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Question - Hats off, hats on again? (1 Viewer)


Nov 19, 2014
Now that I have my general downs working (http://www.redguides.com/community/...-this-Down-not-function-properl-Please-advise)
Thanks again to all that helped .
Since as far back as I can remember (or at leat since they gave the option to show or hide helms) when you drop an illusion you are missing the graphics for your helm.
Me, I happen to like the helm graphic I have and always have to open inventory screen and take it off and put it back on.
Is there a set of commands that I can add after the /removebuff (or at least in a separate hot key) to remove my helm and then put it back on (or at least something to make it show again)?
Ok, sorry, So far no luck in incorporating it into the down multiline.
Rich (BB code):
downshit8=/if (!${Me.Buff[Mount Blessing Beza].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Essence of Farfathom].ID} && !${Zone.SkyType[1]}) /multiline ; /casting "Visage of Farfathom"|Item
Works, casts item, then removes the illusion
Rich (BB code):
downshit8=/if (!${Me.Buff[Mount Blessing Beza].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Essence of Farfathom].ID} && !${Zone.SkyType[1]}) /multiline ; /casting "Visage of Farfathom"|Item ; /timed 70 /removebuff Illusion: Aqua Goblin ; /timed 20 /unequip 2
This Casts item, then tells me : Unequip: Cannot /unequip while casting
Rich (BB code):
downshit8=/if (!${Me.Buff[Mount Blessing Beza].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Essence of Farfathom].ID} && !${Zone.SkyType[1]}) /multiline ; /casting "Visage of Farfathom"|Item ; /timed 70 /removebuff Illusion: Aqua Goblin ; /timed 50 /itemnotify 2 leftmouseup ; /timed 20 /autoinventory
Casts item , does NOT remove illusion, puts helm in hand then back on head. Why is it skiping step 2 (/removebuff).

- - - Updated - - -

Any Ideas as to why if I try to put any type of event after the /removebuff event, it does not remove buff?

- - - Updated - - -

Ok, not sure why, would love an explanation as to how/why THIS actually works, if i set /itemnotify timed higher than /removebuff timer, and put /removebuff at end it works....
Rich (BB code):
downshit8=/if (!${Me.Buff[Mount Blessing Beza].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Essence of Farfathom].ID} && !${Zone.SkyType[1]}) /multiline ; /casting "Visage of Farfathom"|Item  ; /timed 70 /itemnotify 2 leftmouseup ; /timed 20 /autoinventory ; /timed 50 /removebuff Illusion: Aqua Goblin
This will Cast item, remvebuff, takeoff and put on helm.....

Yes got it working, but totally confused as to why sequence has to be in this order......
Question - Hats off, hats on again?

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