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Having loot issues (1 Viewer)


New member
Sep 13, 2005
Ok so using a afk bard macro, no I didtn write it, got it off of Kenetix. But I recently noticed a problem in the loot sub... it will loot 5 or 6 things, then stop and go on. Imagine my chagrin to come back to the computer and se myself kiting half nekkid :(

Anyways heres the code was wondering if anyone could fix it or point out whats wrong.

Rich (BB code):
Sub Loot
   /if (${Target.Type.NotEqual[CORPSE]} || !${Target.ID}) {
   /delay 1s
   /delay 1s
   /if (${Me.State.NotEqual[BIND]}) {
      /delay 2s
      /goto :LootPlease
   /if (${LootTotal}!=${Corpse.Items}) {
      /varset LootTotal ${Corpse.Items}
      /goto :LootLag
   /for LootSlot 1 to ${LootTotal}
      /itemnotify loot${LootSlot} rightmouseup
      /delay 3
      /if (${Corpse.Item[${LootSlot}].ID}) {
         /goto :LootItem
   /next LootSlot
   /delay 5
   /notify LootWnd DoneButton leftmouseup
Use this.

And put in two events named the same thing. like below for the sub event mobdied. That way it loots if you kill it or the bard kills it.

#Event MobDied "#*# has been slain by#*#"
#Event MobDied "#*#You have slain#*#"

Rich (BB code):
 Sub Event_MobDied 
 /delay 3s
 /squelch /declare LootSlot    int inner  0 
 /declare LootCheck   int inner  0 
 /declare LootTotal   int inner  0 
 /target npc corpse radius 200 
 /face fast nolook 
 /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}>13) { 
 /keypress forward hold 
 /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}<13&&${Int[${Target.Distance}]}>11) { 
 /keypress forward 
 /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}<9) { 
 /keypress back 
 /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}>13) { 
 /goto :MovementLoop 
 /keypress forward 
 /keypress back 
 /delay 5 
 /delay 5 
 /if (!${Corpse.Items}) { 
 /echo NO LOOT!
 /notify LootWnd DoneButton leftmouseup 
 /delay 5
 /varset LootTotal ${Corpse.Items} 
 /for LootSlot 1 to ${LootTotal} 
 /itemnotify loot${LootSlot} leftmouseup 
 /delay 5 
 /if (${LootAllItems}) { 
 /echo Keeping a ${Cursor.Name}... WOOT! 
 /delay 5 
 } else { 
 /for LootCheck 1 to ${ItemsToLoot.Size} 
 /if (${Cursor.Name.Find[${ItemsToLoot[${LootCheck}]}]}) { 
 /echo Keeping a ${Cursor.Name}... WOOT! 
 /delay 5 
 /next LootCheck 
 /if (${Cursor.ID}) { 
 /echo Destroying a ${Cursor.Name}... 
 /delay 5 
 /next LootSlot 
 /delay 5 
 /notify LootWnd DoneButton leftmouseup 
 /delay 5

*edit* I'm guessing you want this for a FH bard macro. If I am incorrect, this won't be of any use. I have this macro looting only coin. It deletes everything else. Obviously, because all that drops in FH is rats whiskers and ears.
Eh sitting at 100% into lvl 70, and have exp in 90AA 10 regular, I stay above 94 all the time... with loot code to loot my body I never stop exping just go back to instance csum/loot/start kite again. That way I dont lose half the night if I leave it running.

You doing FH? You shouldn't be dying in there at lvl 70. I never die in there anymore. Only time my macro stops if server downtime. :D

Or are you doing vxed? To me, I know I couldn't get the uptime with my bard in Vxed that I can in FH. Uptime > more xp. Sides, I put bots in the DZ to assist kill in FH (not in group) so that helps the XP ALOT.
Doign vxed, without lag or anythign bad happening, I can do the whole 6 hour instance. Never tried Fh at all. For some reason though I seem to die at night, never during the day when I am around, just at night when I am in bed. Its strange really, but anyways this part of the macro allows me to sleep and still get my exp.
the problem is not targeting the corpse, it does that fine... It targets the corpse and summons it to me, but the problem was that is was just looting like 6 or 7 items then standing up like it was done. Think I got it fixed myself though. Thanks for all the input.
Having loot issues

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