/agree, and in another post, I had expressed how I thought altering the game to make it more fun was great...so long as it doesn't effect another player. I think it's one thing to advance your character, it's another to take away from another player. Let's say you got your cheat...and you fucked some guy out of that glowing rune. Hmm, I dunno...I guess you would have your rune...but you also accomplished making this guy group with you, spend his time and energy working to get the kill to get the rune for you...all the while he thinks he has a chance and all the while you have this cheat. What makes you more deserving? The fact that you were able to cheat the dude? Kinda fucked up. I agree with mguk here...it's folks who would do that crap that give MQ2 users a bad name. It's my opinion that MQ2 should only be used to enhance the game for yourself in ways that wont effect others...stealing another's chances at loot they worked for...I think crosses that line. Just my 2cp.