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News - Jul 18, 2024 New EQ Client~ (don't patch) (1 Viewer)

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I literally just patched thinking I was getting yesterday's and this is the first time I've gotten to play since Tuesday and now I can't 😭 😭 uuuuggghhhhh!!! Internet went out at work today too so I had to just sit there for hours. So not my day 😠

I literally just patched thinking I was getting yesterday's and this is the first time I've gotten to play since Tuesday and now I can't 😭 😭 uuuuggghhhhh!!! Internet went out at work today too so I had to just sit there for hours. So not my day 😠
I did not patch yesterday..ugh, now I can't play tonight. Ah well. Hope my luck is good for tomorrow, my wife taking the kids out and I have all morning to myself! Whoo.
"please log out and run patcher at your earliest convenience" for me sometimes 2 weeks later or when the next servers down update happens.
Ya'll seriously need to use Autologin it's great!
If you have multiple installs with the old eqgame.exe copy it to your directory that you patched, overwrite and you will good to go. I did that and I am playing now.

JUst look at the modified date, it should be 7-15-2024, if it is copy and paste for the win
Not sure if this is allowed (if not I'm sure a mod will remove). But here is the .exe from before the mid-game patch.


EDIT- durgano informed me. Not allowed.

Thanks D
News - Jul 18, 2024 New EQ Client~ (don't patch)
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