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getting around firewalls? (1 Viewer)


New member
May 10, 2005
Ok, first off...i'm not the best internet knowlegable person around...just enough to get what i need...and i can build website alittle...enough to do this if it would work...

ok...here's my idea...
you know those websites that use a frame to get to different site so that if you add it to favorites...it will always open on their homepage and not the page you wanted???would this work to get around a firewall...make a website that the Http is not bloacked by your firewall...but put a link that opens in a current frame to a site that is blocked???would this work???just hoping
no doesnt work....

firewall programs, like websense use metatags as a reference to see what your looking at and determines if it should be blocked

so in your metatags you put say, wow, world of warcraft etc... websense sees it as a game and blocks it.

*metatags are what you use to describe your webpage/site for search engines

there is currently no way to work around blocked sites by firewalls

if there was i wouldve posted here already :D
oh well...that's what i thought the answer would be...next step...bring my laptop to work...
But at ur workplace, are the firewalls installed onto each individual com or on the server.
If its on the server, u can't really do anything unless u hack the server (bad idea)
But if its on ur own work comp. just disable it.
my laptop has wireless internet...if you were talking about bringing the laptop to work...and the hacking thing...i work in a military communications squadron...that is a BIG NO NO
use a proxy...here is the one i use... moof.4x2.net click on proxy and type in the web site...its a litte tricky to use....sometimes you will have to hit the little browse button to do things...like i can't see the private messages or goto the second page of a thread unless i hit the browse button..and there are a few things you just can't do
yes i did try this one...and believe me...a military firewall is a bit more advanced than a school
lol well then they must scan the entire site for the word proxy....lol...sucks to be you then...sorry i can't help...
looking back though...it says it blocked it for containing sex???is this proxy site sponsored by porn?...you dirty little perv...lol
LOL porn...hmm let me look at the site again....

hmm says UBER.....thats about it...lol i have no idea why it says sex...
getting around firewalls?

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