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Leveling a cleric (1 Viewer)


New member
Nov 2, 2005
I just roled a cleric & i am looking for the best way to PL him. I have access to a 70 shammy & 70 Zerker to help. Once cleric gets to 62 I will Use taskmaster. but getting from 10- 62 is the problem. Is there any good working macros that could help me with that. Or any Ideas on how to best do this would help

Thanks for the help
make a bard on one of the other accounts and have cleric sit in FH while the bard runs in circles, you can do this while at keyboard or afk. either way. but that is the only option that i know of to do afk. or, buy damage shield potions (or have shammy make) and do it that way.
Does anyone have a list of Taskmasters & what level they will give tasks too. I am thinking of updating my taskmaster macro to do low levels too. It would be awesome to have a Taskmaster mac to pl from lvl 20 to 66 with a ton of aa`s
Spartan said:
Does anyone have a list of Taskmasters & what level they will give tasks too. I am thinking of updating my taskmaster macro to do low levels too. It would be awesome to have a Taskmaster mac to pl from lvl 20 to 66 with a ton of aa`s

Taskmaster is a bullseye on your back so be very careful...... you can start getting tasks at 57 careful that you also focus on your skills or you'll fizz to death.... Dreadlands is about the only TM's that work.....
Getting a bard that is a few lvls above the cleric to start out with hill help in the long run providing he doesnt die too much. Once the cleric catches up to the bard solo the bard using the shammy again till he can take the blues, white and red conns easier so cleric can get faster XP.
Zerker wont be of much use till high lvls but the shammy is great for Pling the bard. Once the bard gets mana regen the /melody 1 2 3 4 hotkey is great.

Could also do with a necro or a pet class instead of bard, giving the pet a 30 dam plus 2Hweapon still works at lvl 1. A pet with a temp at low lvls and a super weapon makes it a great tank and some easy XP at lower lvls. To buy the nice weapons for the pet I can make a few plat off breaking open barrels in Newbieland and selling bows till I have 40P then off to bazaar to buy any 2Hblunt, slashing, peircing weapon. Delay makes no diff to pet. Its the damage we want to exploit.
Once pet is crushing mobs fast, Haste potions or haste mask, belt froma high lvl mage works good for extra HP's and stats as well.
Then its just a matter of getting both chars skills up to stay current with lvl changes.
Get access to a high lvl druid from a guildie or friend. Cast highest lvl DS's on druid:

10-22 ~ Go to Paludal run around the camps with druid aggroing mobs. Have the cleric cast a nuke on each mob, you have to do at least 1 pt of damage or no xp. This becomes much easier when you get your first AE.

22-35 ~ Go to Tower of Frozen Shadow, Second Floor Library. Again have druid pull the entire library back to the entrance. Pull to cleric and have cleric chain AE's. AE snare is useful on the druid if it does no damage. Be sure to heal the cleric as AE's will definitely get him aggro.

35-47 ~ Go to City of Mist. Have druid cast DS's on the zerker. Pull a lot of mobs back to zone and do the AE thing with cleric. CoM mobs can be a little much for the druid so why I recommend using zerker.

At 47, the Cleric can group with shammy/zerker, from then on you're golden...

My buddy and I did this and had a lvl 55 cleric with less than 24 hours playtime in about a week of only PLing a few hours a night.
Leveling a cleric

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