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I'm Back, but Where to Level? (1 Viewer)


Ex-Admin Dust Bunny
Mar 16, 2006
As most you know, I have vacated Azeroth for the time being and have made the return trip to Norrath. I has been almost 18 months since I've walked these lands and need a bit of guidance.

What would be the fastest leveling path from 77 to 85? I have a decently geared (SoF and SoD raiders) group of friends I've been grouping with, and I'm not too shabby a healer if I do say so myself, so hard zones won't be an issue.

Any input on a good leveling path at this point would be greatly appreciated. I really want to hit 85 so I can start the AA grind.
well i have found that valdeholme was good till around 80 because of hotzone exp but also loping plains and beza are great exp as well its a struggle now adays though because this expansion, sod didint really being buffed exp zones
i faught in both, dreadspire and in valdeholm, dreadspire at 80 was mostly light blues, and alot easier to kill than valdeholm... but valdeholm will take you to 85...
mech guardian, port up to 4, plenty darkblue con mobs there till 85, the place to be imo
if u run out of mobs just port back to 4 and clear lvl 3, needs some heavy dps tho to even beat respawn on lvl 4
I'm Back, but Where to Level?

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