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Discussion - If you could make your perfect group out of any race which would you use? (1 Viewer)

If I wanted to optimize I’d do vah shir for the war/shm/brd/bst/ber/rog group. Honorable mentions dark and high elf and iksar though I don’t love how iksar plate looks.

If I were clowning around, it would probably be tough to resist something not seen often like trolls
I'm seeing a severe lack of gnomes.

But the race aspect, I find it depend on the class. I'll pick the BST based on the pet more so than the characters. For me, druid is a wood elf... Ranger as well, but that is nostalgia.
I don't see a ton of Drakkin exclusive crews out there. Something slightly out of the box I will roll this week: War Pal Bard Dru Rog Monk.
Iksars because I absolutely love their fantasy of being the last remnants of a race that's been nearly extinguished by Dragons and the Shissars.
Okay I love this answer I wrote a backstory for the Is kaar group when I start them. It's about 6 Brothers from a Brood that choose different paths. A solitary Monk, AShaman who is a medicine man to his people. The oldest Brother a revered Shadow Knight. A Necromancer Brother who broke ranks to follow the Dark Arts completely. And the two youngest Brothers who are the closest to each other both BeastLords.
My perfect group would be a gnome female tinkering shaman and 5 Vah shir but I want objects in the world to be more interactable so EVERY room the Vah shir enter they immediately jump on all the furniture and knock all the items off shelves and tables then when items land on the floor they have a 30% chance of getting startled and run spastically around the room scaring each other till they all flee the room.

The shamans epic staff makes the cats swat at it at random intervals as she uses it and she can tinker mechanical mice and release them for the cats to chase if she needs 5 minutes to distract the cats to complete tasks.

For the Vah shir to be able to regen health or mana they have to sit and lick their crotch with their leg sticking straight up in the sky, and the shaman make various catnip potions that have various effects just for cat people that calm them, sent them into a blinding rage, etc.

When she tinkers there is a 100% chance that the cats will jump up on the crafting table and lay on her hands and she has to pet the cat till they get bored and wander off before she can start crafting again, if she just puts them down there is a 50% chance they will bite her leg and run away to pee in her crafting reagents ruining a random reagent in her inventory or bank making a new item called cat sprayed reagent which can be used to make a smoke bomb that when thrown at an enemy makes all her cats rage attack the mob till its dead.

Its called The witchy cat lady party!
trolls and ogres ... boxers and botters never use these races
While that's probably true in general, I did have an experience where 6 unabashed ogre shadowknights with close variants of the same name zoned in on top of me and then ran off in unison to slaughter an entire zone.

There I was just chilling by myself, trying to decide what I wanted to do that night, when my screen exploded with itchy butt cracks and massive overload of one physical loc. I feel like it even strained the bolts hanging my monitor to the wall. I think the only thing missing was some bombastic theme music or maybe some kind of wrestling announcer intro catch phrase :xd:
I beg to differ, I have both ogres and trolls. I don't use the cats or the drak's ever though, there's something about both of those that repulses me apparently. Heck, I even use humans!
I beg to differ, I have both ogres and trolls. I don't use the cats or the drak's ever though, there's something about both of those that repulses me apparently. Heck, I even use humans!
disagree on the cats, but big agree on the drakkin. Nothing about them is cool or appealing to me.
Innoruuk's children. Couldn't care less about DRU, MNK, RNG or PAL but add BRD, BER, BST and SHM to allowable dark elf classes, and all would be right with Norrath.

Never understood why there is a Maestro of Rancor, yet dark elves can't be bards? Also, thematically, taking all the "backwoods swamp magic" from the trolls and ogres makes sense as well. Give dark elf SHM and BST spiders for pets/warders, done.
Innoruuk's children. Couldn't care less about DRU, MNK, RNG or PAL but add BRD, BER, BST and SHM to allowable dark elf classes, and all would be right with Norrath.

Never understood why there is a Maestro of Rancor, yet dark elves can't be bards? Also, thematically, taking all the "backwoods swamp magic" from the trolls and ogres makes sense as well. Give dark elf SHM and BST spiders for pets/warders, done.

I like the idea of dark elf beastlords with spider pets. That'd be neat.

As for the topic. I'm already running it. Shadowknight, Cleric, Enchanter, Wizard x 3 (could do mages as well). If they allowed shaman and bard. I'd totally do a sk, shm, brd, rogue x 3 (or bst x 3 for all the skitters) in dark elves.
GNOMES... always loved the race. When I first started on vallon zek the gnomes/halfing/dwarfs were all called shorties/pecks.
Sucks they cant get up stairs so each one needs a AoN.
Discussion - If you could make your perfect group out of any race which would you use?

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