Jigs21 MQ2 Compile v2.2
It has been reported, that SOE has introduced a new dectection method for Macroquest 2. I have updated the current compile with the current version of MQ. I recommend to not use the following plugins at this time.
I still stick by my original suggestions about using MQ. If you want to use Macroquest, go for it. I honestly do not think anything will come from using it, but regardless some of you may want to wait for MQ2 to do an update on these changes SOE has implemented.
Important Notice: As you all know, our old RedQuest retired, and appointed a new RedQuest. The new RedQuest unfortunately, is unable to continue compiling. I will now fill this role, hopefully you all will enjoy my compiles.
--Current Compile Updated with:MQ2-20070707 (Latest Version) 7/9/07
--Added MQ2SuperStacker (per request)
--Added MQ2Pop 7/9/07
Dangerous plugins aren't being included in this compile. See below for my update on where we stand with packet plugins.
Remember to use MQ2 responsibily, after every patch there is always a possibility of new detection methods.
Recent Updates:
-- MQ2Cast Updated.
-- MQ2CastTimer Updated.
-- MQ2Twist Updated. (Song of the Dryad's fix)
Currently Known Issues:
The above plugins, are known issues that are being worked on. I will update the compile once they have been fixed. Please let me know if you have any other issues.
Plugin Update:
Temporarily, you will not find dangerous plugins that involve warping/packets. These plugins include, MQ2Rwarp, MQ2piggyzone, MQ2Pax, MQ2Speed,MQ2Allzone, MQ2Instamem, MQ2Workingassist, MQ2Doors, and Bzrsrch.
We are working on these, please remember to have patience, this is deffinately not an overnight project. I assure you we are getting closer and will hopefully be able to release them soon.
All usage of this compile is done so at the sole risk of the user. Furthermore, by using this compile you acknowledge that you assume all risks and agree not to hold Redguides and its staff liable for anything that may occur to your account during the usage of this compile.
Redcent's appreciated
It has been reported, that SOE has introduced a new dectection method for Macroquest 2. I have updated the current compile with the current version of MQ. I recommend to not use the following plugins at this time.
I still stick by my original suggestions about using MQ. If you want to use Macroquest, go for it. I honestly do not think anything will come from using it, but regardless some of you may want to wait for MQ2 to do an update on these changes SOE has implemented.
Important Notice: As you all know, our old RedQuest retired, and appointed a new RedQuest. The new RedQuest unfortunately, is unable to continue compiling. I will now fill this role, hopefully you all will enjoy my compiles.
--Current Compile Updated with:MQ2-20070707 (Latest Version) 7/9/07
--Added MQ2SuperStacker (per request)
--Added MQ2Pop 7/9/07
Dangerous plugins aren't being included in this compile. See below for my update on where we stand with packet plugins.
Remember to use MQ2 responsibily, after every patch there is always a possibility of new detection methods.
Recent Updates:
-- MQ2Cast Updated.
-- MQ2CastTimer Updated.
-- MQ2Twist Updated. (Song of the Dryad's fix)
Currently Known Issues:
The above plugins, are known issues that are being worked on. I will update the compile once they have been fixed. Please let me know if you have any other issues.
Plugin Update:
Temporarily, you will not find dangerous plugins that involve warping/packets. These plugins include, MQ2Rwarp, MQ2piggyzone, MQ2Pax, MQ2Speed,MQ2Allzone, MQ2Instamem, MQ2Workingassist, MQ2Doors, and Bzrsrch.
We are working on these, please remember to have patience, this is deffinately not an overnight project. I assure you we are getting closer and will hopefully be able to release them soon.
- Download the zip at the bottom of this post
- Unzip to a folder of your choice
- Run MacroQuest2.exe from that folder
- Run EverQuest.exe
- In-Game, type "/plugin <plugin name>" to add all plugins you wish to use
- Refer back to this post for any syntax and plugin descriptions you need
All usage of this compile is done so at the sole risk of the user. Furthermore, by using this compile you acknowledge that you assume all risks and agree not to hold Redguides and its staff liable for anything that may occur to your account during the usage of this compile.
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