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Icefell vs Frostcrypt vs exp that sucks (1 Viewer)


May 16, 2009

was testing out them new hotzones and was really dissapointed.

at 85 lvl icefell and frostcrypt AA exp is same, 3% per kill with group of 6 (lvl 85,lvl 81,lvl 77 + mercs)

Considering how difficult frostcrypt is vs icefell, then there is no point to go there whatsoever :( I can pull 10 mobs to my tank merc in every 3-4 minutes in icefell, but only 2 in FC. That way exp is ok in icefell, 30% AA per pull. 5-6 AAs a hour. But I'm looking for AFK spot - been doing Icefell caves so far.

Is there any other locations besides hotzones, where to afk exp with mercs? At lvl 85 I'm getting 5 AAs in 8 hours afk exping sucks donkey balls. Tried mecha instances, exp sucks. tried loping plains, still sucks. Even Toskirakk is only 6% AA exp per kill with full group. Do I have to go exp in endgame raid zone to get decent exp per kill? It was so much easier when lvl 75 was max and you could get decent exp in many places, lots of places. Now doing AAs is...aargh. And I only need to do...uum 5000 AAs?

I'm about to sac my chars down to lvl 65-70, so I could train-farm velketors or something. CoD was so awesome...

Any thoughts where to bring my team? (shammy,magician,cleric). Cant find dain 3 macro and I heard it doesnt work very well with 3. Dont know hows exp there at 85.
Icefell vs Frostcrypt vs exp that sucks

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