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I am in need of help... (1 Viewer)


New member
Mar 10, 2005
I am looking for a complete guide.. Here is the scoop i box a 70bard and 67beastlord and my friend plays 70 wizard.... have access to a 70 cleric as well... We are going to get another account and create a berserker we need a guide to get berserker 55 quick as possible.... once then i will just kite with bard in PoV and PL rest up that way.

Could someone help me weed through all the different posts or give me links to specific posts and give me level by levels guide to powerlevel melee type and also which classes best to PL with.... Thanks alot
Just have the melee hit each and every mob once till you can group with the bard, then have him sit in a group while the bard kites
its a little more painful when the toon being PLed does not have AE spell...

But it is not impossible or really that hard

using the DS method in the other posts... you should do fine

just make sure the berserker does damage...

When I pl .. after the toon being PLed has done damage .. i use a no damage root.. and let the mobs beat on my druid .. with lots of DS on him
I posted this on a thread in the Cheats / Strats section, this should help your Berzerker some.

Rich (BB code):
|Melee 1-Hit Macro
|Whoever is PLing (Cleric or Druid?) /tell Alt being PL'd - Now! - (Without the -'s) in order to activate.
|Simply make a Hotbutton for the above requirement and it's cake.
|Enjoy it, if it really works.
#Event Now "#*#tells you, 'Now!'*#*"
#Event Hit "#*#You slash#*#" 
#Event Hit "#*#You hit#*#" 
#Event Hit "#*#You crush#*#" 
#Event Hit "#*#You pierce#*#" 
#Event Face "#*#You cannot#*#"
#Event TooFar "#*#get closer!#*#"
#Event Exp "#*#You gain#*#"
Sub Main  
|Add name of the Druid or Cleric PLing.
/if (${Target.ID}==FALSE) /target <PLers Name>
/delay 50
/goto :loopstart  

sub event_Now
|Add name of the Druid or Cleric PLing.
/target <PLers Name>
/delay 10
/delay 10
/stick behind

sub event_Hit
/target npc next
/delay 10
/attack on

sub event_Face
/delay 10
/face fast

sub event_Exp
/delay 10

sub event_TooFar
/delay 10
|I put /stick behind, because mobs are easier to hit from behind.
/stick behind

I never got any feedback on whether it really works, or could work, but it's worth a shot.

Also, I am not sure where it should be added, but might want to add and #Event and sub event_*** for low HPs, so your toon can /warp succor or something. Nothing worse than dying during a PL to stop your XP gain.
I am in need of help...

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