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force? (1 Viewer)


New member
Apr 27, 2006
does force zone not allow alts to get into temple of veeshan? i tried it and wouldnt zone me in, but i seen a level one in there the other day. id love to get my alts some twink gear if anyone knows a way to get in at low lvl
yes ntov has a lvl req of 51 i think it is or maybe 46.. either way if your not that lvl mq will NOT get you in .. BUT you can use fellowship to port in if your under that lvl and you'll remain in there till you die or leave so just get ur alt in your fellowship and you can port them in that way! hope that helps you 2
i had a lvl 60 monk in RSS at one time, with zonelock can lock inside the zone after getting forced in... RSS is req lvl 69, just cant remember what plugin it was that allowed me to do it
yah well the fellowship works great ive had lvl 1s in FULL ntov gear its pretty awesome of coarse the time it takes to clear it and do that could have leveld them to like 60 and got better gear but its a ton of fun!!!

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