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Question - KA can you run luas and lims (1 Viewer)

You can run one macro at a time.
You can run multiple Lua at a time.
You can run multiple plugins at a time.
You can run all 3 at once.

Beware of running two things with overlapping features. As they will conflict with each other and cause unexpected behavior
Lua, is a script, and can run in macroquest
Macro language, is a custom script language for macroquest, it can run in macroquest
Plugins are compiled programs made in c++, and if designed for it, can run in macroquest.

Kissassist is a macro that runs using the macro language that was custom made for macroquest.

Lua scripts will need the mq2lua plugin to run, but its not something you need to pay extra for if you have redguides very vanilla version of macroqeust.
Question - KA can you run luas and lims

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