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Question - Hero AA's (1 Viewer)

Mar 16, 2019
I'm under no illusion they're not helpful. However, has anyone done any real testing. Like took a duplicate group and made the only difference hero AA versus none (or little) to compare the outcomes on things like dps/stats? Would just be curious to see some quantifiable data :) Again, I am not making the argument they're not useful/helpful.

I'm making a new crew and at 110, I think I am going to start working the cotf and up. It's something to do, and FTP-able for sure until obviously tov. I thought about starting at 100, but I am PLing the bots. I don't feel like gearing them at 100, 105, 110, etc. I wanna gear them 3 times total. 110 (tov 1 dropable/tradeable stuff) 115, t1 ToL, and then 120, T3 crafted (that's if I buy the expac)
Too many variables to control in an A vs B comparison. Even if you could come up with 2 perfectly identical groups differentiated by only their heroic AA count then you’d need sufficiently long parses on suitable targets (note plural). Long to deal with the RNG effects and targets to deal with break points and discontinuities in the true but unknown equations.

At best it will be marginal, so the best approach is work down a list of most to least meaningful character improvements and just do the work until the known effort (rubbing healing honey on dead bixie butts) vs perceived value doesn’t stack up. Or you find better uses of your time (in game or IRL)

these AA are permanent character improvements, so literally a ‘buy once, cry once’ paradigm. AND they confer benefits that cannot be otherwise acquired easily (+ATK for example).

They are on my list to do, but literally the last thing i will do (I will do collections for trophy slots before i do the heroic AAs).

IMO the most important things are
1. Gold vs FTP
2. Group / Raid class synergy composition
3. Level
4. AAs
5. Gear
6. Augs
7. AP
8. progression
9. evolving gear
10. luck augs
11. heroic AA
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At best it will be marginal, so the best approach is work down a list of most to least meaningful character improvements and just do the work until the known effort (rubbing healing honey on dead bixie butts)....
This made me lol

Have done this for weeks with no success. The expression "rubbing healing honey on dead bixie butts" described perfectly the feeling doing this missions over and over.

Many thanks
Question - Hero AA's

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