swear to god i'm not making this up.
in my dream, i sat at my desk. i opened a web browser and, just for the hell of it, decided to visit the 7th link down in my google bookmarks thing.
Notaddicted opened, and not to the 'we're not angry, just disappointed' message, but to a full blown front page. and it wasn't some swanky new layout, it was the same old page i knew and loved.
i was torn between being pissed that it was down for so long for nothing, or being happy that it was finally up again.
then i woke up and tried the link.
in my dream, i sat at my desk. i opened a web browser and, just for the hell of it, decided to visit the 7th link down in my google bookmarks thing.
Notaddicted opened, and not to the 'we're not angry, just disappointed' message, but to a full blown front page. and it wasn't some swanky new layout, it was the same old page i knew and loved.
i was torn between being pissed that it was down for so long for nothing, or being happy that it was finally up again.
then i woke up and tried the link.