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How to Petition and Report players (Scammers, Trainers, etc...) (1 Viewer)

Feb 8, 2005
So there is a common misconception that if you use MQ2 you can't have any GM interactions. That they will just MAGICALLY know that you are using MQ2! Well guess what, I'm here to put that baby to bed. You all know me and I push the envelope to the max or at least have in the past. Here is a How To report and petition people.

/report command (Sends last 20 lines in chat window to Sony)
**If someone admits to training you, scams you, you have a trade contract with make sure to highlight that window and type /report with all lines of text displaying.

DO NOT WORRY about MQ2 sending information in /report command. As long as all your MQ2 chatter goes into the MQ2ChatWnd you have nothing to worry about.

/petition command (opens web browser to file support question)
This is the same as pulling up your browser outside the game and submitting a accidental loot, or following up a /report command with a detailed description of what transpired. This always safe to do.

GM Interaction in Zone (not via tells)
There are certain things a GM will look for on a MQ2 user. Mostly they will check your targets, your movement, how many instances of EQ you have open, and thats about it. So if you have 4 EQ boxes open running macros this will be a red flag to a GM, but who boxes that many chars anymore lol... Most mine are banned or inactive.

So standing there chatting with a GM is perfectly safe, but if your super paranoid you can always type /unload and chat away.

So please, next time you see someone train or admit to something in CHAT /report it. Everyone hates these users and the other day in a group I was reporting some jackass and this guy in my group was freaking out. I was like chill dude, its not like your running MQ2 or something... ROFL. Psssst... I'd venture a guess that more than 25% of EQs population uses MQ2. I could spot at least 5 people last night that were MQ2 users in zone of 15 lol. So don't be so scared next time is the point to this story, report jackasses... enough said.
Wait...let me get this straight. Somebody using a program to cheat in eq is gonna report somebody else for inappropriate behavior. That's funny as hell!
Using MQ to help you out and have fun in game is one thing, but griefing, training, and scamming OTHER people is quite another.

I have no issue petitioning or reporting people who train or are otherwise being assholes... mq or not.
How to Petition and Report players (Scammers, Trainers, etc...)

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