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Question - how do u make shaman epic 2.0 fire everytime its up and.. (1 Viewer)

Mar 10, 2016
how do u make shaman epic 2.0 fire everytime its up using kissassist or other means? and is there a way to make dichotomic roar of the lion cast everytime it fades? for my shaman it's a 2minute and 6 second buff with the extended aa's.

i'm just curious on the dichotomic roar because it's such a large amount of mana used to continually cast it.

thx in adv.
you can cast cani when 90 mana (aa and spell to regenerate mana fast ) for dichotomic you can use it as dps spell at 99 just after the slow :) soalways up when you engage a new mob if timer up :)
how do u make shaman epic 2.0 fire everytime its up using kissassist or other means? and is there a way to make dichotomic roar of the lion cast everytime it fades? for my shaman it's a 2minute and 6 second buff with the extended aa's.

i'm just curious on the dichotomic roar because it's such a large amount of mana used to continually cast it.

thx in adv.

You can put the epic in DPS, and it will fire every time it's available. As far as Roar, you could do it in MQ2Melee with a downshit.

Something like:
downshit0=/if (${Macro.Name.Equal[kissassist.mac]} && ${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Me.SpellReady[Roar of the Lion]} && !${Me.Buff[Roar of the Lion].ID}) /casting "Roar of the Lion"

I have not tested this, verify the buff/spell name and update if needed.
downshit8=/if (${Me.CombatState.Equal[Combat]} && !${Me.Song[Profet's Gift of the Ruchu].ID} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Cast.Ready[57405]} && ${Target.PctHPs}>10 && ${Target.PctHPs}<100) /casting "Blessed Spiritstaff of the Heyokah"

holyshit3=/if (${Me.CombatState.Equal[Combat]} && !${Me.Song[Profet's Gift of the Ruchu].ID} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Cast.Ready[57405]} && ${Target.PctHPs}>10 && ${Target.PctHPs}<100) /casting "Blessed Spiritstaff of the Heyokah"

- - - Updated - - -

Most likely you will only want to put it in downshits unless you actually melee.. then put one in holyshits too.
Question - how do u make shaman epic 2.0 fire everytime its up and..

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