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Question - How Do I Get My Driving Toon To Initiate Spells From Another Character? (1 Viewer)

Feb 7, 2021
So I am just learning how to use all this, I use plugins and occasionally rgmercs. I have a current grp of SK (driver), SHM, CLE, WIZ, MAG and BST, trying to I guess mem and cast COTH on my MAG from my SK....How? Any spell for that matter? Just learning how to use the /dgga commands and get a little confused by it all, between kissassist, rgmercs, plugins and I guess dannet?
I use MQ2Cast which works well.

It especially works well when I want to practice casting spells with my members and use the -recast|# option.
Did you read and watch this? super helpful step by step info on stuff. Also check out Sic's hotkey guaid, it gives examples, and even if there isnt a "coth" one, can use any of the directed cast commands, with a edit for mage-bro to do coth.
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This step-by-step series will teach absolute beginners how to control 6 characters at once while highlighting Nav, AutoLogin, and DanNet, which are fundamental plugins that will enhance every aspect of your game.

Returning users check out - MacroQuest Release Party: https://www.redguides.com/community/threads/macroquest-release-party.80628/ for information about changes from the legacy MQ2 to the new and awesome MQ
So I am just learning how to use all this, I use plugins and occasionally rgmercs. I have a current grp of SK (driver), SHM, CLE, WIZ, MAG and BST, trying to I guess mem and cast COTH on my MAG from my SK....How? Any spell for that matter? Just learning how to use the /dgga commands and get a little confused by it all, between kissassist, rgmercs, plugins and I guess dannet?
Well, you use mq2mage right? So you should look at mq2mage since it does that.

You'd just sent your mage command with Dannet.

/Dex magedude /mag coth ${Me.Name} (will use AA or byos'd coth)
Well, you use mq2mage right? So you should look at mq2mage since it does that.

You'd just sent your mage command with Dannet.

/Dex magedude /mag coth ${Me.Name} (will use AA or byos'd coth)
Thank you Sic, thank for all the stuff you have created man, this stuff confuses me and I have the upmost appreciation for what you and others have created. So it would look like this: /Dgga /dexecute (magename) /mag coth (Tankname)? Or would I use the $ infront of magename?
Thank you Sic, thank for all the stuff you have created man, this stuff confuses me and I have the upmost appreciation for what you and others have created. So it would look like this: /Dgga /dexecute (magename) /mag coth (Tankname)? Or would I use the $ infront of magename?
no, exactly what i typed out for you would work

/dex magename /mag coth ${Me.Name} the person who wanted the coth would hit that button

Call of the Hero:
/mag Coth <name> - Will use your AA Call of the hero on <name>, or try and use the Call of the Hero spell if you don't have the AA. We don't memorize Coth for you, so you
GCoth <name> - Will try and use your group call of the heros spell on <name>

-> Coth/GCoth NOTE <-
- You will still need to byos, or utilize something like turning off useSkinDS (makes your gem 9 empty) to memorize Coth if you want to use the memorized spell version
-- (we skip the regular coth spell if you have the AA, but this would apply for the group coth, or pre-AA coth, for example).
-- at least at this time, we're not memorizing it for you.
Question - How Do I Get My Driving Toon To Initiate Spells From Another Character?

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