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Stupid - I made it to level cap for the first time! (1 Viewer)

Apr 18, 2021
I did it! Lol for the first time since kunark I was able to get to the level cap without getting out right bored and giving up. I have a tendency to take things close to the end and stopping lol. It was close, I stopped playing for almost a month, burned out. Now I just have to get all them AAs.
Lying No Way GIF by Pudgy Penguins
I did it! Lol for the first time since kunark I was able to get to the level cap without getting out right bored and giving up. I have a tendency to take things close to the end and stopping lol. It was close, I stopped playing for almost a month, burned out. Now I just have to get all them AAs.
Dude, that's awesome. Must feel good. I know its just a game, and top level is not the only point in the game, but I remember that feeling when TBL ( i think) came out, I had started using RG and for the first time in years got above 70. I hit max for FTP and then TOL came out and I maxed out my entire team fir the first time ever for me that was DURING the then most current expansion. It felt so good, I was smiling like a dork for a overexcessive amount.
My stupid smile:
dumb and dumber GIF
I'd have to give EQ credit for still reigning supreme when it comes to "feeling" the grind. I don't think I played any other game and saw less than a tenth of a percent on a mob kill, especially if it was within a few levels below.

Grats OP!
That's awesome. The first toon or toons are the hardest to cap. After that it just seems easier to do. Congratulations you're on your way! You still have months to get armor, do quests all the stuff I depend on other people and the bazaar for. LOL
Stupid - I made it to level cap for the first time!

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