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Problem - Kiss does not work prperly in Task "This Aint Right" (1 Viewer)


Nov 19, 2014
In the task "This Aint Right" (seasonal task) Kiss does not seem to work properly. The characters do not a auto assist or use ant DPS. They do heal, buff, and follow and that seems to be about all. This has been the same result even thru the last 3 compiles. Not dangerous to my Char set, but is annoying, and confusing. Also, is this the only place this is happening or might I find other zones/tasks this could follow into?
Kiss is programed not attack in pok so you don't try and nuke npcs while running around.

find this line and delete 202
Rich (BB code):
/declare DMZ                    int         outer       ${Select[${Zone.ID},345,344,202,203,279,151,33506]}
so it looks like this
Rich (BB code):
/declare DMZ                    int         outer       ${Select[${Zone.ID},345,344,,203,279,151,33506]}
Problem - Kiss does not work prperly in Task "This Aint Right"

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