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Question - Gift of Hazy Thoughts and Kiss (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 27, 2011
I once stumbled onto some code on the forums here that when added to Kissassist would detect GoHT (enchanter proc) on short term duration buff window and Kiss would cast the appropriate spell much like GoM works.

Have been unable to find this thread again and have lost the code. Can anyone point me in the right direction please ? Have searched and search ... I must be missing it.

Thank you
Doesn't that proc chromatic haze ?

Rich (BB code):
#Event GoMOn             "You feel strengthened by magic."
#Event GoMOn             "You feel strengthened by a gift of magic."
#Event GoMOff            "The magic fades."

This will trigger the gift of mana cast when you get chromatic haze.
Question - Gift of Hazy Thoughts and Kiss

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