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LF Previously-Posted FIshing Macro (1 Viewer)


New member
Nov 7, 2005
I had a great fishing macro that I got a while back from Red Guides that I can't find anymore. The regular fishing macro that comes with all of the compiles doesn't work for me in Darkhollow- it keeps saying I need to put my rod in my primary hand (though I am with my Fisherman's Companion). I was looking for the previous fishing macro I got on here- it came with fish.ini where you set the parameters for how much to keep of each fished item. If anyone has the macro or knows the link to it, can you link it here? Thanks.
Here's the one I use ... I can not remember where I got it ... but all the credit is internal ...

Rich (BB code):
| Advanced Fishing Macro
| adv_fishing.mac
| Author      : panther
| Version     : v1.0beta 2004-07-01 18:58pm GMT
| Useage      : /macro adv_fishing
| Description :
| This macro will fish for you and keep all items in FishingLoot.ini. You need a
| fisherman's companion in an inventory slot for this macro to work properly.

#turbo 10

#event BrokenPole "Your fishing pole broke!"
#event LostBait "You lost your bait!"
#event NeedPole "You can't fish without a fishing pole, go buy one."
#event NothingCaught "You didn't catch anything."
#event OutOfBait "You can't fish without fishing bait, go buy some."
#event PrimaryHand "You need to put your fishing pole in your primary hand."
#event SkillUp "You have become better at #1#! (#2#)"
#event SpillBeer "You spill your beer while bringing in your line."

Sub Main

   |Should I display fishing stats? (1 for yes, 0 for no)
   /declare RV_DisplayStats     int outer  1

   /echo Starting up ${Macro}
   /declare int_BrokenPole     int outer  0
   /declare int_ItemsDropped     int outer  0
   /declare int_LostBait     int outer  0
   /declare int_NothingCaught     int outer  0
   /declare int_SpillBeer     int outer  0
   /declare int_TotalCasts     int outer  0
   |Load in Loot Table.
   /call ReadINI FishingLoot.ini "${Zone.Name}" Loot
   /if (!${Defined[RV_LootArray]}) {
      /echo No Loot Table Created... Please create one.


      /call GMCheck
      /delay 2s
      /if (${Cursor.ID}) /call Looting
      /if (${Me.AbilityReady[Fishing]}) {
         /delay 1s
         /varcalc int_TotalCasts ${int_TotalCasts}+1
         /doability Fishing
   /goto :Start

|SUB: Display fishing stats.
Sub DisplayStats

   /declare nArray  int local
   /echo Total Casts = ${int_TotalCasts} (${Math.Calc[${Macro.RunTime}/60]} minutes)
   /echo ================== Loot Summary =================
   /if (${Defined[RV_LootArray]}) {
      /for nArray 1 to ${RV_LootArray.Size}
         /echo ${RV_LootArray[${nArray}]} (${Int[${RV_LootStats[${nArray}]}]})
      /next nArray
   /echo ================ Non-Loot Summary ===============
   /echo Broken Poles (${int_BrokenPole})
   /echo Items Destroyed (${int_ItemsDropped})
   /echo Lost Bait (${int_LostBait})
   /echo Nothing Caught (${int_NothingCaught})
   /echo Spilt Beer (${int_SpillBeer})
   /echo ===============================================

|SUB: Check for GM's in zone.
Sub GMCheck

   /if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) {
      /echo GM entered the zone!
      /echo For safty reasons ending the macro...


|SUB: Looting based on FishingLoot.ini.
Sub Looting

   /declare LootCheck   int inner  0

   /for LootCheck 1 to ${RV_LootArray.Size}
      /if (${Cursor.Name.Find[${RV_LootArray[${LootCheck}]}]}) {
         /echo Keeping a ${Cursor.Name}
         /echo ===============================================
         /varcalc RV_LootStats[${LootCheck}] ${RV_LootStats[${LootCheck}]}+1
   /next LootCheck

   /if (${Cursor.ID}) {
      /echo Destroying a ${Cursor.Name}...
      /echo ===============================================
      /varcalc int_ItemsDropped ${int_ItemsDropped}+1

   /if (${RV_DisplayStats}) /call DisplayStats

|SUB: Read loot table from the INI file.
Sub ReadINI(FileName,SectionName,ArrayType)

   /echo Retrieving ${SectionName} Loot from ${FileName}...
   /delay 1s

   /if (${Ini[${FileName},${SectionName},-1,NO].Equal[NO]}) {
      /echo "${SectionName}" is not a Valid Section for FILE:${FileName}, ending macro...
      /delay 1s
   /declare nValues     int local  1
   /declare nArray      int local  0
   /declare KeySet      string local  ${Ini[${FileName},${SectionName}]}

   /if (${String[${Ini[${FileName},${SectionName},${ArrayType}${nValues}]}].Equal[null]}) {
      /varcalc nValues ${nValues}-1
      /goto :MakeArray
   /varcalc nValues ${nValues}+1
   /goto :CounterLoop

   /if (!${nValues}) /return
   /if (${FileName.Equal["FishingLoot.ini"]}&&${nValues}>0) {
      /declare RV_LootArray[${nValues}]  string outer
      /declare RV_LootStats[${nValues}]  string outer

   /for nArray 1 to ${nValues}
      /if (${FileName.Equal["FishingLoot.ini"]}) {
         /varset RV_LootArray[${nArray}] ${Ini[${FileName},${SectionName},${ArrayType}${nArray}]}
         /varset RV_LootStats[${nArray}] 0
   /next nArray

   /echo Loaded loot list for ${SectionName}
   /delay 1s


|SUB: Event subroutines.
Sub Event_BrokenPole
   /varcalc int_BrokenPole ${int_BrokenPole}+1
   /varcalc int_NothingCaught ${int_NothingCaught}-1

Sub Event_LostBait
   /varcalc int_LostBait ${int_LostBait}+1
   /varcalc int_NothingCaught ${int_NothingCaught}-1

Sub Event_NeedPole
   /cast item "Fisherman's Companion"
   /delay 11s

Sub Event_NothingCaught
   /varcalc int_NothingCaught ${int_NothingCaught}+1

Sub Event_OutOfBait
   /Echo Ran out of Bait.
   /echo Ending Fishing. Please go get more bait.
   /sit off
   /sit on

Sub Event_PrimaryHand
   /cast item "Fisherman's Companion"
   /delay 11s

Sub Event_SkillUp(SkillUpText,Skill,int Amount)
   /popup Fishing increased to - ${Amount}
   /echo Fishing increased to - ${Amount}

Sub Event_SpillBeer
   /varcalc int_SpillBeer ${int_SpillBeer}+1
   /varcalc int_NothingCaught ${int_NothingCaught}-1

Rich (BB code):
[Abysmal Sea]
Loot1=1 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot2=1 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot3=10 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot4=10 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot5=11 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot6=11 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot7=12 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot8=12 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot9=13 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot10=13 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot11=14 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot12=14 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot13=15 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot14=15 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot15=2 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot16=2 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot17=3 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot18=3 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot19=4 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot20=4 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot21=5 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot22=5 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot23=6 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot24=6 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot25=7 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot26=7 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot27=8 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot28=8 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot29=9 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot30=9 lb. Saltwater Tuna

Loot1=clockwork koi

Loot1=hound pike

[Butcherblock Mountains]

Loot1=chokai bass

[City of Mist]
Loot1=fogwater trout

Loot1=boar carp

[Crystal Caverns]
Loot1=crystalline cave fish

Loot1=Cobalt Cod
Loot2=dragon bay snapper

[Dagnor's Cauldron]
Loot1=cauldron trout

[Deepest Guk]
Loot1=cave guppy
Loot2=eyeless whitefish
Loot4=fish slime
Loot5=covered planarian

Loot2=frilled anemone
Loot3=sea cucumber

[East Cabilis]
Loot1=10lb fetid bass
Loot2=11lb fetid bass
Loot3=12lb fetid bass
Loot4=13lb fetid bass
Loot5=14lb fetid bass
Loot6=15lb fetid bass
Loot7=16lb fetid bass
Loot8=17lb fetid bass
Loot9=2lb fetid bass
Loot10=3lb fetid bass
Loot11=4lb fetid bass
Loot12=5lb fetid bass
Loot13=6lb fetid bass
Loot14=7lb fetid bass
Loot15=8lb fetid bass
Loot16=9lb fetid bass
Loot17=giant fetid bass
Loot18=gigantic fetid bass
Loot19=humongous fetid bass
Loot20=large fetid bass
Loot21=large fetid bass
Loot22=large fetid bass
Loot23=large fetid bass
Loot24=salt minnow sewer
Loot25=catfish tiny
Loot26=fetid bass

[East Karana]
Loot1=thunder salmon

[Eastern Wastes]
Loot1=rygorrian toothfish

[Erud's Crossing]
Loot1=barren flounder

Loot1=thullian mudskipper

[Firiona Vie]
Loot1=10lb fetid bass
Loot2=11lb fetid bass
Loot3=12lb fetid bass
Loot4=13lb fetid bass
Loot5=14lb fetid bass
Loot6=15lb fetid bass
Loot7=16lb fetid bass
Loot8=17lb fetid bass
Loot9=2lb fetid bass
Loot10=3lb fetid bass
Loot11=4lb fetid bass
Loot12=5lb fetid bass
Loot13=6lb fetid bass
Loot14=7lb fetid bass
Loot15=8lb fetid bass
Loot16=9lb fetid bass
Loot17=giant fetid bass
Loot18=gigantic fetid bass
Loot19=humongous fetid bass
Loot20=large fetid bass large
Loot21=fetid bass
Loot22=large fetid bass
Loot23=tiny fetid bass

[Gulf of Gunthak]
Loot1=deep sea urchin
Loot2=gunthak gourami
Loot3=moray eel
Loot4=ovate jellyfish

[Highpass Hold]
Loot1=highland pike

[Hollowshade Moor]
Loot1=fish scales
Loot2=fresh fish
Loot3=rusty dagger

[Iceclad Ocean]
Loot1=iceclad cutlassfish
Loot2=salty whitefish

[Innothule Swamp]
Loot1=rujarkian chub
Loot2=thullian mudskipper

[Jaggedpine Forest]
Loot1=thunder salmon

[Kael Drakkel]
Loot1=frosty cave trout

[Karnor's Castle]
Loot1=wulf fish

[Kedge Keep]
Loot1=kedge carp

[Kerra Ridge]
Loot1=kerra catfish

[Lake Rathetear]
Loot1=rathe muskie

[Mines of Nurga]
Loot1=cave guppy
Loot2=sponge mushroom

Loot1=1 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot2=1 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot3=2 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot4=2 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot5=3 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot6=3 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot7=4 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot8=4 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot9=5 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot10=5 lb. Saltwater Tuna

[Nedaria`s Landing]
Loot1=thunder salmon

[Neriak - Commons]
Loot1=Fresh Fish
Loot2=Fish Scales

[North Felwithe]
Loot1=koada cichlid

[North Karana]
Loot1=thunder salmon

[Ocean of Tears]
Loot1=gunthak mackerel

[The Plane of Disease]
Loot1=diseased fish

[The Plane of Nightmares]
Loot1=Fresh Fish
Loot2=Fish Scales
Loot4=Waterleaf Scale
Loot5=Nightmare Cichlid

[The Plane of Storms]
Loot1=storm salmon

[The Plane of Tranquility]
Loot1=quellian koi
Loot2=waterleaf scale
Loot3=worn turban

[The Plane of Valor]
Loot1=Fresh Fish
Loot2=Fish Scales
Loot4=Vallorian Discus

[The Plane of Water]
Loot1=giant halibut
Loot2=giant snapper

[Rujarkian Hills]
Loot1=cave guppy

[Siren's Grotto]
Loot1=grotto bluegill

[Sleeper's Tomb]
Loot1=weary wrass

[South Felwithe]
Loot1=koada cichlid

[South Karana]
Loot1=thunder salmon

[Surefall Glade]
Loot1=pine cichlid

[Swamp of No Hope]
Loot1=despair chub
Loot2=krup guppy

[The Overthere]
Loot1=danak grouper

[The Ruins of Old Paineel]
Loot1=hatch dace

[The Ruins of Sebilis]
Loot1=kunzar koi

[Timorous Deep]
Loot1=saltwater seaweed
Loot2=timorous tuna

[Togiran Mines]
Loot1=bay seaweed
Loot2=blowfish barb
Loot3=gunthak gourami

[Toxxulia Forest]
Loot1=greengill salmon

Loot1=10 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot2=11 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot3=11 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot4=12 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot5=7 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot6=7 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot7=8 lb. Saltwater Crab
Loot8=8 lb. Saltwater Tuna
Loot9=9 lb. Saltwater
Loot11=fish scales
Loot12=rusty dagger

[Warslik's Woods]
Loot1=evergreen salmon

[West Cabilis]
Loot1=10lb fetid bass
Loot2=11lb fetid bass
Loot3=12lb fetid bass
Loot4=13lb fetid bass
Loot5=14lb fetid bass
Loot6=15lb fetid bass
Loot7=16lb fetid bass
Loot8=17lb fetid bass
Loot9=2lb fetid bass
Loot10=3lb fetid bass
Loot11=4lb fetid bass
Loot12=5lb fetid bass
Loot13=6lb fetid bass
Loot14=7lb fetid bass
Loot15=8lb fetid bass
Loot16=9lb fetid bass
Loot17=giant fetid bass
Loot18=gigantic fetid bass
Loot19=humongous fetid bass
Loot20=large fetid bass
Loot21=sewer catfish
Loot22=tiny fetid bass

[West Karana]
Loot1=thunder salmon

[Western Wastes]
Loot1=red roughy
I can't get it to work- everytime I load it, it read the zone-specific loot table but never starts fishing. I switched back to the regular fish macro that comes with all of the Red Guide compiles and it keeps saying that I need to put a fishing rod in my primary hand- but I have a Brell's summoned rod already in my primary hand.

Any thoughts from anyone? I really need to fish in Darkhollow to get up near 300 in Brewing- doing manual foraging of underfoot shrooms and fungus in Kaladim for Kaladim Constitutional is going to take me a lifetime (playing a non-forage class and race).
The Fish.mac included in the standard zip, got this little snippet:
Rich (BB code):
Sub CheckPole
   /if (${Me.Inventory[mainhand].Name.Find[Fishing Pole]}) /return
   /echo  You need to put your fishing pole in your primary hand.
If you read it, it should be rather obvious what it does.
A hint would be, that the Fisherman's Companion pole is called "Brell's Fishin' Pole".
An even greater hint would be:
Rich (BB code):
/if (${Me.Inventory[mainhand].Name.Find[Fishing Pole]} || ${Me.Inventory[mainhand].Name.Find[Brell's Fishin' Pole]}) /return
If I recall on the adv_fishing.mac you need to have the Fishing button in your actions window.

EvenLessSpam said:
If you read it, it should be rather obvious what it does.
A hint would be, that the Fisherman's Companion pole is called "Brell's Fishin' Pole".

Good catch ...
Alatyami said:
If I recall on the adv_fishing.mac you need to have the Fishing button in your actions window.
All abilities (at least AFAIK) that should be used through the /doability command, must be assigned to a button in the Actions window. I know this at least goes for forage, I assume it goes for every other ability as well.
I'm at work, so this is untested:
Rich (BB code):
| Name:       : Fishing.mac
| Author      : EvenLessSpam
| Version     : 1.0.0 2005-12-14 09:02 GMT
| Useage      : /macro Fishing.mac
| Requirements: Plugin: MQ2Exchange
|               Plugin: MQ2AutoDestroy or MQ2Cursor
|               Item:   Fisherman's Companion
| Description : Simple fishing macro, that will summon and equip
|               Brell's Fishin' Pole.
|               It will also forage, if you're a forage class, whenever the
|               ability is ready.
|               It will use MQ2AutoDestroy or MQ2Cursor to handle your forages
|               and catches.
|               It will use MQ2Exchange to make sure your pole is equipped in
|               your main hand.

#turbo 10

#event NoPole           "You can't fish without a fishing pole, go buy one."
#event NotEquipped      "You need to put your fishing pole in your primary hand."

Sub Main(bool ShowStats)
    /if (${Plugin[mq2exchange].Name.NotEqual[mq2exchange]}) {
        /echo This macro requires the MQ2Exchange plugin.
    /if (${Plugin[mq2autodestroy].Name.NotEqual[mq2autodestroy]} && ${Plugin[mq2cursor].Name.NotEqual[mq2cursor]}) {
        /echo This macro requires the MQ2AutoDestroy or MQ2Cursor plugin.
        /delay 1s
        /if (${Me.AbilityReady[Fishing]}) /doability Fishing
        /if (${Me.AbilityReady[Forage]}) /doability Fishing
    /goto :Loot

Sub SummonPole
        /cast item "Fisherman's Companion"
        /delay 11s (!${Me.Casting.ID})
        /if (${Cursor.ID}) /autoinv
    /if (!${FindItem[=Brell's Fishin' Pole].ID}) /goto :Summon
    /exchange "Brell's Fishin' Pole" mainhand

Sub Event_NoPole
    /call SummonPole

Sub Event_NotEquipped
    /call SummonPole
LF Previously-Posted FIshing Macro

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