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News - FREE TLP WEEKEND for Everyone! (1 Viewer)


Seasoned veteran member
May 14, 2020
Just got this in email. Time to dust off some old laptops and see how many trueboxes I can hydra old school style.

Play on any TLP server for free this weekend! Invite your main, alts, friends, and frenemies to join you in experiencing the TLPs at no cost. Also, convince a real-life friend or significant other to try it out with you for more fun!

Click the link below to learn more about the free weekend, and about each TLP's rulesets and bonuses!

Friday, May 17 at 12pm PDT


Monday, May 20 at 10am PDT
Just got this in email. Time to dust off some old laptops and see how many trueboxes I can hydra old school style.

Play on any TLP server for free this weekend! Invite your main, alts, friends, and frenemies to join you in experiencing the TLPs at no cost. Also, convince a real-life friend or significant other to try it out with you for more fun!

Click the link below to learn more about the free weekend, and about each TLP's rulesets and bonuses!

Friday, May 17 at 12pm PDT


Monday, May 20 at 10am PDT
Its A Trap GIF by Star Wars
Oh man, they are really trying to pump the numbers for this TLP release, given this and the recent bans/suspensions. I think there is a really good chance they are positioning themselves for a sale.

Bans/suspension justification- pushing folks who love playing EQ to make new accounts and subscribe to join the TLP. Lots say they are going to quit but the new TLP is an easier transition to feed the need. DBG won’t see the main drop in revenue for all of the live players banned until the next expac is released (including pre-order). So this strategy buys them some pumped up revenue numbers until around October.
Time to dust off the ol' checkbook.

Seriously, would I get booted off this site if I acquired Everquest and related games? :shrug:
Looking at the end of year financials, they still owe a crap load of debt on the initial purchase, and value the IP at like 130m or something.. the report is here on the site. If they did sell, I am assuming they would have to take a massive loss/charge off (not hip on business acquisition or Euro rules)
Looking at the end of year financials, they still owe a crap load of debt on the initial purchase, and value the IP at like 130m or something.. the report is here on the site. If they did sell, I am assuming they would have to take a massive loss/charge off (not hip on business acquisition or Euro rules)
Hmmm… where do you find the financials. I would like to look at them. I tried the search function with no luck.
This is so passive aggressive. Like a couple of old boyfriends I had.

So they ban a ton of us and now give us free play on the new TLP. Like we don't want you anymore but hey! wait, I do want you! Come back!!

Have not gotten the email about this offer yet - likely cause they know I dislike TLP :)
This is so passive aggressive. Like a couple of old boyfriends I had.

So they ban a ton of us and now give us free play on the new TLP. Like we don't want you anymore but hey! wait, I do want you! Come back!!

Have not gotten the email about this offer yet - likely cause they know I dislike TLP :)
Spot on, thank you for the laugh!
Hmmm… where do you find the financials. I would like to look at them. I tried the search function with no luck.
This is so passive aggressive. Like a couple of old boyfriends I had.

So they ban a ton of us and now give us free play on the new TLP. Like we don't want you anymore but hey! wait, I do want you! Come back!!

Have not gotten the email about this offer yet - likely cause they know I dislike TLP :)
A little bit ago, my wife and I were out driving and I was telling her about the super ban wave and she asked if her old characters (which I still play) got banned, I said "No, but I have not received any emails yet" and DING, email from daybreak comes in. I was like OH NO. HA, it was this TLP deal. I told her "Well whew.. no ban, but they want to offer free weekend on a server that will require us to pay right after banning my FV guys. Jerks."
There is actually an interim out now

I feel like this is fake… doesn’t the new TLPs start on the 22nd?

Edit: falsy assumed this was a promo directly for teek/tormax. It is ANY current TLP.
Last edited:
Maybe they are only sending this offer to accounts that have become "inactive".... I got no email!

I've always thought marketing of this game has been a bit bewildering.

I feel like they purposely don't hype the TLP's each year to avoid too many frustrated players on launch day that can't login and then only send an email out a couple of weeks after launch when queues have died down. But the hype of playing on launch has died down too.

This is a bit of a step change from Darkpaw.
Not only that but not a peep on the other forums about this. And it would be posted about all over the place. Make you wonder.

Going to take one of my F2P accounts later and try logging on with it
i thought it was a teek/tormax promotion. I read it wrong, join ANY TLP this weekend.
If they wanted to boost numbers all they have to do every year is release a boxing and non-boxing TLP. I would sub 12 accounts for at least 3-6 months.
Free TLP weekend means like the free to play characters will be able to go past the 250 AA ?

So far I haven't seen anything like this or any bonus of the sort
Oh man, they are really trying to pump the numbers for this TLP release, given this and the recent bans/suspensions. I think there is a really good chance they are positioning themselves for a sale.

Bans/suspension justification- pushing folks who love playing EQ to make new accounts and subscribe to join the TLP. Lots say they are going to quit but the new TLP is an easier transition to feed the need. DBG won’t see the main drop in revenue for all of the live players banned until the next expac is released (including pre-order). So this strategy buys them some pumped up revenue numbers until around October.
Just like getting pissed off getting ripped off trying to cop drugs swearing to quit. During my 7 day vacation. Many People returned with brand new toon including me. New user channel numbers were 500 to 600. Looks like everyone is back get getting their fix. I am just amazed how "discreet" people were back doing their recovery
Just got this in email. Time to dust off some old laptops and see how many trueboxes I can hydra old school style.

Play on any TLP server for free this weekend! Invite your main, alts, friends, and frenemies to join you in experiencing the TLPs at no cost. Also, convince a real-life friend or significant other to try it out with you for more fun!

Click the link below to learn more about the free weekend, and about each TLP's rulesets and bonuses!

Friday, May 17 at 12pm PDT


Monday, May 20 at 10am PDT
probably need alot of guinea pigs to test some new anti-cheat for the TLPs :p
News - FREE TLP WEEKEND for Everyone!

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