- Joined
- Jun 12, 2015
- RedCents
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So, i multibox using mq2 and nothing else on my computer, but tabbing around with alt tab gets annoying fast,so what to do?
Autohotkey to the rescue.
Now i run several groups combos, but all they have in commmon, is there is a tank, a support/dps, and a healer.
but they are on different accounts so not fun to alt tab around till you hit your sk which is on account 1, not account 3 like your warrior, or account 2 like your paladin.
So i had to come up with a way where i could just reference the character and have it switch to his window, after alot of trial and error and many frustrated days, i finally came up with this solution.
First you will need a zoned.cfg in your configs folder in mq2/release, and put this line in it.
sets the eq window title of that character to the character name its level and the zone shortname, you could put everything you wanted, but for this to work proper i had it start with my character names.
then you will need this autohotkey script, create a new autohotkey file and paste this in overwriting whatever was in there.
you just put in your names where you want them under what key you want them.
now what that does is when you hit ctrl+alt+1 it checks any windows on your computer for the warrior or sk, and switches to that window instantly.
same with hitting one of the other 2 hotkey combos switches to the window with thhat found character in it.
it works flawlessly for me, and i am very happy with it.
you can change the hotkeys to whatever you like.
read more about the allowed combinations here:
and here:
lastly i run in windowed mode, with the windows maximized, not sure how this behaves in any other solution.
i hope someone else can get some use out of it.
Autohotkey to the rescue.
Now i run several groups combos, but all they have in commmon, is there is a tank, a support/dps, and a healer.
but they are on different accounts so not fun to alt tab around till you hit your sk which is on account 1, not account 3 like your warrior, or account 2 like your paladin.
So i had to come up with a way where i could just reference the character and have it switch to his window, after alot of trial and error and many frustrated days, i finally came up with this solution.
First you will need a zoned.cfg in your configs folder in mq2/release, and put this line in it.
Rich (BB code):
/SetWinTitle ${Me.Name} (Lvl:${Me.Level} ${Zone.ShortName})
then you will need this autohotkey script, create a new autohotkey file and paste this in overwriting whatever was in there.
Rich (BB code):
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
DetectHiddenWindows, Off
IfWinExist, %TheWindowTitle%
WinGet, winid, ID, %TheWindowTitle%
DllCall("SwitchToThisWindow", "UInt", winid, "UInt", 1)
now what that does is when you hit ctrl+alt+1 it checks any windows on your computer for the warrior or sk, and switches to that window instantly.
same with hitting one of the other 2 hotkey combos switches to the window with thhat found character in it.
it works flawlessly for me, and i am very happy with it.
you can change the hotkeys to whatever you like.
read more about the allowed combinations here:
and here:
lastly i run in windowed mode, with the windows maximized, not sure how this behaves in any other solution.
i hope someone else can get some use out of it.