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Question - Gearing question (1 Viewer)

Nov 4, 2020
Was curious about which order to gear a box group, i know tank should come first but im unsure on which of the other 5 come first in the gearing ladder. Currently running an SK, chant, bst, zerk, shm, cleric. out leveling/farming in tov t1 areas.
then assuming everyone can take whatever aoes you are fighting
dps1 -> dps2 -> priest/cc -> dps3

dead mobs cant hurt you

you having double priest hurts you more than your gear order =p

sk -> zerk -> Bst ->shm -> enc -> clr
i tried solo shm for awhile, i felt like the shm was struggling to keep the tank alive, but that could've just been a gear issue came back to allot of empty aug slots. i've thought about switching back out the cleric for another dps since the tanks gotten a bit tankier.
i tried solo shm for awhile, i felt like the shm was struggling to keep the tank alive, but that could've just been a gear issue came back to allot of empty aug slots. i've thought about switching back out the cleric for another dps since the tanks gotten a bit tankier.
shm don't really have the toolkit for it until 101+ unless you're really slow and patient 101+ they can solo heal anything just fine - but play what makes you happy.

if you double priest, all the more reason why you need to focus gear on tank -> bst/zerk
Shamans are very AA dependent when it comes to healing. When they get Squall in TBL, is when they really start to shine as a solo healer. But again, still very AA dependent.
There's an offensive and defensive mindset on this. I made a post about it a while back.
You happen to have the link to that post you could provide? As well as I can go search for it, but thought I'd ask *grins*

As you've done @rangnoc11 , the Tank should get all the gear and augs first. As you start getting doubles/triples/etc of drops, you give them out based on your priority. I use a SK/SHM combo, they are now 125 and max AA. I've always equipped the tank and then the healer. I have a preference for the tank and healer to live and the rest can get rezzes. I've had success with this process. That said, If I put on my other hat, I can get behind and agree with the above post about Tank, then DPS because a dead mob does no damage (tells no tales). When I geared up, for the augs, I used all the conflagrant augs to fill up spaces and get some kind of bonuses. Then filled the other spots with other augs as I got them. Then replaced the conflagrant with better once all the slots were filled up.
Since you are doing the T1 TOV, you could try Griklor the Restless in EW. If you are able to do that, then every 6 hours you can get ore's for ToV T3 (tradeskill augs and gear), and the random T1 drops/gear, plus ToV coins to buy Augs and the bag from Sanra GemHeart in CC. There's another T1 missions in the Great Divide Restless Assault, but I despise that mission and refuse to do it.

/ooc *side-eyes @RobRenfro and smirks* See what I did there with the hyperlinks? *runs for cover and hides* <editor's note: to clarify @RobRenfro I am just goofing around <editor's note end>>
Question - Gearing question

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