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Inserting additional code; need help please! (1 Viewer)


New member
Nov 26, 2005
I need to request help to insert a location lock (whatever it's called!) that the toon will default to after any fight.

The bold text is what I 'think' I need, but am not sure. It is taken from rangerautopull.mac and I'm trying to insert this into hunter.mac (what I'm using) (in Italics).

Sub Main

/declare AnchorLoc string outer 0
/declare FLoc string outer 0
/declare GoToLoc string outer 0
/declare startpoint int outer

/echo Rangerautopull.mac

/varset AnchorLoc ${Me.Y},${Me.X}
/call MoveToAnchor
/delay 10
/call Tarnpc


Sub Tarnpc

/target npc radius 500
/call MoveToTarget
/call Cast "Snare"
/call MoveToanchor
/delay 100
/delay 20
/call Archer Snare Autoassist
/call Main

Sub Event_GOTHIT

/call MoveToAnchor
/if (${Target.Distance}>20) {
/keypress forward
/if (${Target.Distance}<10) {
/keypress back hold
/timed 1 /keypress back
/face nolook fast
/delay 0
/if (!${Target.ID}) {
/goto :End
} else {
/goto :Loop

/call MoveToAnchor

Sub MoveToAnchor
/declare iCount int local

/varset FLoc ${Me.Y},${Me.X}
/varset iCount 0

/echo Moving to Anchor at Loc: ${AnchorLoc}.

/delay 1
/face nolook loc ${AnchorLoc}

/if (${Math.Distance[${AnchorLoc}]}>12) {
/keypress forward hold
} else {
/keypress forward

/if (${iCount}>2) {
/call Detectobst
/face nolook loc ${AnchorLoc}
/varset iCount 0


Rich (BB code):
Sub Main 

   |How many times should aquire target fail before delaying? 
   /declare RV_FailMax          int outer  3 
   |How far would you like to target a mob? 
   /declare RV_MaxRadius        int outer  50 
   |How far is the combat range? 
   /declare RV_Range            int outer 10 
   |What is the minimum Z Value of mobs I should target? 
   /declare RV_MinZRange        int outer  -1000 
   |What is the maximum Z Value of mobs I should target? 
   /declare RV_MaxZRange        int outer  50 
   |Should I loot all items? 
   /declare RV_LootAllItems     int outer  0 
   |Should I display stats? 
   /declare RV_DisplayStats     int outer  1 

   |Loot Array Information. 
   /call ReadINI HunterMob.ini "${Zone.Name}" Mob 
   /if (!${Defined[RV_MobArray]}) { 
      /echo Mob Array Creation Error, ending macro... 

   |Mob Array Information. 
   /call ReadINI HunterLoot.ini "${Zone.Name}" Loot 
   /if (!${Defined[RV_LootArray]}) { 
      /echo No Loot Array Created... 

   |Variables that you don't need to worry about. 
   /declare RV_FailCounter      int outer  0 
   /declare RV_MyTargetID       int outer  0 
   /declare RV_MyTargetName     string outer 
   /declare RV_MyTargetDead     int outer  0 
   /declare RV_InvalidTargetID  int outer  0 
   /declare RV_HasTarget        int outer  0 
   /declare RV_RandomWait       int outer  0 
   /declare RV_LootSlot         int outer  0 
   /declare RV_CheckLook        int outer  0 
   /declare RV_Fighting         int outer  0 
   /declare RV_TargetDead       int outer  0 
   /declare RV_MyXLOC           int outer  0 
   /declare RV_MyYLOC           int outer  0 
   /declare RV_FastRange        int outer 
   /declare RV_RangeMax         int outer 
   /declare RV_RangeMin         int outer 
   /varcalc RV_FastRange ${RV_Range}+3 
   /varcalc RV_RangeMax ${RV_Range}+1 
   /varcalc RV_RangeMin ${RV_Range}-1 

   /call GMCheck 
   /call GetTarget 

   /if (${RV_HasTarget}) /call MoveToMob 
   /if (${RV_HasTarget}) /call CombatSub 
   /if (${RV_HasTarget}) /call MoveToMob 
   /if (${RV_HasTarget} && (${Defined[RV_LootArray]} || ${RV_LootAllItems})) /call LootMob 
   /if (${RV_DisplayStats}) /call DisplayStats 
   /call ResetSub 

   /varset RV_RandomWait ${Math.Rand[5]} 
   /varcalc RV_RandomWait ${RV_RandomWait}+1 
   /echo Paranoia - Waiting ${RV_RandomWait} seconds before resuming 
   /delay ${RV_RandomWait}s 
   /if (${Target.ID}) { 
      /echo Looks like something is attacking us, killing it... 
      /delay 1s 
      /varset RV_HasTarget 1 
      /varset RV_Fighting 1 
      /goto :KillAdds 
   /goto :Start 

|SUB: Aquire Target 
Sub GetTarget 

   /declare RV_CurrentRadius   int local 
   /declare RV_TargetSub   int local 
   /for RV_CurrentRadius 100 to ${RV_MaxRadius} step 100 
      /for RV_TargetSub 1 to ${RV_MobArray.Size} 
         /squelch /target radius ${RV_CurrentRadius} nopcnear notid ${RV_InvalidTargetID} npc "${RV_MobArray[${RV_TargetSub}]}" 
         /varset RV_MyTargetID ${Target.ID} 
         /varset RV_MyTargetDead 0 
         /if (${Target.ID}) { 
            /if (${Int[${Target.PctHPs}]}<100) { 
               /echo Mob NOT a Full Health, picking another... 
               /varset RV_InvalidTargetID ${Target.ID} 
               /call ResetSub 
               /goto :Acquire 
            /if (${Int[${Target.Z}]}<${RV_MinZRange}) { 
               /echo Mob is BELOW Min Z Range, picking another... 
               /varset RV_InvalidTargetID ${Target.ID} 
               /call ResetSub 
               /goto :Acquire 
            /if (${Int[${Target.Z}]}>${RV_MaxZRange}) { 
               /echo Mob is ABOVE Max Z Range, picking another... 
               /varset RV_InvalidTargetID ${Target.ID} 
               /call ResetSub 
               /goto :Acquire 
            /varset RV_HasTarget 1 
            /varset RV_MyTargetName ${Target.CleanName} 
            /echo Acquired ${Target.CleanName} at range ${Int[${Target.Distance}]} 
      /next RV_TargetSub 
      /delay 2 
   /next RV_CurrentRadius 

   /if (!${Target.ID}) { 
      /delay 2s 
      /varcalc RV_FailCounter ${RV_FailCounter}+1 
      /echo Failed to Acquire Target in Range ${RV_MaxRadius} ${RV_FailCounter} Time(s) 
      /if (${RV_FailCounter}>=${RV_FailMax}) { 
         /echo Waiting for Respawns, Resetting Failure Counter... 
         /delay 60s 
         /varset RV_FailCounter 0 
      /goto :Acquire 

|SUB: Moving 
Sub MoveToMob 

   /varset RV_MyXLOC ${Int[${Me.X}]} 
   /varset RV_MyYLOC ${Int[${Me.Y}]} 
   /declare RV_DistanceTimer timer 15 

   /if ((!${RV_Fighting})&&(!${RV_TargetDead})&&(${Target.PctHPs}<100)) { 
      /echo Mob not at full health, picking another... 
      /varset RV_InvalidTargetID ${Target.ID} 
      /varset RV_HasTarget 0 
      /call ResetSub 

   /if (${Target.ID}) { 
      /face fast 
   /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}>${RV_FastRange}) { 
      /keypress forward hold 
   /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}<${RV_FastRange}&&${Int[${Target.Distance}]}>${RV_RangeMax}) { 
      /keypress forward 
   /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}<${RV_RangeMin}) { 
      /keypress back 
   /if (!${RV_DistanceTimer}) { 
      /if ((${RV_MyXLOC}==${Int[${Me.X}]})&&(${RV_MyYLOC}==${Int[${Me.Y}]})) /call HitObstacle 
      /varset RV_MyXLOC ${Int[${Me.X}]} 
      /varset RV_MyYLOC ${Int[${Me.Y}]} 
      /varset RV_DistanceTimer 15 
      /goto :Movementloop 
   /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}>${RV_FastRange}) /goto :MovementLoop 


|SUB: Combat 
Sub CombatSub 

   /echo Attacking Mob NOW! 
   /varset RV_Fighting 1 
   /varset RV_TargetDead 0 
   /attack on 
   /call MoveToMob 
   /call SpecialIT 

   /if (!${Target.ID}) { 
      /attack off 
      /keypress forward 
      /keypress back 
      /varset RV_TargetDead 1 
      /varset RV_Fighting 0 
      /delay 1s 
      /target radius 30 corpse 
      /delay 1s 
      /if (!${Target.ID}) { 
         /call ResetSub 
      /face fast 
   /if (!${RV_TargetDead}) { 
      /goto :CombatLoop 

|SUB: Special Combat 
Sub SpecialIt 

   /declare TempID    int inner  0 

   /if ((${Target.Distance}<11)&&(${Me.AbilityReady["Kick"]})) /doability "Kick" 
   /if ((${Int[${Me.PctHPs}]}<40)&&(${Me.Gem["Light Healing"]})&&(${Me.SpellReady["Light Healing"]})) { 
      /varset TempID ${Target.ID} 
      /keypress forward 
      /keypress back 
      /keypress F1 
      /echo Casting Heal Spell because of low health... 
      /cast "Light Healing" 
      /delay 3s 
      /target id ${TempID} 

|SUB: Looting 
Sub LootMob 

   /declare LootSlot    int inner  0 
   /declare LootCheck   int inner  0 
   /declare LootTotal   int inner  0 
   /face fast 
   /keypress forward 
   /keypress back 
   /fastdrop on 
   /lootn never 
   /delay 2s 
   /delay 2s 
   /if (!${Corpse.Items}) { 
      /echo NO LOOT! Cheap Bastard! 

   /varset LootTotal ${Corpse.Items} 
   /for LootSlot 1 to ${LootTotal} 
      /itemnotify loot${LootSlot} leftmouseup 
      /delay 1s 
      /if (${RV_LootAllItems}) { 
         /echo Keeping a ${Cursor.Name}... WOOT! 
         /delay 1s 
      } else { 
         /for LootCheck 1 to ${RV_LootArray.Size} 
            /if (${Cursor.Name.Find[${RV_LootArray[${LootCheck}]}]}) { 
               /echo Keeping a ${Cursor.Name}... WOOT! 
               /varcalc RV_LootStats[${LootCheck}] ${RV_LootStats[${LootCheck}]}+1 
               /delay 1s 
         /next LootCheck 
      /if (${Cursor.ID}) { 
         /echo Destroying a ${Cursor.Name}... 
         /delay 1s 
   /next LootSlot 
   /notify LootWnd DoneButton leftmouseup 
   /delay 2 

|SUB: Reset 
Sub ResetSub 

   /keypress esc 
   /keypress esc 
   /keypress esc 
   /keypress esc 
   /varset RV_HasTarget 0 
   /varset RV_TargetDead 0 
   /varset RV_Fighting 0 

|SUB: Obstacle Avoidance 
Sub HitObstacle 

   /echo Obstacle hit, moving around it... 
   /keypress forward 
   /keypress back hold 
   /delay 3 
   /keypress back 
   /if (${Math.Rand[100]}+1>50) { 
     /keypress strafe_right hold 
   } else { 
     /keypress strafe_left hold 
   /delay 5 
   /keypress strafe_right 
   /keypress strafe_left 
   /keypress forward hold 

|SUB: GM Check 
Sub GMCheck 

   /if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) { 
      /echo GM has entered the zone! 
      /echo FUCK HIM but ending the macro... 

      /keypress forward 
      /keypress back 


|SUB: Reading from an INI File 
Sub ReadINI(FileName,SectionName,ArrayType) 

   /echo Attempting to Read Section "${SectionName}" Zone Information from ${FileName}... 
   /delay 1s 
   /if (${Ini[${FileName},${SectionName},-1,NO].Equal[NO]}) { 
      /echo "${SectionName}" is not a Valid Section for FILE:${FileName}, ending macro... 
      /delay 1s 
   /declare nValues     int local  1 
   /declare nArray      int local  0 
   /declare KeySet      string local  ${Ini[${FileName},${SectionName}]} 

   /if (!${KeySet.Arg[${nValues},|].Length}) { 
      /varcalc nValues ${nValues}-1 
      /goto :MakeArray 
   /varcalc nValues ${nValues}+1 
   /goto :CounterLoop  

   /if (!${nValues}) /return 
   /if (${FileName.Equal["HunterMob.ini"]}&&${nValues}>0) { 
      /echo Declaring Mob Array... 
      /declare RV_MobArray[${nValues}]   string outer 
      /declare RV_MobStats[${nValues}]   string outer 
   /if (${FileName.Equal["HunterLoot.ini"]}&&${nValues}>0) { 
      /echo Declaring Loot Array... 
      /declare RV_LootArray[${nValues}]  string outer 
      /declare RV_LootStats[${nValues}]  string outer 
   /for nArray 1 to ${nValues} 
      /if (${FileName.Equal["HunterMob.ini"]}) { 
         /varset RV_MobArray[${nArray}] ${Ini[${FileName},${SectionName},${ArrayType}${nArray}]} 
         /varset RV_MobStats[${nArray}] 0 
      /if (${FileName.Equal["HunterLoot.ini"]}) { 
         /varset RV_LootArray[${nArray}] ${Ini[${FileName},${SectionName},${ArrayType}${nArray}]} 
         /varset RV_LootStats[${nArray}] 0 
   /next nArray 
   /echo "${SectionName}" Zone Information Read Successfully from ${FileName}... 
   /delay 1s 

|SUB: Display Stats 
Sub DisplayStats 

   /declare nArray  int local 
   /if (${Defined[RV_LootArray]}) { 
      /for nArray 1 to ${RV_LootArray.Size} 
         /echo ${Int[${RV_LootStats[${nArray}]}]} ${RV_LootArray[${nArray}]}'s 
      /next nArray 


Couldn't tell you who originally started this bit of code, but this is what it looks like after I messed with it.

Here are the variables:
Rich (BB code):
  /declare RV_MyXLOC            int outer  0
   /declare RV_MyYLOC            int outer  0
   /declare AnchorX              int outer ${Me.X}
   /declare AnchorY              int outer ${Me.Y}
After you get exp call this sub:
Rich (BB code):
Sub CheckAnchor   
   /if (${Math.Distance[${AnchorY},${AnchorX}]}>25) /call MoveToAnchor   

Then this is the anchor code:
Rich (BB code):
Sub MoveToAnchor
    /declare iCount int local
    /varset iCount 0

|    /echo Moving to Anchor at Loc: ${AnchorY}, ${AnchorX}.
    /varset RV_MyXLOC ${Int[${Me.X}]}
    /varset RV_MyYLOC ${Int[${Me.Y}]}
    /declare RV_DistanceTimer timer 15
    /delay 1
    /face fast nolook loc ${AnchorY},${AnchorX}
    /if (${Math.Distance[${AnchorY},${AnchorX}]}>12) {
       /keypress forward hold
    } else {
       /keypress forward

    /if (${iCount}>2) {
        /face fast nolook loc ${AnchorY},${AnchorX}
        /varset iCount 0
    /if (!${RV_DistanceTimer}) {
      /if ((${RV_MyXLOC}==${Int[${Me.X}]})&&(${RV_MyYLOC}==${Int[${Me.Y}]})) /call HitObstacle
      /varset RV_MyXLOC ${Int[${Me.X}]}
      /varset RV_MyYLOC ${Int[${Me.Y}]}
      /varset RV_DistanceTimer 15
    /varcalc iCount ${iCount}+1
    /goto :AnchorMoveLoop


sub HitObstacle 
   /keypress forward 
   /keypress back hold 
   /delay 5 
   /keypress back 
   /if (${Math.Rand[2]}) { 
      /keypress strafe_right hold 
      /delay 3 
      /keypress strafe_right 
   } else { 
      /keypress strafe_left hold 
      /delay 3 
      /keypress strafe_left 
   /keypress forward hold 
If you don't know how to call events here you go:
Rich (BB code):
// Insert this into your events above your sub main.
#event exp "You gain experience!!"

//have this sub anywhere outside the submain.
Sub event_exp
/call CheckAnchor
With the last bit of code provided:

Sub event_exp
/call CheckAnchor

You mentioned that I need to paste the #event above the sub main, the the rest anyone outside of sub main. I guess I'm not clear where it's suppose to be, if not above and 'outside' what else is there? I don't have any clue when it comes to this stuff...so please bear with the ignorance :)


Tone et al:

New problem~

The variables you listed I think are already in use:
You stated:

Rich (BB code):
/declare RV_MyXLOC            int outer  0
   /declare RV_MyYLOC            int outer  0
   /declare AnchorX              int outer ${Me.X}
   /declare AnchorY              int outer ${Me.Y}

The hunter.mac already has:

Rich (BB code):
/declare RV_FailCounter      int outer  0 
   /declare RV_MyTargetID       int outer  0 
   /declare RV_MyTargetName     string outer 
   /declare RV_MyTargetDead     int outer  0 
   /declare RV_InvalidTargetID  int outer  0 
   /declare RV_HasTarget        int outer  0 
   /declare RV_RandomWait       int outer  0 
   /declare RV_LootSlot         int outer  0 
   /declare RV_CheckLook        int outer  0 
   /declare RV_Fighting         int outer  0 
   /declare RV_TargetDead       int outer  0 
   /declare RV_MyXLOC           int outer  0 
   /declare RV_MyYLOC           int outer  0 
   /declare RV_FastRange        int outer 
   /declare RV_RangeMax         int outer 
   /declare RV_RangeMin         int outer 
   /varcalc RV_FastRange ${RV_Range}+3 
   /varcalc RV_RangeMax ${RV_Range}+1 
   /varcalc RV_RangeMin ${RV_Range}-1

For this sub...I think-

Rich (BB code):
|SUB: Moving 
Sub MoveToMob 

   /varset RV_MyXLOC ${Int[${Me.X}]} 
   /varset RV_MyYLOC ${Int[${Me.Y}]} 
   /declare RV_DistanceTimer timer 15 

   /if ((!${RV_Fighting})&&(!${RV_TargetDead})&&(${Target.PctHPs}<100)) { 
      /echo Mob not at full health, picking another... 
      /varset RV_InvalidTargetID ${Target.ID} 
      /varset RV_HasTarget 0 
      /call ResetSub 

   /if (${Target.ID}) { 
      /face fast 
   /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}>${RV_FastRange}) { 
      /keypress forward hold 
   /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}<${RV_FastRange}&&${Int[${Target.Distance}]}>${RV_RangeMax}) { 
      /keypress forward 
   /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}<${RV_RangeMin}) { 
      /keypress back 
   /if (!${RV_DistanceTimer}) { 
      /if ((${RV_MyXLOC}==${Int[${Me.X}]})&&(${RV_MyYLOC}==${Int[${Me.Y}]})) /call HitObstacle 
      /varset RV_MyXLOC ${Int[${Me.X}]} 
      /varset RV_MyYLOC ${Int[${Me.Y}]} 
      /varset RV_DistanceTimer 15 
      /goto :Movementloop 
   /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}>${RV_FastRange}) /goto :MovementLoop 


If I'm reading this right, can I change the variable in the sub you provided to /declare RV_MyX1LOC and /declare RV_MyY1LOC in the declarations and in the sub? Is the variable alpha only or did I miss the mothership home again?!?

When I do it runs me into a corner acting as if the anchor has already been set before I run it initially.

I'll post the entire code when I get home tonight so you can see.

Here is the entire mac that I'm using. Feel free to point out what I did wrong, placement of code or whatever~

Rich (BB code):
| Hunter Macro 
| Hunter.mac 
| Author      : robdawg 
| Version     : v1.2 2004-05-13 10:06pm PST 
| Useage      : /macro Hunter 
| Description : This macro will run your character around killing any mobs in your 
|      RV_MobArray.  Then it will attempt to loot all items in your 
|      RV_LootArray.  This is definitely a work in progress and I am sure 
|      someone can think of plenty of upgrades for this. 

#event exp "You gain experience!!"
#event oom "#*#Insufficient mana#*#" 

Sub Main 

   |How many times should aquire target fail before delaying? 
   /declare RV_FailMax          int outer  3 
   |How far would you like to target a mob? 
   /declare RV_MaxRadius        int outer  50 
   |How far is the combat range? 
   /declare RV_Range            int outer 10 
   |What is the minimum Z Value of mobs I should target? 
   /declare RV_MinZRange        int outer  -1000 
   |What is the maximum Z Value of mobs I should target? 
   /declare RV_MaxZRange        int outer  50 
   |Should I loot all items? 
   /declare RV_LootAllItems     int outer  0 
   |Should I display stats? 
   /declare RV_DisplayStats     int outer  1 
   |Loot Array Information. 
   /declare RV_MyX1LOC            int outer  0
   /declare RV_MyY1LOC            int outer  0
   /declare AnchorX1              int outer ${Me.X}
   /declare AnchorY1              int outer ${Me.Y}
   /call ReadINI HunterMob.ini "${Zone.Name}" Mob 
   /if (!${Defined[RV_MobArray]}) { 
      /echo Mob Array Creation Error, ending macro... 

   |Mob Array Information. 
   /call ReadINI HunterLoot.ini "${Zone.Name}" Loot 
   /if (!${Defined[RV_LootArray]}) { 
      /echo No Loot Array Created... 

   |Variables that you don't need to worry about. 
   /declare RV_FailCounter      int outer  0 
   /declare RV_MyTargetID       int outer  0 
   /declare RV_MyTargetName     string outer 
   /declare RV_MyTargetDead     int outer  0 
   /declare RV_InvalidTargetID  int outer  0 
   /declare RV_HasTarget        int outer  0 
   /declare RV_RandomWait       int outer  0 
   /declare RV_LootSlot         int outer  0 
   /declare RV_CheckLook        int outer  0 
   /declare RV_Fighting         int outer  0 
   /declare RV_TargetDead       int outer  0 
   /declare RV_MyXLOC           int outer  0 
   /declare RV_MyYLOC           int outer  0 
   /declare RV_FastRange        int outer 
   /declare RV_RangeMax         int outer 
   /declare RV_RangeMin         int outer 
   /varcalc RV_FastRange ${RV_Range}+3 
   /varcalc RV_RangeMax ${RV_Range}+1 
   /varcalc RV_RangeMin ${RV_Range}-1 

   /call GMCheck 
   /call GetTarget 

   /if (${RV_HasTarget}) /call MoveToMob 
   /if (${RV_HasTarget}) /call CombatSub 
   /if (${RV_HasTarget}) /call MoveToMob 
   /if (${RV_HasTarget} && (${Defined[RV_LootArray]} || ${RV_LootAllItems})) /call LootMob 
   /if (${RV_DisplayStats}) /call DisplayStats 
   /call ResetSub 

   /varset RV_RandomWait ${Math.Rand[5]} 
   /varcalc RV_RandomWait ${RV_RandomWait}+1 
   /echo Paranoia - Waiting ${RV_RandomWait} seconds before resuming 
   /delay ${RV_RandomWait}s 
   /if (${Target.ID}) { 
      /echo Looks like something is attacking us, killing it... 
      /delay 1s 
      /varset RV_HasTarget 1 
      /varset RV_Fighting 1 
      /goto :KillAdds 
   /goto :Start 

|SUB: Aquire Target 
Sub GetTarget 

   /declare RV_CurrentRadius   int local 
   /declare RV_TargetSub   int local 
   /for RV_CurrentRadius 100 to ${RV_MaxRadius} step 100 
      /for RV_TargetSub 1 to ${RV_MobArray.Size} 
         /squelch /target radius ${RV_CurrentRadius} nopcnear notid ${RV_InvalidTargetID} npc "${RV_MobArray[${RV_TargetSub}]}" 
         /varset RV_MyTargetID ${Target.ID} 
         /varset RV_MyTargetDead 0 
         /if (${Target.ID}) { 
            /if (${Int[${Target.PctHPs}]}<100) { 
               /echo Mob NOT a Full Health, picking another... 
               /varset RV_InvalidTargetID ${Target.ID} 
               /call ResetSub 
               /goto :Acquire 
            /if (${Int[${Target.Z}]}<${RV_MinZRange}) { 
               /echo Mob is BELOW Min Z Range, picking another... 
               /varset RV_InvalidTargetID ${Target.ID} 
               /call ResetSub 
               /goto :Acquire 
            /if (${Int[${Target.Z}]}>${RV_MaxZRange}) { 
               /echo Mob is ABOVE Max Z Range, picking another... 
               /varset RV_InvalidTargetID ${Target.ID} 
               /call ResetSub 
               /goto :Acquire 
            /varset RV_HasTarget 1 
            /varset RV_MyTargetName ${Target.CleanName} 
            /echo Acquired ${Target.CleanName} at range ${Int[${Target.Distance}]} 
      /next RV_TargetSub 
      /delay 2 
   /next RV_CurrentRadius 

   /if (!${Target.ID}) { 
      /delay 2s 
      /varcalc RV_FailCounter ${RV_FailCounter}+1 
      /echo Failed to Acquire Target in Range ${RV_MaxRadius} ${RV_FailCounter} Time(s) 
      /if (${RV_FailCounter}>=${RV_FailMax}) { 
         /echo Waiting for Respawns, Resetting Failure Counter... 
         /delay 60s 
         /varset RV_FailCounter 0 
      /goto :Acquire 

|SUB: Moving 
Sub MoveToMob 

   /varset RV_MyXLOC ${Int[${Me.X}]} 
   /varset RV_MyYLOC ${Int[${Me.Y}]} 
   /declare RV_DistanceTimer timer 15 

   /if ((!${RV_Fighting})&&(!${RV_TargetDead})&&(${Target.PctHPs}<100)) { 
      /echo Mob not at full health, picking another... 
      /varset RV_InvalidTargetID ${Target.ID} 
      /varset RV_HasTarget 0 
      /call ResetSub 

   /if (${Target.ID}) { 
      /face fast 
   /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}>${RV_FastRange}) { 
      /keypress forward hold 
   /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}<${RV_FastRange}&&${Int[${Target.Distance}]}>${RV_RangeMax}) { 
      /keypress forward 
   /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}<${RV_RangeMin}) { 
      /keypress back 
   /if (!${RV_DistanceTimer}) { 
      /if ((${RV_MyXLOC}==${Int[${Me.X}]})&&(${RV_MyYLOC}==${Int[${Me.Y}]})) /call HitObstacle 
      /varset RV_MyXLOC ${Int[${Me.X}]} 
      /varset RV_MyYLOC ${Int[${Me.Y}]} 
      /varset RV_DistanceTimer 15 
      /goto :Movementloop 
   /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}>${RV_FastRange}) /goto :MovementLoop 


|SUB: Combat 
Sub CombatSub 

   /echo Attacking Mob NOW! 
   /varset RV_Fighting 1 
   /varset RV_TargetDead 0 
   /attack on 
   /call MoveToMob 
   /call SpecialIT 

   /if (!${Target.ID}) { 
      /attack off 
      /keypress forward 
      /keypress back 
      /varset RV_TargetDead 1 
      /varset RV_Fighting 0 
      /delay 1s 
      /target radius 30 corpse 
      /delay 1s 
      /if (!${Target.ID}) { 
         /call ResetSub 
      /face fast 
   /if (!${RV_TargetDead}) { 
      /goto :CombatLoop 

|SUB: Special Combat 
Sub SpecialIt 

   /declare TempID    int inner  0 

   /if ((${Target.Distance}<11)&&(${Me.AbilityReady["Kick"]})) /doability "Kick" 
   /if ((${Int[${Me.PctHPs}]}<50)&&(${Me.Gem["Light Healing"]})&&(${Me.SpellReady["Light Healing"]})) { 
      /varset TempID ${Target.ID} 
      /keypress forward 
      /keypress back 
      /keypress F1 
      /echo Casting Heal Spell because of low health... 
      /cast "Light Healing" 
      /delay 3s 
      /target id ${TempID} 

|SUB: Looting 
Sub LootMob 

   /declare LootSlot    int inner  0 
   /declare LootCheck   int inner  0 
   /declare LootTotal   int inner  0 
   /face fast 
   /keypress forward 
   /keypress back 
   /fastdrop on 
   /lootn never 
   /delay 2s 
   /delay 2s 
   /if (!${Corpse.Items}) { 
      /echo NO LOOT!  

   /varset LootTotal ${Corpse.Items} 
   /for LootSlot 1 to ${LootTotal} 
      /itemnotify loot${LootSlot} leftmouseup 
      /delay 1s 
      /if (${RV_LootAllItems}) { 
         /echo Keeping a ${Cursor.Name}... WOOT! 
         /delay 1s 
      } else { 
         /for LootCheck 1 to ${RV_LootArray.Size} 
            /if (${Cursor.Name.Find[${RV_LootArray[${LootCheck}]}]}) { 
               /echo Keeping a ${Cursor.Name}... WOOT! 
               /varcalc RV_LootStats[${LootCheck}] ${RV_LootStats[${LootCheck}]}+1 
               /delay 1s 
         /next LootCheck 
      /if (${Cursor.ID}) { 
         /echo Destroying a ${Cursor.Name}... 
         /delay 1s 
   /next LootSlot 
   /notify LootWnd DoneButton leftmouseup 
   /delay 2 

|SUB: Reset 
Sub ResetSub 

   /keypress esc 
   /keypress esc 
   /keypress esc 
   /keypress esc 
   /varset RV_HasTarget 0 
   /varset RV_TargetDead 0 
   /varset RV_Fighting 0 

|SUB: Obstacle Avoidance 
Sub HitObstacle 

   /echo Obstacle hit, moving around it... 
   /keypress forward 
   /keypress back hold 
   /delay 3 
   /keypress back 
   /if (${Math.Rand[100]}+1>50) { 
     /keypress strafe_right hold 
   } else { 
     /keypress strafe_left hold 
   /delay 5 
   /keypress strafe_right 
   /keypress strafe_left 
   /keypress forward hold 

|SUB: GM Check 
Sub GMCheck 

   /if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) { 
      /echo GM has entered the zone! 
      /echo Ending the macro... 

      /keypress forward 
      /keypress back 


|SUB: Check Anchor
Sub CheckAnchor   
 /if (${Math.Distance[${AnchorY},${AnchorX}]}>10) /call MoveToAnchor   

Sub MoveToAnchor
    /declare iCount int local
    /varset iCount 0

|    /echo Moving to Anchor at Loc: ${AnchorY}, ${AnchorX}.
    /varset RV_MyX1LOC ${Int[${Me.X}]}
    /varset RV_MyY1LOC ${Int[${Me.Y}]}
    /declare RV_DistanceTimer timer 15
    /delay 1
    /face fast nolook loc ${AnchorY1},${AnchorX1}
    /if (${Math.Distance[${AnchorY1},${AnchorX1}]}>12) {
       /keypress forward hold
    } else {
       /keypress forward

    /if (${iCount}>2) {
        /face fast nolook loc ${AnchorY1},${AnchorX1}
        /varset iCount 0
    /if (!${RV_DistanceTimer}) {
      /if ((${RV_MyX1LOC}==${Int[${Me.X}]})&&(${RV_MyY1LOC}==${Int[${Me.Y}]})) /call HitObstacle
      /varset RV_MyX1LOC ${Int[${Me.X}]}
      /varset RV_MyY1LOC ${Int[${Me.Y}]}
      /varset RV_DistanceTimer 15
    /varcalc iCount ${iCount}+1
    /goto :AnchorMoveLoop


sub event_oom 
/if (${Me.PctMana}<10 && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Casting.ID}) { 
/echo Mana too low, medding to 15 mana. 
} else { 
/goto :end 


|SUB: Reading from an INI File 
Sub ReadINI(FileName,SectionName,ArrayType) 

   /echo Attempting to Read Section "${SectionName}" Zone Information from ${FileName}... 
   /delay 1s 
   /if (${Ini[${FileName},${SectionName},-1,NO].Equal[NO]}) { 
      /echo "${SectionName}" is not a Valid Section for FILE:${FileName}, ending macro... 
      /delay 1s 
   /declare nValues     int local  1 
   /declare nArray      int local  0 
   /declare KeySet      string local  ${Ini[${FileName},${SectionName}]} 

   /if (!${KeySet.Arg[${nValues},|].Length}) { 
      /varcalc nValues ${nValues}-1 
      /goto :MakeArray 
   /varcalc nValues ${nValues}+1 
   /goto :CounterLoop  

   /if (!${nValues}) /return 
   /if (${FileName.Equal["HunterMob.ini"]}&&${nValues}>0) { 
      /echo Declaring Mob Array... 
      /declare RV_MobArray[${nValues}]   string outer 
      /declare RV_MobStats[${nValues}]   string outer 
   /if (${FileName.Equal["HunterLoot.ini"]}&&${nValues}>0) { 
      /echo Declaring Loot Array... 
      /declare RV_LootArray[${nValues}]  string outer 
      /declare RV_LootStats[${nValues}]  string outer 
   /for nArray 1 to ${nValues} 
      /if (${FileName.Equal["HunterMob.ini"]}) { 
         /varset RV_MobArray[${nArray}] ${Ini[${FileName},${SectionName},${ArrayType}${nArray}]} 
         /varset RV_MobStats[${nArray}] 0 
      /if (${FileName.Equal["HunterLoot.ini"]}) { 
         /varset RV_LootArray[${nArray}] ${Ini[${FileName},${SectionName},${ArrayType}${nArray}]} 
         /varset RV_LootStats[${nArray}] 0 
   /next nArray 
   /echo "${SectionName}" Zone Information Read Successfully from ${FileName}... 
   /delay 1s 

|SUB: Display Stats 
Sub DisplayStats 

   /declare nArray  int local 
   /if (${Defined[RV_LootArray]}) { 
      /for nArray 1 to ${RV_LootArray.Size} 
         /echo ${Int[${RV_LootStats[${nArray}]}]} ${RV_LootArray[${nArray}]}'s 
      /next nArray 
Inserting additional code; need help please!

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