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IRL - Hi all, wanting to try Laz Server with RedGuides and Box for the first time ever! (1 Viewer)


May 19, 2024
Hi everyone, long time EQ player, played back in 2001 to 2005, and been playing Emu P99 for a while over the last 10 years.

Have never tried multiboxing before and have seen Doc Legendary's videos and would really like to give this way of playing EQ a go!

Just starting out now so any tips and help would be great, I am researching and getting things set up atm!

Thanks for reading!
Hiya Arc!!!!

Getting Started / Returning user

Welcome to RedGuides, fellow EQ multi-boxing enthusiast!

The best place to begin is our "New User Guide" video series, click this TV to watch:

This step-by-step series will teach absolute beginners how to control 6 characters at once while highlighting Nav, AutoLogin, and DanNet, which are fundamental plugins that will enhance every aspect of your game.

Watch the vids Sic has created as they are your greatest source of information. I would even recommend watching them twice. Toon Movement - AutoGroup/AutoAccept/MQ2Yes - Basic Overview

I suggest getting your feet wet slowly and be patient as it takes time to absorb all this information. Try taking your toons somewhere safe and lower level at first and explore the automation options. It takes some time to get used to, so don't be surprised it if feels overwhelming at first.

How do you get to see and experience all of this you ask? You need to be a level 2 member. To do that you have 2 options. First, you can subscribe (paid method) or second, you can use Red Cents. What the heck is a Red Cent you ask? Red Cents can you help with your subscription and it's the currency this site uses. Contribute helpful information (post here) and others will give you red cents and each red cent you give others returns one to you. check it out! Red Cents

Time to subscribe to level 2 and begin a journey you won't regret. Lots of info and a super helpful community here to help when you get stuck.
oh wow thankyou! :D
Read the other returning players or new players postings for some good tips etc

But now you are level 2 and The level 2 gets you a lot of free things and it also gives you the ability to give others Red Cents for good or helpful or funny posts.

By passing out and earning these "red Cents" you can use them to keep up your free level 2 each month. Just stop by the RedCents shop - click the Redcents at the top of the page to go there.

It does not cost you any to give and in giving them out it will also earn you more. If you make posts that others find funny, helpful, good question etc then they will give you Reds and that is 10 each time. So it is a good thing to come here and post now and then.

It only takes 50 red cents a month to stay level 2 so that is super easy since you can give out 4 a day.
Read the other returning players or new players postings for some good tips etc

But now you are level 2 and The level 2 gets you a lot of free things and it also gives you the ability to give others Red Cents for good or helpful or funny posts.

By passing out and earning these "red Cents" you can use them to keep up your free level 2 each month. Just stop by the RedCents shop - click the Redcents at the top of the page to go there.

It does not cost you any to give and in giving them out it will also earn you more. If you make posts that others find funny, helpful, good question etc then they will give you Reds and that is 10 each time. So it is a good thing to come here and post now and then.

It only takes 50 red cents a month to stay level 2 so that is super easy since you can give out 4 a day.
nice thanks great to know!
Excited now, this will be great! 🥳🥳 My own band of scoundrels to do my bidding!
I may never log off! 🙀
Thankyou for all the redcents and subs everyone, thats really nice of you, what a great community!
@Psy Valdemar gave me another month, does that mean I have two months now? My sub still expires in 30 days atm.
Never mind, it was still pending. I've been having an issue with my mouse that occasionally when I click a button, nothing happens. I clicked the hell out that "purchase" button and it's been resolved.

So you're good. Enjoy.
yup, its showing now, thanks so much! Really nice of you! Thanks to everyone for the Redcents and Subs!
Just figured out redCents! Changed a few of my reactions accordingly, hope that helps some people!

you can't come in here like that and just try and play it off all cool like.

we need to know the details on that sweet ass cat avatar you have!

spill the beans!

you can't come in here like that and just try and play it off all cool like.

we need to know the details on that sweet ass cat avatar you have!

spill the beans!
🤣 I love that!
It's just a little image I made in paint some time ago that I use for my avatars, I have black cats irl so its kind of a theme! ☺️
IRL - Hi all, wanting to try Laz Server with RedGuides and Box for the first time ever!

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