After every EQ patch I edit the EQUI_ChatContainerWindow.xml file to get rid of the stupid Title Bar and Borders. I already have a Batch file that does a lot of housekeeping, so I added these 2 lines to automatically edit the XML for me without needing to open the XML in a text editor!
*** Keep in mind that this is predicated on MY own personal location for Everquest on my drive! I run this AFTER the patcher, but BEFORE I actually run the EQ Client! Once patched I never use the Patcher again until DBG forces me to by some change.
This is a neat little trick to modify text or XML files on the fly routinely. I found it on Stack Overflow so I'm not claiming any coding expertise to make this work! You would place these lines in a DOS batch or Windows CMD file and run it As Administrator.
EDITED to note, this post was more to document a "really cool trick" to modify text files "on-the-fly" rather than simply a discussion on UI modifications. A real coder could accomplish this using many programming tools like Lua, Perl, C#, even SED in Linux. I thought it was pretty cool to be able to do this with a utility that comes pre-installed on every Windows box and is already in your default path statement. This method could easily be used in a number of other cases where you routinely need to make the same modifications over and over again.
*** Keep in mind that this is predicated on MY own personal location for Everquest on my drive! I run this AFTER the patcher, but BEFORE I actually run the EQ Client! Once patched I never use the Patcher again until DBG forces me to by some change.
This is a neat little trick to modify text or XML files on the fly routinely. I found it on Stack Overflow so I'm not claiming any coding expertise to make this work! You would place these lines in a DOS batch or Windows CMD file and run it As Administrator.
Powershell editing:
powershell -Command "(gc c:\everquest\uifiles\default\EQUI_ChatContainerWindow.xml) -replace '<Style_Titlebar>true</Style_Titlebar>', '<Style_Titlebar>false</Style_Titlebar>' | Out-File -encoding ASCII c:\everquest\uifiles\default\EQUI_ChatContainerWindow.xml"
powershell -Command "(gc c:\everquest\uifiles\default\EQUI_ChatContainerWindow.xml) -replace '<Style_Border>true</Style_Border>', '<Style_Border>false</Style_Border>' | Out-File -encoding ASCII c:\everquest\uifiles\default\EQUI_ChatContainerWindow.xml"
EDITED to note, this post was more to document a "really cool trick" to modify text files "on-the-fly" rather than simply a discussion on UI modifications. A real coder could accomplish this using many programming tools like Lua, Perl, C#, even SED in Linux. I thought it was pretty cool to be able to do this with a utility that comes pre-installed on every Windows box and is already in your default path statement. This method could easily be used in a number of other cases where you routinely need to make the same modifications over and over again.
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