaces:15815200 Lines:918800 s:2.47827
HDD: Bytes:55200000 Spaces:15815200 Lines:918800 s:2.47817
C++ iterator-style
SSD: Bytes:55200000 Spaces:15815200 Lines:918800 s:0.50451
HDD: Bytes:55200000 Spaces:15815200 Lines:918800 s:0.503831
C++ lambda-style
SSD: Bytes:55200000 Spaces:15815200 Lines:918800 s:0.347344
HDD: Bytes:55200000 Spaces:15815200 Lines:918800 s:0.345406
memory mapped-style
SSD: Bytes:55200000 Spaces:15815200 Lines:918800 s:0.0970198
HDD: Bytes:55200000 Spaces:15815200 Lines:918800 s:0.0966426
I'm pretty pleased that the 2 idiomatic c++ ways of reading give good performance at least with VS2017. iostreams used to have a bad rep performance wise. There is almost no error handling, so don't copy paste this into your next mission critical project. :)
Edit: Refactored and added a 7th way: win-api. This is realy unbufferd byte for byte and ridiculously slow, ~50s.
Last edited:
So in layman's terms, if i understand this, there are multiple ways to read the macro file (i.e. different C++ styles), and the memory mapped-style seems to be the best way to read the macro file?
Am I understanding that right?
yeah, each of the styles has a different approach of reading and handling the data.

think of it like you sorting laundry, you can either take one piece out of the basket and decide what to do with it, then do that and put it away, or maybe you take out 5 items then you can quickly see what theose 5 items are and decide on an action depending on the items, so like 3 tshirts, 1 sock, 1 pair of pants, you put 3 tshirts aside, 1 sock aside, fold pants, fold 3 tshirts. since that action is shared between like items, you dont have to decide on the action more than once. etc.
These kind of measurements are almost exclusively a measurement of how much buffering is being performed. Memory mapped files are 100% in memory, so you can consider the entire file to be fully buffered before the data processing begins. This occurs at the cost of virtual memory.

The two fast c++ methods are buffering in large chunks (thanks to istreambuf_iterator). The other slower methods are buffering in tiny chunks, hence the performance differences. Also what matters is debug vs. release. the memory mapped file is not affected by debug/release so much because it is a c api. iostreams are inherently slower in debug than release due to lack of inlining and the inclusion of debug checks.

The actual work being performed (counting spaces, etc) is virtually insignificant.

Memory mapped files are good when a file structure can be read directly without having to be parsed, basically making the file a sort of readable database. memory mapped files are also managed by the OS and share virtual memory if you map the same file across multiple processes (protip: dlls work this way too since they are memory mapped files)

If you play around with buffer sizes you can probably get it to a point where the iostream implementations are actually the SLOWEST.

This was a fun read, carry on :)
The explanations by brainiac are completely to the point. I had to do some processing or the optimizer might skip the reading altogether. And yes in debug mode the c++ versions with iterators slow down a lot as if every byte gets scrutinized by the standards commitee. They become the slowest by a large margin (~15s each). With memory mapping you also get a bit of asyncronous reading for free. Especially when you access the memory sequentialy.
So in layman's terms, if i understand this, there are multiple ways to read the macro file (i.e. different C++ styles), and the memory mapped-style seems to be the best way to read the macro file?
Am I understanding that right?
Not necessarily. The macro files are read only once per session and whether we do that in 1/50th of second or 1/1000 doesn't realy matter. For the mere reading of them I even say the hassle of using a memory mapped file for this just isn't worth it. The test is just a side product of me studying the windows api for memory mapped files and shared memory.
Guide - For the c++ programmers: 6 ways to sequentialy read a file and their performance

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