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Question - How far can a T5 Merc take you into TDS named? (1 Viewer)

Feb 8, 2005
I was thinking T1 for sure, T2 would be dicey and T3+ would be impossible. Am I wrong in thinking this or does merc gear really make that much difference? I'd love to just grind some HAs deck my tank merc out max his AAs, and then take down some top tier names, but seeing how much damage he takes (a lot) on T1 names I'm just thinking its not going to happen. Please say I'm wrong! hehe

Just to note: I'm using a cleric and bard so the names do typically get slowed and my healing is generally on point.
I only know that 101+ Tank mercs are a lot more spikey despite assurances from DBG to the contrary.

Is the reverse situation possible though? Take down T2/T3 names with TDS T1 / cultural geared war using only T5 merc cleric ?
A5 I would not go past 95 - J5 I would not go past 100 - at 101 even the caster merc becomes lackluster at best... at 100 he is a beast!

- - - Updated - - -

and all my mercs are geared (DH HA's gear) and max AA'd
A 105 tank merc with gear and AA will fold on a TDS T3 named, even if the mob is slowed and has Mental Contortion on. I've been in a few groups who they to use a merc and it can't stay alive. However, I use my group of Enchanter, Mage, Healer merc and Wiz merc, pet tanking just fine. All TDS named have been killed this way. I have also killed many TDS named (my hunter is completed for the expansion) with Enchanter tanking, a Wiz, and a wiz merc and a healer merc.
Ive done every named/mission in TDS with a tank merc and cleric merc. T3 isn't easy but it is completely doable. I'm not sure why other people are experiencing such issues.
Ive done every named/mission in TDS with a tank merc and cleric merc. T3 isn't easy but it is completely doable. I'm not sure why other people are experiencing such issues.

Well if its doable, I will do it then. If its just a matter of healing, it will be done. I'm currently 102 taking down T1/2 names with mercs and some do give me issues. So far I am able to get through it with burning my AA spires / defensive AAs in the correct order with always having one up through out the fight. Without this, my tank merc literally goes from 100% to poof in one round of attacks.
Well if its doable, I will do it then. If its just a matter of healing, it will be done. I'm currently 102 taking down T1/2 names with mercs and some do give me issues. So far I am able to get through it with burning my AA spires / defensive AAs in the correct order with always having one up through out the fight. Without this, my tank merc literally goes from 100% to poof in one round of attacks.

Only ones to really watch out for are the mobs with the huge damage shields (like 5k a hit or something). Just have to pay attention on when to toggle merc attack on/off. Think there are only 2 or 3 in TDS with that though. I know one is in Dredge; can't remember the others.
It's very difficult to kill T3 named with a merc tank without a real healer. I tried with every combination of settings with 2 healer mercs, slowed, crippled, it doesn't matter. They almost always die quickly after fort drops. If all my wizard burns and enchanter burns are up, it's possible, but if they're down, it's a gamble. I eventually made a warrior, and now it's pretty easy.
Question - How far can a T5 Merc take you into TDS named?

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