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looking for a legit deal on an account (1 Viewer)


Active member
Jul 30, 2006
Hi im wanting a decent deal on account with no ties of any kind straight honest ppl. Depending on the class and lvl will determine my likings. Not planning on spending alot of cash. Its not important but want an account that can do some work when i do play. 200 is my max. I figure 200 in monthly fees will get me where i need to be anyway with help from old friends . Ty
As long as the account isnt redflagged. I dont care . By honest i mean dont try and yank it back 2 months later. But accounts lvled using hacks etc. Arent worth a whole lot to me. As i know u can lvl an account to 90 n 3 days with deccent gear and aas. I mean realy? I've been a redman for years lol u think i mind hacks and cheats lol. My last account was lvled with gk . Until i loaned it out and someone decided to get careless with my account. And got it perma banned ..
Ive got 2 accounts. 1 has a lvl 80 necro, decent gear (some anguish, back when people where just starting to raid anguish), but hasnt been played in like 3 years.

The other is pretty much the same, lvl 80 ranger/lvl 80 cleric, decent gear but not great.

Both accounts are on rathe. Havent played in years, and dont really intend to again. I tried when EQ was free for a week, and I just dont enjoy it anymore.

$150 each, or $200 for both.
dont want to low ball u but how about 75 for the Ranger , i mean ( some anquish gear ) . just throwing that out there . just trien to work with u on something
dont want to low ball u but how about 75 for the Ranger , i mean ( some anquish gear ) . just throwing that out there . just trien to work with u on something

Ive got 2 accounts. 1 has a lvl 80 necro, decent gear (some anguish)

The other is pretty much the same, lvl 80 ranger/lvl 80 cleric, decent gear but not great.
$150 each, or $200 for both.

Ranger doesnt have any anguish gear, necro has anguish.
I am way to lazy for that. Just edit your title in the first post under Go Advanced editing and change it Sold or whatever
Im gonna be on tunare if anyone wants to group sometimes. Got a 90 ranger has 55k buffed. Realy nice gear. Gonna need a few ppl to hang with. Toon is new there as am i hehe
Primary Stats

Level 90
Class Ranger
Race Woodelf Deity Karana
Server Tunare - The Seventh Hammer
Experience Level 90

21% to Level 91
Hit Points 47,537 | 54,013
Mana 42,211 | 42,353
Endurance 42,075 | 42,221
Armor Class 4,770 | 5,122
Attack 2,548 | 2,642

STR 623 | 623 Poison 625 | 625
STA 621 | 621 Magic 625 | 625
AGI 634 | 634 Disease 625 | 625
DEX 628 | 628 Fire 625 | 625
WIS 624 | 624 Cold 625 | 625
INT 560 | 560 Corruption 43 | 43
CHA 618 | 618
Last Online Mar 10 2011
Profile Updated Mar 20 2011

Equipped Items

Backpack Items
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looking for a legit deal on an account

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