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help with mq2 (1 Viewer)


New member
Feb 16, 2010
ok I am needing help with the commands I thought /warp then zone name was the right command to go to a zone? I also tried get the mq2tracker to work and no luck. Is some of the plugins auto loaded? What do I need do to have the plugin in to load that checks for GM and players? Can someone give me the commands please I am aNooB again And need help.
ok I am needing help with the commands I thought /warp then zone name was the right command to go to a zone? I also tried get the mq2tracker to work and no luck. Is some of the plugins auto loaded? What do I need do to have the plugin in to load that checks for GM and players? Can someone give me the commands please I am aNooB again And need help.

Be careful using warp. If others are in the zone you are better off not using it whether they can see you or not. As far as GM's go, they can avoid detection so they can watch you doing whatever and simply appear at will. Truthfully I would advise not using warp till you learn the other commands first, and how to use mq2map, which shows you mobs, PC's etc on the map.

The way to see what is loaded etc CLICK HERE

There are quite a few that macroquest2 frowns upon, such as warping and I would avoid asking questions on their boards or at your own risk get flamed to hell. They live to do that. But also on the other hand without them we would not have MQ. So you might want to think about donating there (up to you).

As far as /warp goes that only moves you within a zone. /Zone {zone shortname} will move you around from zone to zone. Again use extreme caution using this as GM's live to catch people doing this, especially classes that can't gate, etc. Learn TRACKING before warp or zone please. Macros will ultimately be what gets you here to stay if you like to do things AFK. Just remember those are also watched by your guildmates and others was well.

Good luck, hope this helps.
help with mq2

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