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inspect monsters (1 Viewer)


New member
Oct 16, 2005
I can't seem to remember where I had heard of this or maybe even seen it, but is there a plugin that allows you to like inspect the monster and pull up his Hps, mana, and loot he will drop. Seems kinda hard to believe and I remember hearing something along those lines twice, but I believe its was in Eq no Rg. So if anyone knows that would be awesome, seems hardly possible as I am sure all that is server side but you never know, could be a cool way to farm little things for money/tradeskills like discordant scorie to diamonds.
That was showeq and all it did was ceck mobs graphic for any held weps or tems. Because some old mobs (SoLuclin and behind) would actualy come into the game with the items they would drop already on them. This made identifying if whatever wep you wanted would in fact drop. Now a days mobs loot is only decided after the mob i dead so this kind of viewing is no longer possible as there are no mobs holding any graphic to give away what item they had.

If you want to know hp and all that jazz go to alla or I will sell you a list of every mob I have total hp=).
MQ2Cinspect would show you what the mob was wearing. If you killed it, that's what it would drop, but it wouldn't show all the loot, or mana or HPs
inspect monsters

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