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Strategy - How many characters per account (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2020
How many of you have multiple characters on your subbed account? Having built a large list of toons I can’t sub all of them. Just curious if you are leveling several toons on one account so you can have more subbed accounts vs subbing several different accounts with only one character on each of them.
How many of you have multiple characters on your subbed account? Having built a large list of toons I can’t sub all of them. Just curious if you are leveling several toons on one account so you can have more subbed accounts vs subbing several different accounts with only one character on each of them.
I have 1 account which has 2 toons which I keep max level.
How many of you have multiple characters on your subbed account? Having built a large list of toons I can’t sub all of them. Just curious if you are leveling several toons on one account so you can have more subbed accounts vs subbing several different accounts with only one character on each of them.
Most of my main group are 99-2001 era characters, so have multiple characters per account, but I wound up stopping that when I found RG. I never play those alts and now far prefer to just add one character per account. Feels like it adds much happier gameplay. My main has 10 or 11 whatever the max is, but I never even log on anyone but the main guy now. Only my main has consistent sub, rest of his team is off and on. Every other group I have is 1 per account and just gets a Krono for AA.
i have 1 toon on tank and heal accts than bard accounts ill have an enchanter. than DPS accts ill have one of each on them ... all gold status cause test is awesome
I started with my main and then made another character on that account to set up as a trader.

Moved on to my second account and put 5 caster classes on it thinking this would be a brilliant idea. Also made another with all my tanks on it - SK, Pally etc.

Then realized how stupid that was cause the mage could not coh anyone in this account, nor could the chanter buff them, pally could not buff sk etc. And I would have to rotate out which I wanted to use for tank.

So I made new accounts, each one has a main character, a second character that is the baz seller, another one for barter buyer, and a few extra so I can buy more plots in my neighborhood. Have to do it that way since you can only buy 3 plots per character.

And this, little Johnny is how you wind up with 53 houses!

4 are paid. The rest are F2P or Silver. But they are not mains, just buffers or back ups for what ever reason.

I figure 4 accounts at $15 each a month is only $60 a month. Much cheaper than a movie or a bar or even 2 visits to a fast food place.
Like many others, 1 original account with a bunch of useless alts that never log in and 20+ accounts (and growing) with only 1 char. Most of them I rotate sub to get the AA. The greatest thing to me about lots of accounts is I find I care less and less about my "main" so it'll hurt less if I lose it someday. Can't lose the memories after all :xd:
i have 6 accounts - i have a mix of toons on them - of course all accounts have mages maxed :-)
I have one caster team and one melee team - shammy healers on both but i do have cleric that i keep maxed out
I also have 1 druid on each account for forage/fishing. I like to send them out on hangover days.
I am using the minority here but I don't see the value in one toon per subbed account I load those suckers up so I can make several group options from my subbed accounts.
How do you have your accounts organized? I’m assuming a tank, then healer, then CC. From there how are your toons organized to reduce the amount of subbed accounts you need?
Account to Account transfers started a slow death in Feb 2016, staggered thru to the summer with a couple manual transfers and then died by August of that year. Many rumors exist as to why such as they fired the sme who did it, they lost the coding, it was too open to fraud, they changed how characters were stored, they discontinued Windows XP etc. Then J Chan said no plans to bring it back.

How about an Alternate personality?
Account to Account transfers started a slow death in Feb 2016, staggered thru to the summer with a couple manual transfers and then died by August of that year. Many rumors exist as to why such as they fired the sme who did it, they lost the coding, it was too open to fraud, they changed how characters were stored, they discontinued Windows XP etc. Then J Chan said no plans to bring it back.

How about an Alternate personality?
That’s an interesting idea. How do personalities work? Do you level them just like another toon?
How many of you have multiple characters on your subbed account? Having built a large list of toons I can’t sub all of them. Just curious if you are leveling several toons on one account so you can have more subbed accounts vs subbing several different accounts with only one character on each of them.
I grow bored easily and for some weird reason i enjoy levelling new toons. I mainly keep 3 accounts subbed and other than that i sub 1 or 2 accounts if i feel i want to do an aa grind for a toon on one of the other accounts. i dont waste the sub $ on accounts where the toon is below 115 now. My core group is sk/sham/bard.. i have 2 sets of those within my accounts . one set is full aas and best gear i can get for it, the other is being woirked on when i work on those other toons i play and grind the aa's for them.

short answer is i play a bunch of toons on all my accounts. i keep 3 subbed and grind everything else as i go. i have an account with 10? toons all lv 120+ for example. thats not because i use or need them, its because im addicted to mental pain and enjoy the work. seems calming for me i guess. I can mindlessly lose myself working on these toons. ( always have a project or 3 going ).

keep in mind 1 thing, if u can tank and heal it, u can kill it, if u can cc it, it wont wipe you. the rest u can add to your own pleasure. i.e. dps toons r kinda helpful ( once they have aas ). that doesnt mean u gotta grind those aas to start off with slower kills are just slower kills. also dont forget the special line aas once u start doing those. keep them updated so those skills/abilities all fire off with the added bonus for the lv you are currently using.

best of luck. theres alot to read here. ya.. waiting on my damn wife to get ready so i can drive her to work...

Ive always done *played* char, 1 per account.. always that time *damn, wish i had a open tank, but thats my healer also*... not to say my 60+ accounts DIDNT have other char, but they are either shelved (rare, not worth either), or just fucking around alts.
I only keep 6 accounts or one group subbed but I have multiple options for groups inside them. If I want to go all pet or all melee I can or two of any DPS class. My other toons are either for raiding, for dicking around or in case of suspension.
That’s an interesting idea. How do personalities work? Do you level them just like another toon?
Personas are new classes your character can become, is essentially it. My main character is a tank, and he goes around with a main group. Any skill and spells they all provide each other is what I have. I can buy a persona slot and add that on main tank, so lets say I add 3 slots of personas. Main tank can transform into a mage, a enc, a rog, or back to his normal tank self. My main is 125, when I create the persona, each is a level 1. Instead of logging off to another character on the same account, I can now log onto one of my personas. Persona use the same banks, have your AAs Tradeskills, gear that your main has. My new level 1 mage persona is still RedFrog name, same as tank, the other classes will be the same. I am always still me 'RedFrog', even though I have switched classes. Many achievements and collections all completed by my tank, carry over to the new mage persona. The mage must be leveled like any character or can have a Heroic applied. This manner seems a little easier than logging off to another character on the account, if I have no trade twink things that the new mage can use, he has access to everything in the banks, keyrings, currency. So mount up the LS mount and level 1 mage can get the buff, etc.
The peronsa mage can (once leveled up) come CoTH or buff group, etc. But cannot park nearby to help easily. That is a difference from a normal 2nd character. The use is a little different, but workable. For example to help corpse run, a Persona cleric or necro cannot park nearby and log on to rez, but they can log on and use the campfire, remember its still 'RedFrog' so RedFrog the tank is in the fellowship, so is the mage persona, its not a different character.

If you bought or will buy LS, it came with 3 persona slots for the basic expansion purchase. There are good and bad things about the personas. I don't have much use for them myself, but it is a way they decided to go and does have some nice things.
Persona feature is very usefull in the new progression server.

Say you create a human paladin in Qeynos. And your friend created an iksar shaman in cabilis, and you two want to level together. It is alot of work and hours to walk from Qeynos to field of bone right? Not with persona!

The human paladin can use one persona slot to turn himself to a for example, monk iksar. You will appear in your homecity, cabilis. Then you walk outside the range of the guards, and persona again back to the human paladin. You will be on cabilis/field of bone with your paladin, ready to play with your iksar friend.

Alot of people are using this persona feature in the new two progression servers as a way to "teleport" between the cities.

My char is a druid 14/mage 20/paladin10/monk 10

The downside is that you share the same bags with different gear from the 4 classes.

I am an altoholic, so I am loving this feature.

EDIT: I forgot to add, any char at lvl 5 gain the aa - Origin 1hour cd
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same as others, basically noting
1) your care factor has to scale to the number of toons. some things in EQ only scale linear, and that's EFFORT. i have 17 toons i 'care' about on 12 accounts. thats alot of partisans, APs and evolvers.
2) generally 1 toon to 1 account. max cost but minimum regerts.
3) making toons-to-accounts modular is good, switching to 6 alts, that are a self supporting group can work pretty well imo.
4) personas are cancer

1) i have BRD & ENC sharing an account, these are 'substitutable'
2) DPS toons are substitutable too, I have necros on my berzerker accounts, use whichever makes most sense.
3) i am tempted to make mages on my berzerker accounts too, but haven't since i don't have the care factor
4) don't put a rogue on your shaman account or a mage on cleric account .... i was so dumb
5) tanks and healers are 1 toon to 1 account for me. coz the tanks are the driver toons, i am always logged in with them.
I only keep 6 accounts or one group subbed but I have multiple options for groups inside them. If I want to go all pet or all melee I can or two of any DPS class. My other toons are either for raiding, for dicking around or in case of suspension.
I keep a lot golded, but having the mix and match for whatever I need is one reason. I have built my additional raid forces within the same accounts to minimize number of expansions and krono required to maintain.
My main account got server merged a few times. Ended up with 11 characters on it.
Could be good or bad....

My OG account, I still have it, has max slots/max char, but those are fucking off char.. as posted earlier I dont like to stack "useful" char.

That being said, this comment made me realize, I have my OG account.. NFC where the char ended up (was Torv back in 99-01).
Strategy - How many characters per account

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