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Discussion - Intro (1 Viewer)

Jun 10, 2024
Hola, redguides. Noob to any sort of Everquest MQ/automation here.

I'm Tecmos Deception (don't mind the 'Underscore' in the username. I was irked after the signup page told me I COULD use an underscore in my name, but then trying to do so gave a 'bro you can't use underscores in your name' error. So here we are 😵‍💫). I've been playing EQ on and off since 99, though almost exclusively in classic era and on classic era-ish emulators. Sometimes I'm motivated enough to make videos to put up on youtube, usually of me playing an enchanter. I've done some light boxing on TAKP the last few years, and recently got the itch to try out 6 boxing. I was REALLY thinking "hey, I should get on a classic-ish era server and play a full party fresh, from scratch, self found, etc. through classic EQ." But I don't think something like that exists already, and I guessed that setting up my own server was maybe beyond my skill level.

So I've ended up on Project Lazarus for my foray into 6-boxing, and am trying to learn how to use MQ for the first time. And to be honest, it's been pretty annoying. Guides and videos I've seen so far have not seemed too friendly for legit newbies to this stuff. But the folks in discord I've chatted with so far are helpful, and I've got a little party at like level 12 over on Laz with .ini files I'm gonna build up as I keep playing and learning. The idea of piloting a full party through all the old, familiar zones of EQ, and or EQ kinda taking on a real-time strategy feel instead of the single-box MMORPG vibe I'm used to, sounds fun!

So yeah. Hello world, etc.
Welcome to RG!

Lots of great stuff here on EMU. Search up in the top right corner and I'm sure you will find more info to help keep you moving. Give it some time and patience as there is much to learn but I assure you that once you get things dialed in, it will have all been worth it!
the signup page told me I COULD use an underscore in my name
Technically - it wasn't wrong.

Welcome to RG.

There can be a bit of a learning curve to get started - but its important to take some time in low lvl zones to learn how to move your characters around, drive with one toon and trust that all the other toons are doing what they should be doing when you get agro etc.
Also take some time to learn the different types of automation. Kissassist, RGMERCS, CWTN Plugins, MODBOT, MuleAssist. All similar yet vastly different.

Take the time to ask questions - explain what you're trying to do and how you're trying to do it - and people will be very helpful.

If you haven't already started - then I'd suggest you spin up some toons on Test Server. There are pro's and cons of course - but can go from Classic all the way to TOL (Very Soon) FTP and never pay a cent for the server.
Ill drop the new people vids. Also @PallyDPS and @grimmier along with AQ1 play on emu's (not sure if all laz), along with others in the EMU section here. Can get some great advice, but for JUST starting automation:

Getting Started / Returning user

Welcome to RedGuides, fellow EQ multi-boxing enthusiast!

The best place to begin is our "New User Guide" video series, click this TV to watch:

This step-by-step series will teach absolute beginners how to control 6 characters at once while highlighting Nav, AutoLogin, and DanNet, which are fundamental plugins that will enhance every aspect of your game.

Returning users check out - MacroQuest Release Party: https://www.redguides.com/community/threads/macroquest-release-party.80628/ for information about changes from the legacy MQ2 to the new and awesome MQ
Hi T_e_c_m_o_s (just for you!),
Welcome to RG, hope you enjoy it here, so happy you went to Discord and got some live feedback on questions. Its a really good community here, I think you've already begun to experience this for yourself. Great to have you here as one of us.
Welcome to RG. Keep in mind this is like learning a new language so it will be rough at first and you will fumble with simple things and smack your forehead once you realize what you did wrong. With that said don't feel like you need to jump in the deep end. When I entered I was exactly like you. I started off with 2 accounts and I used EQBC and made hotkeys for every command. I kept my enchanter following my pally and used 2 mercs. When I attacked a mob i hit a hotkey for enchanter to target mob, tash mob, slow mob, and then a hotkey to triple DoT and another to nuke twice. There was absolutely zero automation. as I got more comfortable making new hotkeys I added new toons and eventually ended up with 6 accounts, 12 if you count me having access to my brother's 6 accounts (i never use them tho).

I would suggest starting off with Kissassist or similar plugin so that you can gain a basic idea of the commands that your toons are doing, but eventually you might want to move to MQ2 Class plugins. These are some great plugins that Sic and CWTN have created and yes they are $20 per year per plugin, but it sure is worth not hassling with forgetting to turn on your plugins and having to update the .ini files. My only complaint is that there is still no MQ2Bard so when I use the bard I have to use kissassist. The good news is that I let the MQ2Berzerker lapse too since if i gotta turn on the bard I might as well turn on the Zerkers that I only play with the bard.

Some things I found very important are listed in Sic's signature line. He put all that stuff in there to help us so use it. Don't be afraid to plagiarize his hotkeys.

CampOn, CampOff, ChaseOn, ChaseOff are must have keys. I say must have and I am sure anyone will agree that without those keys you will not succeed. I have a specific hotkey for double invis that I use when not Barding, I will load game and add it to this post later. iirc Sick has one for the bard invis, if not I can add that later as well.

line 1: /bct enchanter name (anyine invis caster works) //alt activate 1210 (find the alt act code if using different class)
line 2: /alt activate 1212 (this is frim my SK)

Another key I made that anyone is welcome to steal pertains to pets. I am sure there is a simpler way to make this key, but it works for my and has saved me many a time when I forgot have camp on... This one will have all pet classes, including self target the mob i am targeting and send their pets and any swarm pets they might have up onto the target.

line 1: /pause 5, /bcaa //targetid ${Target.ID}
line 2: /pause 5, /bcaa //pet attack
line 3: /pause 5, /bcaa //q swarm

Youare probably going to want to install the invis display Lua and the hotkey to turn that on is as follows... (after you initially install the Lua) This puts a little invisible box on your screen that tells you who is invis. You can move this box to where you want it.

/Lua run invisdisplay

Hope these small contibutions help you greatly on your journey back to EQ.

I forgot to add sometimes you might get the "did you look at the forums" response. Don't get frustated they aren't being asshats, they know that the forums have a lot of useful info that will answer other questions that you might have rather than just giving you the specific info you needed and sending you back to game.
Discussion - Intro

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