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Strategy - How to maximize returns on fishing combines (for armor) and minimize fishing time. (1 Viewer)


Seasoned veteran member
Nov 21, 2020
You're gonna want an hour fishing time for each dozen or so toons you wanna make back and shoulders for. Thats with one toon fishing, add one for every dozen alts you wanna outfit.

First: get enough bait and rods if you don't have summonable..to fish for an hour or so..should be about 150 bait to make 15+ sets of back/shoulders.
Once you have all your fish....now here's the strategic part...figure about 3 fish per alt though you may end up with extra...you need to get a Draught of the Craftsman from the marketplace (i wait til sales then sit on them,, they're heirloom).
Now, in your shared bank put all your fish, a scaler, maybe a big bag or 2 if the alt you're gonna use has no bags, maybe a fishing mod but its unnecessary and may be self defeating...the Craftsman potion, and in case they don't have food/drink, maybe a stack of each.

Then you log in an alt that has ZERO fishing skill (on the same account as the potion), loadem up with the bags and fish etc..make sure the junk food/drink are first of course...and either get a tacklebox or go to a standing one like near SB in PoK or in the building in housing area.
You will have to experiment at first, but it only took me a few tries luckily, it could take 20, putting 1 fish and the scaler into the container and combine. DO NOT DO THIS until you have clicked the CRAFTSMAN potion. It doesn't matter where you do it since they nerfed the potions years ago to count down even in pok etc. The fish will get salvaged every time so you just have to keep putting the scaler back in and hit combine until you get a success. Once you have a success of course, go find the recipe and do combine all.

My experience has shown you will get 10-12x the return on the fish this way. 20 fish netted me over 22k scales for example in about 25minutes. In that time i got 80 skillups (mostly on failures of course) but i did regret later doing patches on my main afterwards since they fail a lot...but not enough to bother with the potion, camp that alt out and save that potion for the next time. Now, if you do the math, in a perfect world those 22.2k scales i got would then net me 2200 patches, 220 swatches, and 22 sheets. 22 sheets from 20 fish?? Yup. but that's in a perfect world, if you have high fishing skill and max salvage you can probably still get 20 out of the 20 original fish, it's not worth the 2500 market cash to use a potion for the combines after the initial scaling, but the initial scaling always returns 50 scales on failure..and with the potion you also get the fish back. This is the key. And, why you need to start with a 0 skill toon, not a high skill toon.

After fish are scaled you have a loooong time of subcombines to go so unless you're rolling in it, i wouldn't waste pots for those. In the end of course, 1 sheet for shoulders and 2 sheets for back piece, of whatever sort you're making: conflagrant, secret dawn, velium, or restless... and the trivial is very low so every 3 sheets you finish another alt. Enjoy

Note: you will probably only be able to do this 1 time per alt because as you skill up the combines will be more successful, and by the time 2hrs are up(length of the potion) you will likely be at 200 fishing, but in a 2hr potion you should be able to make 35-40 sets of back/shoulders worth of scales.
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thought of this years ago but never got around to trying it until today. Should've done it back in RoS days lol. I knew it would work but , the proof is in the pudding.

And i don't think DBG can complain about it as you're paying them for the potion.
Similar idea to farm Plat with a spare Heroic Upgrade you have lying around.
All you need is a necromancer, and a Heroic Upgrade you're not using, or no longer want to use.
Make a Heroic(a new one or one you would delete anyway), sacrifice it with your necro all the way down (is it 46 or 51? i forget, but either way) Once you can't sac anymore, delete the Heroic and make a new one. repeat ad nauseum. Sell Essence Emeralds in Baz.

Don't forget to load up on many thousands of emeralds and perhaps put the necro on a mount before beginning, depending on their mana and mana regen.
It is clever, but 2500 DB cash even with 10% or like this year 20% . is still 2250, or 2000db cash which is $ 22.50 or $20.00 .. you can get Krono for $10 or less so you could buy 2 krono.

2 krono will yield you 4 -4.6 mill pp across most live servers.

You can buy most containers, especially the fishing ones for 25-50k and if you are buying in bulk easily purchase 20 boxes for 1million pp.

This is EXTREMLY COSTLY to get a toon to Skill 200 or to make Fish Scale Sheets.

I would argue the only time to ever use that Draught of the Craftsman is when you have ALOT of high end combines that you have spent weeks farming rare parts to make combines with.

I have a couple main toons that are max in fishing or even some that are only 200 .. these combines cost you zero plat to do, so even if you waste half of them, you are leftover with so many fish and scales its crazy.
The main thing is that it will take hours of sub combines, but its time to AFK or sleep overnight time.
oh I'm well aware of the cost, but you can also save up the free sc and get one once a year around expansion launches so you can spend minimal time fishing and maximum time crafting to get stuff in teh bazaar sooner. I craft for my toons, but I craft a lot MORE for the baz, and that's exactly what pays for my accounts. I got the potion i used today for 1800...20%off then 10% off of that. I won't buy kronos from randos on some site with a system where you have absolutely no recourse to getting ripped off except their rep on the same said site, AND risk getting suspended or banned for using a wellknown RMT seller. I would much prefer to farm my plat and buy the kronos from the poor saps that did take all those risks, or paid full price lol.

Off the top of my head though, if i only make shoulders out of the sheets i just made from 20 fish (got 21 sheets) after subtracting production costs(cleaning solution for diamonds mainly) I'll make a mill selling the results. That's on a server where people have absolutely DESTROYED the market. If i were to put the same amices out in week 1 or 2?? it'd be at least 5mill, thats 2 kronos in 25minutes of the potion., about 8 kronos per potion, and you dont even have to BUY the potion just save dbc and watch for good sales.

Note: i don't WANT skillups on the toon using the pot in this case, bedcause failure is the best part, i just noted how many they got so can see why you can really only do one potion per alt, for this purpose. For any other purpose id only use these potions on my main.
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It's a well thought out plan, but highly susceptible to the first week of a new expansion as well as the amount of tradeskillers on the server and the bazaar pricing.
With the ToV earring, the amount of TS'er for this XPAC went through the roof and prices dropped by 10 fold after 1 week.
Moving forward outside of that window though, I just do not see using such an expensive item like the Potion worth wasting the DB coins on when its just a matter of a few more hours on auto combine is my view.

I do appreciate your process and agree its viable, and there are other things to consider about krono price etc, but DB points are just as valuable spent on crates or prize packs as you can sell those items for many krono at the beginning of a new drop of Heritage Crates etc, so DB points need to be strategized on how you spend them for the best RoI
oh i know the chance of making money off the crates..but that chance is pretty low compared to the junk drops you usually get from them, same with the prize packs. I'm speaking from the perspective of my server and how the market was on it for hte month of December. It started to crash but not because the novelty wore off, but because a couple people apparently discovered how to bazbot...badly so they drove each other's prices into dust without setting any minimums (even under 100pp sometimes) But, that wasn't in the first 2 weeks, and every time they did that, a couple of us would force a reset on the prices and they'd go back up to where they were before, only now gradually getting ot where only a handful of fadeds are over 100k, but at Christmas, most were still 250kish. It's like after a patch, if you're fast you can get on and make good money because these bots are waiting for mq2 to get updated before they log in, and even then it often takes 48hrs before all the usual sellers are online, so less competition. I log in my traders first, reset any prices that were being pummeled by bots so when THEY log in they'll raise theirs (and yes, it works) and enjoy profit again. There is so much to be made just from tradeskills if you make the right things at the right time etc. This last patch, the instant i found out about the Lore jewelry change...i made a bunch of ear and rings of vigor and adroit, and i made 5mill in under 48hrs. I had NO competition because the demand was that high, if anyone else loaded in a trader that happened to have some already they sold out, or i foundem and boughtem out if cheap enough. I had a monopoly on that market for days. Kinda like insider trading, but anyone could've done the same.
Good Stuff Toe !
I honestly never even looked at the ability to double stack Jewelry as a habit, I just always seperated the pair like Vigor/Adroitness etc :

But to those that did double stack.. they are PISSED !! lol

oh i was one of them for my alts anyway. every one of them had a pair of ears and rings all matching. and its NOT been "forever" that they've been lore like that as some are saying. conflagrant ones weren't and these weren't on release, only tbl and tov were. and a LOT of the dropped ones are still not lore like Dangling Coral Bauble
I think as a habit the focus cliky is why we split the items up for the Focus AA increase, and the Jewelry outside Frenzy, Kick, and Security are so close in stats that its not a big deal to offset them.

Having Zerkers wearing Brilliance Masks for ToV was pretty dumb though since it was the only one that had Frenzy Focus.
Neat idea but I just set my toons to autofish while I watched TV and had plenty of fish caught to upgrade everyone. Set 6 toons to fishing and later combining in guild hall (pok lag stops autocombine) you'll have more than that in no time.
I try to stay within the confines of the rules. Autofish, ok autofish and gowatch a movie? no. not imo. should it be ok? yeah, but that can be a lotta things lol. my whole point for this though is future planning, not typical farming to make for alts (though that was my example for numbers) but speed. fishing is faster if yo uhave more toons, yeah, but its even more faster if you only need 1/10 the fish. speed can mean a lot sometimes..its like playing the stock market sadly lol. timing can be everything.
Strategy - How to maximize returns on fishing combines (for armor) and minimize fishing time.

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