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Question - How to /who another guild? (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 2, 2011
Without MQ running i can just /who guildname

With MQ running I know I can type /who myguild but I can't figure out how to get a /who response on another guild. MQ window just keeps telling me it's not found.
- THIS IS A MACROBREAKING PATCH! (so read these notes)
- Please don't use MQ2 for unattended gameplay (afk botting)
- Fixed .Mercenary in the spawnstruct for TEST -cred demonstar55
- GetGuildIDByName now returns 0xFFFFFFFF and not 0x0000FFFF if a guild is NOT found, so if you use this function in a plugin adjust acordingly.
- Fixed a problem with searching through spawns for guild members
This might break you macros so pay attention!:
Prior to THIS patch there was a difference in CASE with guild/GUILD in spawn searches:
IF you wanted to search for a spawn like this:
/echo ${Spawn[radius 75 pc guild noalert 6]}
THAT WOULD MAKE MQ2 THINK the guild you where looking for was called "noalert"
now if that was not your intention, you should have used UPPERCASE GUILD instead
and it would just search for people in YOUR guild.
In order to not use this confusing method of searching through spawns
I have decided to rename lowercase guild to guildname
so from this point and onward, you CAN specify guild OR GUILD and it will just pick your own guild
in order to search for players of a specific guild use "guildname" and note that if there are spaces in the guildname you need encase with "".
Example: ${Spawn[radius 75 pc guildname "Some Cool Guild" noalert 6]}
And it goes on, that was a big patch... But anyway, it also illustrates the usefulness of searching changes.txt for answers as well...

So, as can be seen from that note, if you want to search for your own guild use
Rich (BB code):
/who all guild
and if you want to search for another guild use
Rich (BB code):
/who all guildname "<some guild>"
Question - How to /who another guild?

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