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How to do a no auth compile? (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 6, 2005
As the title says how would I do a no-auth compile? Also how about doing dateless plugins so they work with any no-auth type compiles?
open up the mq2exe with a hex editer and search for anything that says microsoft and change it to microsoap when finished doing that use ure hex editer and open the mq2auth file and do the same as before....search for anything that says microsoft and change it to microsoap. now once u finish this build ure mq2 like normal..I believe this is all if i remember something else i will reply
I'm bored and probably going to lose a lot of sleep for this but I'm currently going to break the mq2auth check on my compile posted in Start/Cheats... Gawd baby jesus is gonna cry IRL.
Ok as you said Cadewen I was going through those files suggested looking for microsoft but couldn't seem to find anything like that or i might have been searching wrong. (Using Hex Workshop 4.2) Any ideas?
What I did was open it with hex workshop, hit ctrl+h, set "Type:" as "Text string" entered
Rich (BB code):
in the "Find:" box and
Rich (BB code):
in the "Replace:" box. Maybe you spelt it wrong?
How to do a no auth compile?

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